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Taliban forces take control of key district in Afghanistan's Helmand province

I did not say happily this is a good news. But the ANA- has been incompetent and ineffective in stopping them. They have failed on many levels...not only to bring peace to Afghanistan,... but also they become complicit with RAW and supported TTP against Pakistan and there is a lot of evidence which Pak Army has provided to USA. Furthermore, TTP will not be emboldened at all if you look at the ground realities, TTP has been with NDS; Taliban enemies and now with ISIS again enemy of Taliban. Everybody recognises, even their worst critics, that Taliban has no designs to expand beyond the borders of Afghanistan unlike ISIS and TTP. But still I'm not happy with them but they are the better than the other alternatives. I never heard Talibans making statements against Pakistan but I hear Ashraf Ghani, Abdullah Abdullah, Hamid Karzai and NDS spitting venom against Pakistan every other day....Can you please show any such statement by Taliban against Pakistan despite we sided with USA against them.
We should talk with reference not just by personal opinions. Do I prefer Taliban over venomous NDS --- Yes of course, Do I prefer Taliban over ISIS + TTP ---- Yes, of course.
Let not be childish and sell ourselves cheap to the media propaganda without credibility. Look at the ground situation. They are gaining weight day by day and we should decided in the best national interest of Pakistan.

Is it really true. If so then we should back him up and get him out of Indian and anti- Pakistani influences. I thought that too but I'm not really sure if he can deliver? How can we strengthen him. in end we want peace in Afghanistan and also the safeguard Pakistan's national interest.
The truth is that Ghani has bad little choice but to pander to the Indian lobby. The NDS has done everything in it's power to sabotage his regime, but he hasn't taken the bait, while doing the bare minimum to ensure that hardliners are satisfied enough that they don't threaten his rule.

Can he deliver? Certainly. Especially with the US and China backing him. This is precisely while his opponents haven't been as vocal about stopping peace talks, and while the NDS has had to use dirty tactics to try and undermine him. Kunduz, Kandahar airport attack, and now Helmand, these aren't intel failures by the NDS, they're deliberate oversights to weaken Ghani, whom the pro-Indian NDS sees as being too close to Pakistan.
The truth is that Ghani has bad little choice but to pander to the Indian lobby. The NDS has done everything in it's power to sabotage his regime, but he hasn't taken the bait, while doing the bare minimum to ensure that hardliners are satisfied enough that they don't threaten his rule.

Can he deliver? Certainly. Especially with the US and China backing him. This is precisely while his opponents haven't been as vocal about stopping peace talks, and while the NDS has had to use dirty tactics to try and undermine him. Kunduz, Kandahar airport attack, and now Helmand, these aren't intel failures by the NDS, they're deliberate oversights to weaken Ghani, whom the pro-Indian NDS sees as being too close to Pakistan.
But this should provide him enough reason to fire some rotten eggs from NDS and in his administration as their incapability now speaks volume and any action would totally justified.
If war goes on for few more years entire Afghanistan will fall back to Taliban. ANA has neither strength or stamina to fight Afghan Taliban for long time.
If war goes on for few more years entire Afghanistan will fall back to Taliban. ANA has neither strength or stamina to fight Afghan Taliban for long time.
the paid soldier of ANA are no match for the motivated Talibans who have the experience of fighting Russians and NATO/Americans. Pakistan has backed out from their support and still they have not only managed to survive on their own but also to recapture and launch major overt offences despite the presence of NATO.
the paid soldier of ANA are no match for the motivated Talibans who have the experience of fighting Russians and NATO/Americans. Pakistan has backed out from their support and still they have not only managed to survive on their own but also to recapture and launch major overt offences despite the presence of NATO.

