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Taliban are only revlutionaries in Pakistan?

Jun 23, 2010
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Taliban are not revolutionaries because they don't have support of large segment of the population and want to establish their rule through violence, fear and oppression while revolution is against oppressions and injustice. Revolutions are less likely to succeed without support of people that's why IK went to public to win their support. Talibans could have this wet dream that they will able to rule Pakistan and Pakistani people with such sort of revolutionaries acts
TTP Pakistani Taliban are a band of vicious Thugs who should be destroyed and shown no mercy. These a KAFIRS who kill innocent MUSLIMS and think they are going to JANNAH. In reality they are going to burn in HELL for Eternity.
Taliban are not revolutionaries because they don't have support of large segment of the population and want to establish their rule through violence, fear and oppression while revolution is against oppressions and injustice. Revolutions are less likely to succeed without support of people that's why IK went to public to win their support. Talibans could have this wet dream that they will able to rule Pakistan and Pakistani people with such sort of revolutionaries acts

You sound like a nice man Raja, so I will try to be a bit more than mere brief here in comparing your outlook with history.

Taliban do not have support of large segment - nor did the revolutionaries of India (before independence - Pakistan included, was part of India - I hope you don't mind).

Violence was committed by Indian revolutionaries too, from Mangal Pandey to Ashfaqulla and Bhagat Singh (fear tactics?)

And surely, the revolution does appear against oppression - No Sharia law included in constitution! Injustice - tell me where injustice has not been given out in Pakistan? (or anywhere for that matter?)

You say revolutions need public support and you bring in Imran Khan - the same man who defied the world and failed to acknowledge the threat of the Taliban? Apparently, IK is with the Taliban!

While Taliban people might want to rule Pakistanis with such techniques, truth is - even the Talibanis do not know that they already do rule Pakistan with such acts!

If you do not believe me, why not look at how often the liberals are killed? How quiet they have become since May 2011? Yes! While the Taliban may not have administrative control, it surely has the psychological control - have you noticed how scared the people in Pakistan are? Especially liberals?

I am not saying Pakistan is a lost case, but it would be nice to watch the so called 'intellectuals' get serious about it!
revolutionaries have popular support of the masses , people stage large demos in their favour and they are regarded as heros etc Talibans are known as murderers and hardliners , they do not enjoy any suport except for little pockets of extremists and the mullahs.

Pakistanis do not like religious extremists clear indication is election results
Are you retarded?

TTP are a foreign funded and armed insurgency. Much like the one in Syria.

They are an enemy of Pakistan.

We have to crush them or they will break us.

How many of our people must die for us to realise who is our friend and foe.

Wake up.
revolutionaries have popular support of the masses , people stage large demos in their favour and they are regarded as heros etc Talibans are known as murderers and hardliners , they do not enjoy any suport except for little pockets of extremists and the mullahs.

Pakistanis do not like religious extremists clear indication is election results

It is not about the side people choose, it is more about the people they choose.

How would you know the bold part is true?

The surveys we have seen about Sharia implementation prove otherwise.
It is not about the side people choose, it is more about the people they choose.

How would you know the bold part is true?

The surveys we have seen about Sharia implementation prove otherwise.

No rocket science refer to election results 60% turn out and majority voted for non religious parties , as for sharia implementation our constitution is fully compliant with with sharia.
No rocket science refer to election results 60% turn out and majority voted for non religious parties , as for sharia implementation our constitution is fully compliant with with sharia.

Okay. I take your words as they come.

And I hope you find a similar response for me.

So first of all, the election results - Do you believe that the election results show what the people want? I mean, I never visited Pakistan but I saw everywhere, in NJ, heard from London, Delhi etc., ever right here on PDF, that IK was going to have a landslide victory!

Mere Dost, If the election results were any indication, Pakistan would appear in a worse light than it does now.

So let us go about the constitution - you say constitution is fully compliant with Sharia... could you please point out one, single piece where it is?

I mean, don't point me to the section where the law says if Muhammad was not your last prophet you are not a Muslim etc, because saying that sentence shall be any citizen's right, as a human right (unless human rights are inferior to Sharia - in that case I would surrender).

So please, do enlighten me, as well as many many other Pakistanis, how the constitution of Pakistan appears even "congruent" with the Sharia law?
revolutionary or not they will become 4th largest party come next election. If taliban get power how bad can it get, worst than what we are now? impossible!

when we talk of taliban we talk of Afghan talibans, TTP is not taliban they are just a hired guns
Okay. I take your words as they come.

