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Taliban Expands, Spreads Through More Of Afghanistan Than At Any Point Since 2001: Report


Jan 20, 2013
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United States
United States
Article here, excerpts below:

A total of 27 of Afghanistan’s 34 provinces now have some districts where the threat levels are high or extreme, while several others, including regions surrounding Kabul, are reportedly classified as being under “substantial” threat. Moreover, as the assessment is based on data compiled before the militant group began its offensive in the northern city of Kunduz, the current situation on the ground is believed to be much worse.
Article here, excerpts below:

A total of 27 of Afghanistan’s 34 provinces now have some districts where the threat levels are high or extreme, while several others, including regions surrounding Kabul, are reportedly classified as being under “substantial” threat. Moreover, as the assessment is based on data compiled before the militant group began its offensive in the northern city of Kunduz, the current situation on the ground is believed to be much worse.
If I ask you to summarize the status, how is it ? How did it go in past 10 and 20 years ? How do you see the future ?
Sad but there really isn't anything any other country can do. It's not like nobody tried.
If I ask you to summarize the status, how is it ? How did it go in past 10 and 20 years ? How do you see the future ?

very difficult to predict the future ... and I am no expert.

Experts seem to think Pakistan does not want the Taliban to take Kabul.

The experts seem to think that the Taliban can not take Kabul if the Western dollars continue

Most experts seem to think that the report cards of the Afghan government is now worse than previously thought.

Almost all experts agree that if the West withheld its dollars, the Afghan government would collapse in short order -- Najibullah redux -- the aftermath may even be worse.

The most serious accusation against Pakistan is that it wants a weak Afghanistan -- however wanting and achieving are two different things.

For those of us sitting in the US know that our country is tired and our treasury is empty. We cannot provide healthcare for our wounded veterans -- the question I ask is why should I prop up Afghan elites so they can eat cake.

very difficult to predict the future ... and I am no expert.

Experts seem to think Pakistan does not want the Taliban to take Kabul.

The experts seem to think that the Taliban can not take Kabul if the Western dollars continue

Most experts seem to think that the report cards of the Afghan government is now worse than previously thought.

Almost all experts agree that if the West withheld its dollars, the Afghan government would collapse in short order -- Najibullah redux -- the aftermath may even be worse.

The most serious accusation against Pakistan is that it wants a weak Afghanistan -- however wanting and achieving are two different things.

For those of us sitting in the US know that our country is tired and our treasury is empty. We cannot provide healthcare for our wounded veterans -- the question I ask is why should I prop up Afghan elites so they can eat cake.

You are the resident expert of the subject at hand in this forum..hehe.

Voicing my personal opinions :

1. I don't think Pakistan does not want to retake Kabul. The desire and strategic importance of the same was there before. The reasons are governed by the location. I believe the desire is still there, and always will be. Afghanistan is the gateway to Central Asia afterall.

2. West will spend only pennies for the Afghans, that's a given..That's what they did last time, that's what they are did this time.

They spent billion, equally backed up by the Saudis last time. But how much money they spent on rebuilding schools and wells ? That's a joke actually.

3. For the last part, I will quote that Spiderman movie, "Great powers come with great responsibilities". I mean, if they don't do it right this time, then they will need another 9/11 to make it right.
You are the resident expert of the subject at hand in this forum..hehe.

--> Thank you for your kind words but in book an my Expert
--> has a very high bar, I'm an expert at what I do for putting
--> bread on my family's table
--> There are people here who have more in-depth knowledge
--> of aspects of the Afghan situation (not that I agree with them)
--> @Samandri on his knowledge of Pashtun culture
--> @A-Team from an inside Afghan perspective
--> @That Guy has worked with Afghan refugees in Pakistan
--> there are other members who visit Afghanistan and have
--> been part of ISAF, projects in Afghanistan
--> I actually approach Afghanistan from the perspective of
--> a layman -- I try to point out inconsistencies
--> and consistencies between experts

Voicing my personal opinions :

1. I don't think Pakistan does not want to retake Kabul. The desire and strategic importance of the same was there before. The reasons are governed by the location. I believe the desire is still there, and always will be. Afghanistan is the gateway to Central Asia after all.

--> Well the reason voiced for Pakistan not wanting an outright
--> Taliban victory is that the Afghan Taliban will immediately
--> give succor to the Pakistani Taliban
--> The Afghan Taliban have a relationship of convenience
--> with Pakistan -- nothing more
--> For example Mullah Omar never condemned the
--> actions of the TTP inside Pakistan

--> Pakistan's priority list seems to be [in descending order] :
--> 1. A friendly regime in Afghanistan "the Musalmaan bhai" like Turkey is to Pakistan
--> 2. A client regime in Afghanistan like Bhutan is to India
--> 3. An internally weak Afghanistan that cannot be a threat
--> 4. [nightmare scenario] An Afghanistan that is internally strong and hostile [as in the 50s]

2. West will spend only pennies for the Afghans, that's a given..That's what they did last time, that's what they are did this time.

--> Yes Agreed
--> As some recent articles have pointed out
--> Pakistan is not the most dangerous country in the world
--> But Pakistan can be the greatest danger to the world
--> A collapsed Pakistan is a nightmarish scenario that
--> could trigger WW III
--> So the West's security interests are tied up in Pakistan
--> The West will never favor Afghanistan over Pakistan

They spent billion, equally backed up by the Saudis last time. But how much money they spent on rebuilding schools and wells ? That's a joke actually.