The sacrifices Pakistan Army has made to clear Swat valley and Tribal areas from Talibaboons is nothing short of a miracle, I would love to see ANA liberating these areas from the Talis, but realistically its going to be a very tough ask, NATO has spent billions and billions and still they couldnt win hearts and minds and liberate Afghanistan from the Talis.
The sacrifices Pakistan Army has made to clear Swat valley and Tribal areas from Talibaboons is nothing short of a miracle, I would love to see ANA liberating these areas from the Talis, but realistically its going to be a very tough ask, NATO has spent billions and billions and still they couldnt win hearts and minds and liberate Afghanistan from the Talis.
There is a major difference. Pakistan is a very different country and society. We love our freedom and that psychopath Fazalullah was not a popular person in Swat and locals did not like him. Thus Pak military launched the offence, local people supported Pak army though they suffered a lot of collateral damage. We should salute them along with the martyrs of Pak army. Pakistan army has always been loved by Pakistani people as an institution.
But Talibans are popular and enjoy local support in the areas they operate. While the NDS/ANA are not popular but imposed by NATO/USA on Afghans. They are seen as enemies and traitors and to add insult to injury, they are thoroughly corrupt and far more cruel than Talibans. They don't stand a chance against Taliban once NATO moves out. This is their frustration that results in their barking against Pakistan like a crazy dog.
They are not that serious since they do not provide even the basic arms and even the salaries to the soldiers. Governor is a brave man and he fights Taliban and ISIS with limited resources. Ghani and others are just busy in enjoying their lives in presidential palaces. There are videos on yt to find out facts. Talibans are gaining control day by day because they are motivated people. They are also fighting ISIS which is commendable and are much more effective than the paid ANA. Thus I see Talibans as a much better people to deal with than both (1) Pakphobic NDS ungrateful and disgraceful terrorists who have been supporting Indian RAW terrorists i.e. TTP, and (2) the ISIS. Tablibans enjoy a strong support from majority of Afghans that is the reason for their success and survival against much equipped NATO.

There is no hope since ANA is ineffective despite billions of dollars poured on them by USA; they are corrupt and incompetent (normally these two run hand in hand).

I would find it difficult to believe what you have written -- the Taliban's behavior with locals when they took over Kunduz was despicable: looting, raping, etc.

I think it is too early to tell what is going on -- Helmand I suspect is very different from Kunduz.

Plus the Taliban are no friends of Pakistan -- they hate Pakistan as much as the rest of the Afghans, for now it is simply convenient for them not to act against Pakistan.
Somebody heard the news of peace talks being continued
I would find it difficult to believe what you have written -- the Taliban's behavior with locals when they took over Kunduz was despicable: looting, raping, etc.

I think it is too early to tell what is going on -- Helmand I suspect is very different from Kunduz.

Plus the Taliban are no friends of Pakistan -- they hate Pakistan as much as the rest of the Afghans, for now it is simply convenient for them not to act against Pakistan.
Maybe what you are saying is totally true (highly unlikely though) but NDS/ANA is the one that not only spews venom against Pakistan in their speech but also they support TTP and RAW. Talibans mostly suffer with bad repo but one thing I'm sure that they will not rape as it is against sharia which they want to implement and I would rather someone as reputable as Yvonne Ridley since she ventured into Afghanistan illegally and was captured by Afghanistan govt - Taliban and she rather converted to Islam and her videos are available on YT and that really counters whatever propaganda and falsification you have been doing. In addition, there are several reports that they despite being strict brought total peace to Afghanistan during their rule over 95% of area. Eliminated hashish (which 90% of ANA soldiers can't live without). Thus enough of BS and I would demand you back up your claims with some sound neutral sources and links.
While here are some links from my side
If you really feel to quote me again on this thread, make sure you have watched this video (above) in a good way.
The ANA with their Hashish addiction below
Another one
Maybe what you are saying is totally true (highly unlikely though) but NDS/ANA is the one that not only spews venom against Pakistan in their speech but also they support TTP and RAW. Talibans mostly suffer with bad repo but one thing I'm sure that they will not rape as it is against sharia which they want to implement and I would rather someone as reputable as Yvonne Ridley since she ventured into Afghanistan illegally and was captured by Afghanistan govt - Taliban and she rather converted to Islam and her videos are available on YT and that really counters whatever propaganda and falsification you have been doing. In addition, there are several reports that they despite being strict brought total peace to Afghanistan during their rule over 95% of area. Eliminated hashish (which 90% of ANA soldiers can't live without). Thus enough of BS and I would demand you back up your claims with some sound neutral sources and links.
While here are some links from my side
If you really feel to quote me again on this thread, make sure you have watched this video (above) in a good way.
The ANA with their Hashish addiction below
Another one

