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Taliban Capture Herat After Taking All the Govt Buildings

Pakistan should close the Torkham border along with the flights from Afghanistan.

There needs to be a crossing, where anyone moving into Pakistan is properly screened, but a place where humanitarian aid; food and medicine can come into Afghanistan. At least one way supplies should be maintained to minimize the risk of a humanitarian crisis that will lead to refugee flows into Pakistan through illegal border crossings.

BTW, the army needs to get the border fence done ASAP. and I mean ASAP. Bribes will probably be paid to human traffickers and tribes in Pakistan to take people. We must jot allow dangerous people to infiltrate into Pakistan. The army probably should deploy a large number of reinforcements to the FC and Army border posts. As well as the mobile 155 mm guns. The Kabul regime may start lashing out violently if they think its game over for them.
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