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Taliban Enter Northern Capital Kunduz

well the fact is that FIRST and FOREMOST, people want SAFETY and SECURITY instead of corruption, extortion & exploitation like the filthy corrupt ghani & karzai regimes have been putting the masses through. I mean, for God's sakes man, this joker called dostum was given the title of a "field marshall" just for being a two bit warlord, he hasn't served in a professional army as a uniformed anything, not even a chapraasi...of course the masses will throng to the Taliban in spite of having ideological differences. their whole thing is that they'll manage the Taliban once they are in power and restore things like women's education and right to work and all that BUT within an Islamic framework. at least corruption, extortion & exploitation say tau jaan chootay gi, at least the honor and dignity of their daughters, sisters & safety of children will be guaranteed. we may be take these things as trivial in our lives but they mean the world to the afghans who yearn to live in an environment where they will be sure that once a woman goes to work or school, she'll return unscathed.

I see you were talking about the general population. I thought you meant the Afghan elites. But your right, to the regular civilian, they just want a safe and stable life.
Lashkargah has already practucally fallen and is of no strategic value since all of the province its fertile poppy fields are under the talis

Kandahar and herat are two important cities

Torkham/jalabad has value for its route

If these three fall and taliban hold its current ground then the central govt is good as gone

But airpower is the key

A single b52 can devastate taliban forces and we may well see reversal of any gains..with no boot on ground there will be no holding back this time..you will see 100 civilians dying in carpet bombing for each talis

Expect the cities to be levelled just like in the 1990s

Best case senrio is for talis to take over without usa bombing or ANA to fight without air power

Air bombing will destroy afghanistan with it the taliban

Are you a pushtoon??
If no then u have no idea what hell r u taking about

An Army marches on its Stomach. If the Talibs cut of or impede the ability of the ANA to resupply men and materiel (via primarily helicopters but also transport planes) to the areas the ANA have taken back or currently hold, such as by crating the airfields, and taking out other airport infrastructure, it will totally change the situation.

Cant do much against foreign air strikes unless they have modern anti-gps gear or laser dazzlers, but other than that tactics and not bunching up in one place is key.

Bogging down the ANA with mobile “artillery” like 120 mm mortars on Jeeps maybe potent. A lot of siege warfare is 11 Charlie units with mortars/artillery forcing opposing units into kill zones, or knocking out key installations via artillery, so men don’t have to be risked.

Psychology of taking provincial capital after provincial capital day after day, may make other leaders in other provincial capitals capitulate, and it might be too much for the already overstretched ANA to handle, especially if when they do a counter attack they are met with “minefields”; anti-helo/air capabilities as well as mortars and possibly ATGMs.

Will and Leadership still remain key deciding factors.
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Both Kunduz and sar e pul have fallen to Taliban.

Kunduz and Sar-e-Pul in the north fell within hours of each other on Sunday, lawmakers and residents in the cities confirmed, but not without fierce fighting.
I think Kandahar and Lashkar Gah will be next.
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