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Taliban captures district in northeast Afghanistan

All right this thread is being trolled and kinda becoming childish.

Hope we have more sane and calm folks in the decision making level.
Mr MahBooB,we do have border with Afghanistan.perhaps you should study the proper maps...


Kashmir is an unfinished business for India too,remember??
So grow a pair and finish that unfinished business if you have the guts .
Like i said, bharati, no matter what you post won't change the ground reality. india is a nobody when it comes to Afghanistan. As soon as NATO withdraws completely from Afghanistan Pakistan will make sure all hindu bharatis are kicked out of Afghanistan. You guys can say goodbye to your investments. Also, Iran isn't stupid to become hindu india's pawn in Afghanistan.

You want Kashmir? Come and get it. Lets see how that goes for your shupaar powaar india.

you do know "Bharati" is a racist term like "****" or "Chinki"..right??until a year ago,it was banned term in PDF too...

So grow a pair and finish that unfinished business if you have the guts .

same can be said about your generals too... :D
Afghan forces retake control of key northern district: Officials | Zee News
Last Updated: Tuesday, June 23, 2015 - 16:34
Kabul: Afghan forces on Tuesday recaptured a key district close to the northern city of Kunduz, repelling Taliban fighters who had threatened to overrun their first provincial capital since being toppled from power in 2001.

Chardarah was captured by the Islamist militant group on Sunday, amid reports that they were moving closer to the provincial capital Kunduz city, reigniting concerns over its potential fall.

The Afghan army and police, backed by helicopter gunships, launched a counter offensive from at least two directions early Tuesday, quickly advancing to take over the restive district, officials said.

"Chardarah has now been recaptured ... 85 Taliban fighters including their commander Rahmatullah have been killed," provincial governor Mohammad Omar Safi told AFP, adding that six Afghan soldiers were also killed in the fighting.

In a statement, the Afghan defence ministry confirmed the report, saying that sporadic fighting continued in small pockets inside the district as Afghan forces chased out the militants.

Afghan forces were also preparing to drive back the militants from Dasht-e-Archi, another district they lost on Monday, officials said.

The Taliban are yet to comments on the news.

The Taliban launched their annual spring offensive in late April with a brazen assault in Kunduz province, coming close to overrunning it, but were beaten back by Afghan forces.

This year`s Taliban offensive marks the first fighting season in which Afghan forces are battling the insurgents without the full support of US-led foreign combat troops.

On Monday a Taliban car bomber and six gunmen launched a brazen assault on the Afghan parliament in Kabul, with gunfire and explosions sending lawmakers scurrying for cover.

All of the assailants and at least two Afghan civilians were killed in the attack.

Taliban militants seize eastern Afghan district | Zee News
Last Updated: Friday, June 26, 2015 - 14:27
Kabul: After two days of fierce fighting, Taliban militants on Friday seized a district in eastern Afghanistan`s Nuristan province.

"Taliban rebels captured Waygal district and the security forces technically retreated from the area," an official told Xinhua, adding: "50 people from both sides were killed and injured during the clash".

Taliban spokesperson Zabihullah Mujahid confirmed the capture of Waygal district.

Taliban militants seized three districts in Badakhshan and Kunduz provinces over the past two weeks but later lost them to security forces following counter offensives.

you do know "Bharati" is a racist term like "****" or "Chinki"..right??until a year ago,it was banned term in

No it isn't. That's the Urdu for Indian. Either that or Hindustani is a proper Urdu term.
Taliban is playing here a carefully planned military strategy: Their goal here is to attack regions which they are least expected and force the Afghan National Army (ANA) to overextend themselves into all of over the country. This overextension of ANA will give the Taliban an opportunity to attack them at the time and the place of their own choosing. Their eventual goal is to cause fatigue in morale and resources on the ANA.

The question that I have is, has the Afghan government ever tried to share power with the Taliban on the condition that all foreigners will depart at the signing of this power-sharing agreement, and no foreigners will have a military presence in Afghanistan once the agreement is implemented? In my view, this is the way out of this prolonged conflict in Afghanistan, and it is an option that is worth pursuing by the Afghan government for the stability of Afghanistan and ending the suffering of the Afghan people.
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Taliban insurgents ambush military convoy, kill 11 Afghan soldiers - The Hindu
Updated: June 29, 2015 13:56 IST

At least 11 soldiers were killed after Taliban militants ambushed a military convoy in Afghanistan’s Herat province, the media reported on Monday.

The incident took place Sunday night in Masjid-e-Chobi area of Kurkh district, Tolo News reported.

The convoy was travelling from Herat city to the neighbouring Badghis province. The insurgents also seized the weapons of the dead soldiers.