And I hope you find a similar response for me.

So first of all, the election results - Do you believe that the election results show what the people want? I mean, I never visited Pakistan but I saw everywhere, in NJ, heard from London, Delhi etc., ever right here on PDF, that IK was going to have a landslide victory! Mere Dost, If the election results were any indication, Pakistan would appear in a worse light than it does now.

I believe as the turn out was reported 60% .. As for PTI see they were concentrated on urban Pakistan where as Majority of Pakistanis are living in rural areas appx 70% of the 180 million are residing there so they had a very limited approach .

PTI is very popular within expat pakistanis Even if 95% supported PTI however their numbers are still not more than 20 million maximum also most couldn't vote since there was no polling conducted internationally. Please also explain the bolded part what do you mean?

So let us go about the constitution - you say constitution is fully compliant with Sharia... could you please point out one, single piece where it is?I mean, don't point me to the section where the law says if Muhammad was not your last prophet you are not a Muslim etc, because saying that sentence shall be any citizen's right, as a human right (unless human rights are inferior to Sharia - in that case I would surrender).So please, do enlighten me, as well as many many other Pakistanis, how the constitution of Pakistan appears even "congruent" with the Sharia law?

To be honest I havent read the constitution therefore i cannot pick out any example except the famous blasphemy one ,however religion is a part of life at this end and my assumption is anything un islamic the mullah cadre will not let it stay in our constitution.
I believe as the turn out was reported 60% .. As for PTI see they were concentrated on urban Pakistan where as Majority of Pakistanis are living in rural areas appx 70% of the 180 million are residing there so they had a very limited approach .

PTI is very popular within expat pakistanis Even if 95% supported PTI however their numbers are still not more than 20 million maximum also most couldn't vote since there was no polling conducted internationally. Please also explain the bolded part what do you mean?

To be honest I havent read the constitution therefore i cannot pick out any example except the famous blasphemy one ,however religion is a part of life at this end and my assumption is anything un islamic the mullah cadre will not let it stay in our constitution.

Yar, main ek chhoti si baat jaan-na chaahta tha, aur jaan gaya aap se.

I thank you for that!

1. Election results in Pakistan are absolutely no indication of what the people there want. (Your talks about the turn out, and then we witnessed how turn outs often surpassed the population of the area)

2. I may have mistaken Mr. Khan's popularity as national, instead of what it was - local.

About my statement that you marked in bold - Nawaz Sharif is considered a hardcore Islamic extremist, and a crusader to get Kashmir no matter what is at stake. May be a different view in Pakistan, but world over - this is exactly how analysts look at him.
Yar, main ek chhoti si baat jaan-na chaahta tha, aur jaan gaya aap se.

I thank you for that!

1. Election results in Pakistan are absolutely no indication of what the people there want. (Your talks about the turn out, and then we witnessed how turn outs often surpassed the population of the area)

2. I may have mistaken Mr. Khan's popularity as national, instead of what it was - local.

About my statement that you marked in bold - Nawaz Sharif is considered a hardcore Islamic extremist, and a crusader to get Kashmir no matter what is at stake. May be a different view in Pakistan, but world over - this is exactly how analysts look at him.

sir g some times i wonder the same in Pakistan do we really have that HATHI DANTH WALI MISAL "" KHANAY KAY AUR DEKHANAY KAY AUR !!:undecided::confused:
That's no revolution, that is invasion.

Besides, any revolution without public support is no real revolution, the reason why the taliban have been pushed back since 2009 is that ever since they started bombing civilians, killing innocent people, they've lost more support then their so called 'revolution' can bare.

when we talk of taliban we talk of Afghan talibans, TTP is not taliban they are just a hired guns

At first they were. Now TTP has a widespread support base in Pakistan, not least in Waziristan, but also in major cities elsewhere.
The definition of revolution is,

a forcible overthrow of a government or social order, in favour of a new system
revolution: definition of revolution in Oxford dictionary (British & World English)

Taliban want to replace democracy with their sharia, PM and President with amir-ul-momineen and parliament with their shura. In that sense are they not the only revolutionaries in pakistan?......

By technical definition they are.

But they've got no chance left in Pakistan, I'll be counting the days till they are dead, gone or no longer at war.

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