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Taliban chief Mullah Mohammad Omar was killed two years ago


Feb 3, 2014
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The Taliban supreme leader Mullah Mohammad Omar was killed by senior Taliban leaders two years ago, it has been claimed.
A splinter group of the Taliban – Afghanistan Islamic Movement Fidai Mahaz has said Mullah Omar was killed by Taliban leaders Mullah Akhtar Muhammad Mansoor and Gull Agha.

The group’s spokesman Qari Hamza said Mullah Omar was killed two years ago in the same month of July.

Hamza claimed that the group has evidences to prove their claims that Mullah Omar was killed by Mullah Akhtar Muhammad Mansoor and Gull Agha.

This comes as the Afghan Intelligence – National Directorate of Security (NDS) said in November last year that Mullah Omar has possibly passed away amid reports that the group has divided into three different parts.

Reports also circulated last year suggesting that Mullah Omar has given his old friend and deputy Akhtar Mohammad Mansoor the authority to make decisions on his behalf regarding the peace process.

NDS spokesman Hasib Sediqi told reporters during a press conference on 19th November last year that senior Taliban figures have divided into three groups due to the major differences they have.

Sediqi said the first group is led by Mullah Qayum Zakir and Tayeb Agha is a member along with Hafiz Majeed, Amir Khan Haqqani, Mullah Mohammad Esa, Khadim Abdul RAuf, Zia Agha and Torak Agha.

He said the second group is led by Mullah Agha and Mullah Samad Sani, Mawlavi Nani, Sadar Ibrahim, Sheikh Mawlavi Abdul Hakimand Mawlavi Mohibulalh are members.

Sediqi also added that the third group is comprised of neutral Taliban leaders.

On the other hand, officials in ARG presidential palace said Mullah Omar was in custody of the Pakistani security forces in Karachi city of Pakistan.

Aimal Faizi, spokesman for ex-President Hamid Karzai said the issue was shared by the US Secretary of State John Kerry.

“The current Secretary of State John Kerry who was serving as the US Senator, had shared the issue with President Karzai during a meeting in Kabul,” Faizi added.

According to Faizi, President Karzai had sought clarification regarding the presence of Mullah Omar in Karachi city, but received no satisfactory response from Kerry.

“President Karzai immediately responded and said why US is not taking any action to apprehend him? There is a US bounty on him and ordinary civilians are targeted on daily basis under his leadership, but he is in custody of Pakistani forces,” Faizi added.

Source: Khaama Press
Date: Thu Jul 23 2015, 9:58 am
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This comes as the Afghan Intelligence – National Directorate of Security (NDS) said in November last year that Mullah Omar has possibly passed away amid reports that the group has divided into three different parts.
nonsense, he's in an ISI safehouse in Quetta.

At least that's what some in the US administration were last saying about him.
If India is to be believed, the end of times itself will emanate from an ISI safe house.

If India is to be believed, the end of times itself will emanate from an ISI safe house.
Sir, so you think pakistan has a good reputation after Osama bin laden incident and world should believe it?
If India is to be believed, the end of times itself will emanate from an ISI safe house.

here's an excerpt from an article by Bruce Riedel:

Mullah Omar, the shadowy leader of the Taliban who calls himself commander of the faithful, divides his time between Quetta and Karachi, where the ISI provides his security. The Haqqani network keeps an office in Rawalpindi near the ISI headquarters. General Sharif supervises all of this, just as his predecessors did before him. The general, not the prime minister, makes Afghan policy.

full article: Revisit Afghanistan's End Game Plan | Brookings Institution
here's an excerpt from an article by Bruce Riedel:

Mullah Omar, the shadowy leader of the Taliban who calls himself commander of the faithful, divides his time between Quetta and Karachi, where the ISI provides his security. The Haqqani network keeps an office in Rawalpindi near the ISI headquarters. General Sharif supervises all of this, just as his predecessors did before him. The general, not the prime minister, makes Afghan policy.

full article: Revisit Afghanistan's End Game Plan | Brookings Institution

Article is written on 15 Dec 2014, APS happens on 16 Dec 2014...

So a day before APS attack, Mullah Omar was being taken care of by ISI while a day later the whole Army publicly chases Mullah Omar and takes a stance against him?

As for the Haqqani network thing, thanks...I needed a good laugh! Things were getting serious these days....can Mr Bruce Reidel give the exact address of the office as well? I would like to visit sometimes...and for his correction, the ISI HQ is in Islamabad. In Aabpara.
Article is written on 15 Dec 2014, APS happens on 16 Dec 2014...

So a day before APS attack, Mullah Omar was being taken care of by ISI while a day later the whole Army publicly chases Mullah Omar and takes a stance against him?

As for the Haqqani network thing, thanks...I needed a good laugh! Things were getting serious these days....can Mr Bruce Reidel give the exact address of the office as well? I would like to visit sometimes...and for his correction, the ISI HQ is in Islamabad. In Aabpara.
he served 30 years in the CIA and has advised 4 US presidents about south asian issues, I'll take his word over yours any day. :)
Many Conspiracy theories. ...Same stories of Osama bin ladin.
Nothing true, no evidence ....
Just only stories. Delusional people. lolzzzz
Sir, so you think pakistan has a good reputation after Osama bin laden incident and world should believe it?

Believe what exactly? Just because OBL was found in Pakistan and therefore to assume that ALL undesirables will now be discovered from within the same country is a bit of a stretch.

here's an excerpt from an article by Bruce Riedel:

Mullah Omar, the shadowy leader of the Taliban who calls himself commander of the faithful, divides his time between Quetta and Karachi, where the ISI provides his security. The Haqqani network keeps an office in Rawalpindi near the ISI headquarters. General Sharif supervises all of this, just as his predecessors did before him. The general, not the prime minister, makes Afghan policy.

full article: Revisit Afghanistan's End Game Plan | Brookings Institution

Alas, a lot of banter but not a single shred of proof to actually prove anything. If the locations of the Mullah Omar and the Haqqanis are so easily available to the world, I have trouble understanding why they have no dealt with them as yet.
No problem my friend, no problem, not like I am losing any sleep over it.

The same set of advisers also fed US Presidents the WMD in Iraq BS...
Believe what exactly? Just because OBL was found in Pakistan and therefore to assume that ALL undesirables will now be discovered from within the same country is a bit of a stretch.

Alas, a lot of banter but not a single shred of proof to actually prove anything. If the locations of the Mullah Omar and the Haqqanis are so easily available to the world, I have trouble understanding why they have no dealt with them as yet.

oh come on, is it really that much of a stretch to think that Mullah Omar might be in Pakistan ? :angel:
oh come on, is it really that much of a stretch to think that Mullah Omar might be in Pakistan ? :angel:

Pakistan is a country with an area of 706096 square km.

Mr Reidel here has been exact with two cities, so it's safe to assume (as Icarus has well said) that he would be having exact addresses, so why not take some action or inform someone or do something?
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