I would give greater weight to:
1. What UNHCR reported from Kunduz -- which included reports of widespread rapes, looting and other abuses
2. Personal accounts of people like @Samandri -- who have personal experience when dealing with the Taliban
3. This does not excuse the ANA or NDS -- I have pointed out that not much can be expected from them, they are a product of Afghanistan which has gone through 40 years of war and strife

I would give greater weight to:
1. What UNHCR reported from Kunduz -- which included reports of widespread rapes, looting and other abuses
2. Personal accounts of people like @Samandri -- who have personal experience when dealing with the Taliban
3. This does not excuse the ANA or NDS -- I have pointed out that not much can be expected from them, they are a product of Afghanistan which has gone through 40 years of war and strife

Still no links or sources right? while I provided you with video links.
How do I know if a certain person on pdf is telling the truth and is not a false flagger since there is so much anonymity. It would be great if you can provide some authentic and verifiable sources.
Who are "the Taliban"? I dont think they exist at least not in a way that most people believe. You have hundreds of groups fighting against the government. Just watched tolonews and it was reporting that there are 264 armed groups posing threat to TAPI project in five provinces.
264 Armed Groups Pose Threat To TAPI In Five Provinces

To make TAPI you will have to defeat or control these 264 organizations. To do that you need a compilation of military progress and diplomacy. But Kabul government is weak because it depends on foreign soldiers and money. How are they going to pacify Afghanistan? Its impossible.
Still no links or sources right? while I provided you with video links.
How do I know if a certain person on pdf is telling the truth and is not a false flagger since there is so much anonymity. It would be great if you can provide some authentic and verifiable sources.

I've posted links in previous posts -- and I generally post links of scholarly or journalistic quality -- the rule of thumb I use is 40-60% of the citations should be of the quality of a graduate level academic paper.

The UNHCR narrative is will published -- I don't have the time right now to go and search it.

@Samandri's narrative would not qualify as a citable reference but as a layman and casual observer I would admit his opinion for my personal curiosity -- plus his posts are well qualified with sources when asked.
Ghani will make sure that he takes Afghanistan to hell again. What did he achieve by talking to Pakistan? they simply cant get rid of their terrorism exporting mindset or getting strategic depth in Afghanistan. why cant he reads the writing in the wall that Pakistan doesn't want a stable Afghanistan

They will blame us for this defeat again like we are their bodyguards
Clear incompetence of Afghan Army and intelligence. They will blame Pakistan but how long this excuse will work ? The weak Afghan administration neither can defeat the Talibans nor they want to talk to them. So the stalemate continues.
I bet they'll find "Pakistani ID cards" on dead Talis soon enough.

After fall of Kunar, my Afghan friend was telling me how Afghan news all over Afghanistan were reporting that Pakistani ID cards were found on dead Talibans. I never understood that if Pakistan was really involved directly, why the f*ck would we carry our IDs with us so that entire world knows that we are doing it?! Does it make any sense?

Hopefully peace prevails in Afghanistan!

Actually the whole world blames you guys for terrorism

US military chief accuses Pakistan of backing terror group | World news | The Guardian
Cameron sparks diplomatic row with Pakistan after 'export of terror' remarks | Politics | The Guardian
Xinjiang unrest: China blames unrest on Pakistan-trained terrorists - The Express Tribune

Take your pick guys
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