3. For the last part, I will quote that Spiderman movie, "Great powers come with great responsibilities". I mean, if they don't do it right this time, then they will need another 9/11 to make it right.

--> Well the West's point of view is that they have done their part
--> They have tried to inject almost 200 billion dollars directly into
--> Afghanistan with much more spent indirectly
--> The Afghan squandered that opportunity
--> Remember 200 billion on a nation of 30 million
--> For example Pakistan (a nuclear power) does not
--> expand ties with Tehran at the cost of upsetting the Arab world
--> although textbooks will tell us as a sovereign country
--> Pakistan has the right to develop relationships with any
--> country it chooses
--> After 9/11 the Taliban had disbanded -- Mullah Omar was
--> so disillusioned that he went to being a madrassa teacher
--> it wasn't until Afghanistan took an overtly pro-India tone
--> that Pakistan is said to have considered the need for Plan-B
--> instead of playing into the India Pakistan rivalry
--> had Afghanistan's leadership made the decision to be
--> say Bhutan to Pakistan -- not because they liked it
--> but because of reality, how different would things be.
--> The people responsible for Afghanistan's situation are
--> principally Afghans and to a lesser degree Pakistanis and Indians
I expect a stalemate. The only way this conflict ends is with a political solution, with Pakistan acting as a guarantor of any deal.

With a renewed push by Pakistan AND the US to restart talks, both sides will probably come back to the table within a few months at most. Once that happens, the talks will be kept even MORE secretive, and the US will probably monitor Afghan leadership (including opposition, ANA and NDS), just in case another "unexpected incident" occurs from their side, which may derail talks.
@pakistani342 nothing can happen positive without peace talks because ANA is loosing 4000 men's a month.Taliban today aren't only supported by Pashtuns or religious fanatics but also they have showed Presence in those regions where they were not seen during there peak days in 1999. Taliban have shown presence in Badakshan which was stronghold of Northern Alliance during 1999 Taliban-NA war. Recently Dari speaking Taliban have also been in Action meaning that Kabul is pushing everybody into there hands.Every passing day situation id going worst in Afghanistan.Once ANA looses anything taking it back without ISAF support is impossible,there first offensive to retake kunduz was repelled.Stories of rape and looting by Taliban can impress surely those who have never been to Afghanistan but they have no effect on a common Afghan.
@pakistani342 nothing can happen positive without peace talks because ANA is loosing 4000 men's a month.Taliban today aren't only supported by Pashtuns or religious fanatics but also they have showed Presence in those regions where they were not seen during there peak days in 1999. Taliban have shown presence in Badakshan which was stronghold of Northern Alliance during 1999 Taliban-NA war. Recently Dari speaking Taliban have also been in Action meaning that Kabul is pushing everybody into there hands.Every passing day situation id going worst in Afghanistan.Once ANA looses anything taking it back without ISAF support is impossible,there first offensive to retake kunduz was repelled.Stories of rape and looting by Taliban can impress surely those who have never been to Afghanistan but they have no effect on a common Afghan.

The problem is that the Taliban don't seem to be interested in peace talks -- it seems laughable but an article the other day said that Mullah Mansour switched off his cell phone and disappeared right before the Marri talks so that he would not have to make an appearance after being pressurized by Pakistan.

It also seems that Pakistan has conveyed that they will not arrest Taliban leaders on Pakistani territory (Moeed Yusuf said so) -- they will not do so absence a treaty that insulates Pakistan from being made a scape goat.

So I'm not sure how peace talks are possible until something changes.
it seems laughable but an article the other day said that Mullah Mansour switched off his cell phone and disappeared right before the Marri talks so that he would not have to make an appearance after being pressurized by Pakistan.
Afghan war lords and Indian Friends are not interested in such talks,talks may lead to power sharing and peace which ultimately will kick Indian Covert War Unit out of kabul and stoppage of those funds from west which are being used by warlords to increase there business.
Afghan war lords and Indian Friends are not interested in such talks,talks may lead to power sharing and peace which ultimately will kick Indian Covert War Unit out of kabul and stoppage of those funds from west which are being used by warlords to increase there business.

I think one thing seems to be certain -- a lot more killing and blood letting will happen before the stalemate is broken.
Afghan war lords and Indian Friends are not interested in such talks,talks may lead to power sharing and peace which ultimately will kick Indian Covert War Unit out of kabul and stoppage of those funds from west which are being used by warlords to increase there business.

Indians are not going away any sooner. They have very strong allies in the form of Northern Alliance (N/A). Americans have placed N/A on top and their proportion in governance is more than that of Pushtuns. They hate us like anything. So this is a life-time drama. However, Pakistan should ONLY safeguard her own interests. No more "strategic death" and no more "Muslim brotherhood". We just need to keep ourselves safe from the venom being sprinkled from across the border.
The problem is that the Taliban don't seem to be interested in peace talks.

The current Afghan Government is not interested to pursue the policy of peace talks with the Taliban, otherwise the leaking of the news of Mullah Omar death from their intelligence bureau would not have occurred.
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