Mon Jun 29, 2015 10:01am EDT
U.S. raid on Afghan weapons cache incites protests| Reuters

U.S. forces conducted a raid to destroy a cache of weapons north of Kabul, the Afghan capital, early on Monday morning, a U.S. army spokesman said, giving rare details of unilateral activity in Afghanistan.

Afghan residents took to the streets in Parwan province in protest. Solo U.S. operations are legal under a bilateral security agreement the two nations signed last year, but the document specifies they occur only in exceptional circumstances.

The raids remain a divisive subject in Afghanistan. They were a key reason then-President Hamid Karzai refused in 2014 to sign a deal allowing U.S. forces to stay in the country. President Ashraf Ghani signed the agreement as soon as he took office in September.

"U.S. Forces conducted an operation ... to destroy a cache of munitions that could be used to conduct attacks against Afghans and Coalition Forces," public affairs director Colonel Brian Tribus said.

Local authorities complained they had not been consulted ahead of time.

"As the operation was launched without coordination of local authorities, it made people angry," a spokesman for the governor, Wahid Sediqqi, said.

U.S. army spokesman Tribus said the operation was conducted in keeping with bilateral military agreements.

Around 9,800 U.S. forces remain in Afghanistan, including around 3,000 troops who operate outside a NATO training mission that ends in 2016.

Little is known about the activities of U.S. counter-terrorism troops that have been authorized to continue fighting the Taliban and other militants after the NATO combat mission officially ended last year.

(Reporting by Jessica Donati and Mirwais Harooni; Editing by Larry King)


Was this raid related to Afghan Parliament attack ?
Afghan Army is about as useless as Iraq's.

I wonder who would win if they both fought one another. Probably neither as both would drop their weapons and run the other day.
Kabul has sent all reliable forces to southern Afghanistan and the result is anti-government forces gaining ground to other areas. I guess its Pakistani fault...
Last Updated: Tuesday, July 14, 2015 - 13:51
Taliban militants overrun Afghan valley | Zee News

Kabul: Taliban militants on Tuesday overran a strategically important valley in Afghanistan`s Faryab province, a security officer said.

"More than 1,000 Taliban militants attacked Qarain valley and after suffering huge casualties including 30 deaths, they captured the area and security forces retreated," the officer told Xinhua news agency.

Three pro-government fighters also sustained injuries in the fight, he added.

However, local residents said that the fall of Qarain valley with 30,000 population would facilitate the fall of Almar district if the government fails to take proper action for the eviction of militants from the area.

Bordering Afghanistan is incredibly annoying. They have direct impact on security situation of Pakistan.

Need to look at case study of how US deals with Mexico. There needs to be high walls built at the border and regardless of how much it costs because this all depends on how secure Pakistan can be.

They will all always be in perpetual state of violence, its sad but they are the catalysts and only they can change their destiny.
All right this thread is being trolled and kinda becoming childish.

Hope we have more sane and calm folks in the decision making level.

Heyy Man,
I see as you stated that you'd want to ride along with Pakistan like equals and I even appreciate the slow inclination of Ghani's Government towards Pakistan however most of the Afghans I came across have stated the opposite.
Ive seen more Afghans living in Pakistan Badmouth against Pakistan than Indians on the other side of the border.
You do know about Khamma Press right?
ever seen a single positive sentiment of Afghan Against Pakistan?

What you said does sound good but it seems most of the Afghans would rather see Pakistan destroyed than rdie along with you.
care to knock some sense in those?
Bordering Afghanistan is incredibly annoying. They have direct impact on security situation of Pakistan.

Need to look at case study of how US deals with Mexico. There needs to be high walls built at the border and regardless of how much it costs because this all depends on how secure Pakistan can be.

They will all always be in perpetual state of violence, its sad but they are the catalysts and only they can change their destiny.
Heyy Man,
I see as you stated that you'd want to ride along with Pakistan like equals and I even appreciate the slow inclination of Ghani's Government towards Pakistan however most of the Afghans I came across have stated the opposite.
Ive seen more Afghans living in Pakistan Badmouth against Pakistan than Indians on the other side of the border.
You do know about Khamma Press right?
ever seen a single positive sentiment of Afghan Against Pakistan?

What you said does sound good but it seems most of the Afghans would rather see Pakistan destroyed than rdie along with you.
care to knock some sense in those?

I wish Pakistan well and I am confident that majority of the Afghans actually do the same, there are bad apples in each society which are usually more louder than sane voices but I assure you that Afghans do wish our neighbors all the very best because we can only prosper if you prosper.

Dont mind some of the Afghans who badmouth Pakistan because they are ignorant but at the leadership level Afghan government is determined to make the relationship work with Pakistan.

/ Peace
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