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Taliban Military Chief Mullah Baradar captured by Pakistan

I think OBL is some where in pakistan. Will be found one fine day like todays operation.
And till hes not there, we'll keep repeating that just to keep Pakistan suspicious in the eyes of the international community.

Point to me one instance where Pakistan has said we will not take action against OBL if evidence is given of where he is at. Pakistan HAS caught criminals and will continue to do so as and when the evidence against them builds up.

Despite what such statements like to imply, we're not pulling out rabbits out of the hat at opportune moments to make ourselves look good. It's a war. It costs, time, money and lives.
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Pakistan has done a great job so now will all the morons shut up? or as Asim said they will still keep blabbering
Whatever but Musharaf is most BS person i have evaa seen in History who sell this country for few $$ who even accpt in his own book that he handover PAkistani citizen damn shamefull personlity and most pathetic person i have ever seen in the history !!!
Relax, Ahsan! Maybe the ISI is really fooling us foolish Americans by leading us to Mullah B.'s body double!

Hay Solomon. are u mocking us by you clever remarks,you and other like you should stand and salute pakistan and its people, Instead, I see you making jokes.

We the pakistanis need you guys to stop being clever and start respecting us, salute and respect should be from heart not clever talk again. Cupish
I think OBL is some where in pakistan. Will be found one fine day like todays operation.

If u know that OBL is in pakistan, why don't you tell us than, otherwise it is spaculations and assumptions.

You know that Pakistan is doing more than anyone else on WOT, and therefore you should refrain from making allegations based on heresay.
General: They say one of the reasons we lost the war was because commanders filed false reports. No one in my command would have dared to file a false report!

Captain: Sir, I was under your command, and I regularly filed false reports.

General: Salute when you speak to a superior officer!



Problem solved?
General: They say one of the reasons we lost the war was because commanders filed false reports. No one in my command would have dared to file a false report!

Captain: Sir, I was under your command, and I regularly filed false reports.

General: Salute when you speak to a superior officer!



Problem solved?

Previously some high profile taliban and OBL gang discovered in pakistan. There is no law or no state control over vast land border with afghanistan. They are able to fight against army equipped with tanks and air force. I have not seen anywhere in the world tanks and airforce is used on its own territory on its own people.

I see the Americans here are going all GA-GA and HIP HIP HURRAH! over the capture of watchamacallit No. 2 of the Talibaans. Well good to see the yanks cheering for this small 'gift' from Pakistan for all that hardware ya'all gave us recently. Enjoy the bloke boys and give him some sorta protective custody in Wyoming or Oklahoma after he spills the beans ya all so desperately need! I am thinking a 3 bed house with a white picket fence, a Honda and the usual cover up stuff would do just fine for Mr. watchamacallit!


..............and ya ya! you are most welcome!
Actually in the hubris can someone actually confirm his capture as the GOP said he was not.

I think he safely enroute to AF or Saudi.

Actually in the hubris can someone actually confirm his capture as the GOP said he was not.

I think he safely enroute to AF or Saudi.


Trying to look the gift horse in the mouth are we? Tut! Tut! :lol:
Trying to look the gift horse in the mouth are we? Tut! Tut! :lol:

U mis-understood he is safely enroute to the AF if he does not want to play ball and Saudi if he ready to do a deal but definately in some good safe company. I say it because your home minister denied his capture.


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