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Taliban Capture Wakhan District

The problem with road as i see is afghanistan is not a really pro pakistan country, most people live in rural areas, have old traditions, nationalism is at its peak and hold grudges against pakistan so they will always use route through Afghanistan as a political tool. Better is to bypass Afghanistan through any and every means possible.
That is what you believe bahi but as far as I know most of Afghanis see Pakistan as a brotherly country.
Number of refugees went upto 4 million too but it has never been consistently. And Pakistan got some money from UN to host them but most of it was from our own pocket.
That's the tricky bit.

Maybe a proposition of building a canal through Pakistan linking it to the Arabian Ocean for Afghanistan could be one solution in return for Wakhan Corridor.

This way, Afghanistan could freely trade with rest of the world instead of feeling landlocked and dependent on Pakistan.

Do you even know basics of geography ? Do you know how far is Afghan border from our coastline ? And do you know how much elevation difference there is in that "proposed" path ? Suez canal is too short yet coated billions of dollars. Just multiply the amount by 10 atleast.
Didn't Indian dog Amit Shah said India shares border with Afghanistan via wakhan corridor.
Scud missile the entire valley and occupy the peaks. We need hard border for direct to access to central asia. This is more important than anything else.
Dude this is the perfect opportunity
Buy it
Do you even know basics of geography ? Do you know how far is Afghan border from our coastline ? And do you know how much elevation difference there is in that "proposed" path ? Suez canal is too short yet coated billions of dollars. Just multiply the amount by 10 atleast.
Where will the water in this canal come from? Yahan Sindh Punjab ko aur Balochistan Sindh ko taney dey raha hy pani chori ka
Number of refugees went upto 4 million too but it has never been consistently. And Pakistan got some money from UN to host them but most of it was from our own pocket.
Nowhere near $120 billion. 4 million Afghan use Pakistan’s land and facilities, Pakistan should be able to use theirs in return. I think it’s fair deal. Brotherly love should flow both ways.
Considering, that was the only area which was never occupied by Taliban before, it is a miracle. Where would Dustom go? Ahmed Shah is dead but what about his lieutenants? Don't they belong to Pnajsheer valley?
Dostum will be taken care of by Turkey, whose grand plan is to re-establish the Turan* (the golden days when Aybeks used to conquer Hindustan, and AlpArslans used to conquer Byzantine).....

A good corrdinated plan is in work....

A good job from the Pak General Staffs, who are constantly visiting the Turkish General Staffs on a mutual basis for a reason....

*The First test was the liberation of Karabag'. Tons are in the pipeline
Why not just a road through the area ?
It should be multiple six-laners and long tunnels criss-crossing to connect Pak with the Central Asia, Russia and China!! Couple it with energy pipelines!! Now, you've the regional connectivity!!!

As for India, the only way to get affordable energy is to join the game after giving the concessions; otherwise, it's lost to her....
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