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Taliban aims to take over Pakistan, its nukes: Wall Street Journal

@ice_man:why should i feel happy with that brother, i dont consider pakistanis as my enemy.and iam above all these petty differances.
being an indian this is your dream come true isn't it!!! well i don't know but people need to explain nuke for dummies!! there is no button you press and nukes go off!!! you need to find all different parts of a nuke put them together find a warhead to plant them on and then find the trigger! i am sure these TALEBUNNIES of ttp are not such scientists & engineers!
Uh oh!! You'll be surprised at the tech level of some of the guys in the TTP! There are doctors, computer experts, hackers, engineers etc but not deployed on the front lines.

Second, you don't need to assemble all the parts as they don't need the missiles per se. They'll want to lay their hands on the fissile material available (Plutonium) and make a suitcase bomb themselves. Just Google and you can get hundreds of pages on instructions on how to make one!! :azn:
If you say "wall street journal", in the united states of america, it means "bull sh*t". Thank you. I personally would trust indian times more than this piece of crap.
Taliban are too stupid to know how to launch nukes. They're illiterate right? They aren't going to execute such an hi-tech and hi-intelligent operation, they don't know how.

You people think you just press buttons and the nukes are fired off? (rhetorical).
the afghan taliban clearly said we have no motives to attack pakistan or pakistani assets or its military! because our war is purely against USA & NATO! while these TTP are wannabe afghan taliban and al qaeda when clearly both disown them! ttp is a bunch of insane saddistic morons without any aim!!!

They have an aim and are trained, supplied and protected by enemies of Pakistan. The aim of TTP is to destabilize Pakistan, to repeatedly attack civilian targets to breed hate against Talibaan and to project Pakistan as a weak state internally. They do randomly target military as well.
Uh oh!! You'll be surprised at the tech level of some of the guys in the TTP! There are doctors, computer experts, hackers, engineers etc but not deployed on the front lines.

Second, you don't need to assemble all the parts as they don't need the missiles per se. They'll want to lay their hands on the fissile material available (Plutonium) and make a suitcase bomb themselves. Just Google and you can get hundreds of pages on instructions on how to make one!! :azn:

Oh Yes! the CIA, Mosaad and MI6 has done a great job in training TTP/Alqaida....over all the expertise so that they can take control of our Nukes...but wait a minute ..the TTP/Alqaida is infact the CIA itself in disguise of TTP/Alqaida ...to do Nuclear terrorism around the world and their aim especially in CHINA/Russia, their main economic and Tech rivals.....:woot:
They do randomly target military as well.

There's nothing "random" about this movement -- you can call it "terrorist" but it is in fact a huge movement - it has a lot of support --- take a look at what kinds of things it finds it can garner support for and you may conclude that the enemy of Pakistan, is the failure of the State to realize and forcefully assert, it's purpose for existng.
Oh Yes! the CIA, Mosaad and MI6 has done a great job in training TTP/Alqaida....over all the expertise so that they can take control of our Nukes...but wait a minute ..the TTP/Alqaida is infact the CIA itself in disguise of TTP/Alqaida ...to do Nuclear terrorism around the world and their aim especially in CHINA/Russia, their main economic and Tech rivals.....:woot:
Wow!! :woot: Now why the heck didn't I think of that? Good point! The TTP could be having guys from the Mossad and MI6 who have infiltrated the ranks! I'll eat my Mexican hat if they aren't planning to neutralize those nukes! :frown:
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