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Taliban gaining Power : Talat Hussain analyse the situation

Don't worry Zarvan - Your buddies aka TTP will be crushed again..These TTP at best will conduct some suicide attacks and kills innocent Pakistanis which you will cheer..i know you will.Army has planned to deploy more troops in Swat and along Afghan Border.So these roaches will be taken care off.
TTP, BLA & other terrorist groups are getting help from US & India openly, & if these terrorists are gaining power its because of these 2 countries. Now TTP is hiding in Afghanistan in the laps of US & India. The solution for Pakistan is Military Rule only they can save Pakistan, the corrupt Democracy will only chock & strangle Pakistan & to be honest Democracy today is NOT a solution for Pakistan & it never will be.
in a insurgency, the insurgents will cede control of areas they once held, only to reclaim them again after their enemies have weakened. in this case (KP/Swat), the army defeated, deterred and derailed the TTP. once the kinetic operations were completed, the civilian govt.(govt. of ANP) was supposed to take over the re-construction and re-hablitation of the areas and their people. in this they (govt. of ANP) failed miserably. it is not the job of the army to do what the civilian govt. was supposed to do. the (govt. of ANP) was too busy licking the 'boots' of our corrupt president (so that they can stay in power) while the TTP slowly and surely moved back-in to the areas they once controlled. the FM radio of m/fazlullah is back on air. the weakened enemy in this case is the (govt. of ANP) and not the army.
who TTP or AF taliban? Both should not btw.
They are all interlinked. Afghan Taliban -TTP - Al Qaeda - LeT - LeJ - HuJI - JeM. Add to this mix the 'Punjabi Taliban'.

According to counter terrorism experts, these groups have long shared a symbiotic relationship. They support each other, they coordinate with each other, sometimes they compete with each other, and sometimes they even fight each other, making it difficult to distinguish between them.

"Al-Qaeda has assumed a role as mediator and coalition builder among various Pakistani militant group factions by promoting the unification of entities that have opposed one another or had conflicting ideas about whether to target the Pakistani state." – Don Rassler
That's the summer offensive. Snow melts and passes open, it makes it easier to cross over into Pakistan from Afghanistan. Thus the rise in frequency of attacks. It is by no means a resurgence.
That's the summer offensive. Snow melts and passes open, it makes it easier to cross over into Pakistan from Afghanistan. Thus the rise in frequency of attacks. It is by no means a resurgence.

So does this make it a yearly recurrence? In that case it seems you are no further than where you started from.
The provincial govt. has failed miserably. There has been next to no reconstruction in the areas that had been cleared of militants and there's a serious lack of effort to counter extremist propaganda.

Those suggesting that the Military should once again assume the government's role are not thinking clearly. Our Armed Forces are already engaged on multiple fronts and should never take up roles that are better assigned to civilians.
So does this make it a yearly recurrence? In that case it seems you are no further than where you started from.

From being the base of operations of for all militant operations in the region and suffering a major terrorist incident every week to having a slightly elevated number of cross border raids during the summer moths with up to six moths between consecutive major terrorism incidents. I'd say we have come a very long way from 2006-09.
OOoh i should be scared by this news..Taliban were already in FATA and even freely roaming in peshawar in 2006 as far as i remember...until Kpk government told them to back off to their initial marking or if they want to come to cities than they would have to leave their arms and ammunition in tribal belts..
They are all interlinked. Afghan Taliban -TTP - Al Qaeda - LeT - LeJ - HuJI - JeM. Add to this mix the 'Punjabi Taliban'.

According to counter terrorism experts, these groups have long shared a symbiotic relationship. They support each other, they coordinate with each other, sometimes they compete with each other, and sometimes they even fight each other, making it difficult to distinguish between them.

"Al-Qaeda has assumed a role as mediator and coalition builder among various Pakistani militant group factions by promoting the unification of entities that have opposed one another or had conflicting ideas about whether to target the Pakistani state." – Don Rassler

I agree with your point, But i have a point for your consideration, I dont think Lashkar E Taiba is in this group, Why i am saying this is Other than Let all other groups have turned against Pakistan State. Let has made it clear it wishes to wage jihad against India. Let may provide moral support to all other groups including al-qaeda, but i doubt they will provide, Equipments, Training assistance etc.

further Let is a pet to pakistan Intelligence agencies.
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