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Taliban agree Afghanistan ceasefire to allow US peace deal to be signed


Aug 29, 2009
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The Taliban said Sunday they have agreed to a temporary cease-fire nationwide. It provides a window during which a peace agreement with the United States could be signed.

A peace deal would allow Washington to bring home its troops from Afghanistan and end its 18-year military engagement there, America's longest. The U.S. wants any deal to include a promise from the Taliban that Afghanistan would not used as a base by terrorist groups. The U.S. currently has an estimated 12,000 troops in Afghanistan.

The Taliban chief must approve the agreement but that is expected. The duration of the cease-fire was not specified but it is being suggested it would last for 10 days.

our members of the Taliban negotiating team met for a week with the ruling council before they agreed on the brief cease fire. The negotiating team returned on Sunday to Qatar where they maintain their political offic

The Taliban officials familiar with the negotiations spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to talk to the media.

A key pillar of the agreement, which the U.S. and Taliban have been hammering out for more than a year, is direct negotiations between Afghans on both sides of the conflict.

Those intra-Afghan negotiations are expected to be held within two weeks of the signing of a U.S.-Taliban peace deal. They will likely decide what a post-war Afghanistan will look like, and what role the Taliban will play. The negotiations would cover a wide range of subjects, such as the rights of women, free speech and the fate of the the tens of thousands of Taliban fighters, as well as the heavily armed militias belonging to Afghanistan's warlords who have amassed wealth and power since the Taliban's ouster.

The temporary cease-fire had been proposed by U.S. envoy Zalmay Khalilzad during the last round of talks.

THIS IS A BREAKING NEWS UPDATE. AP's previous story is below.

A Taliban attack in northern Afghanistan killed at least 17 local militiamen, an Afghan official said Sunday.

The attack apparently targeted a local militia commander who escaped unharmed, said Jawad Hajri, a spokesman for the governor of Takhar province, where the attack took place late Saturday.

Local Afghan militias commonly operate in remote areas, and are under the command of either the defense or interior ministries.

Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid claimed responsibility for the attack.

The attack came even as Taliban officials have told The Associated Press that a temporary nationwide cease-fire may be in the works.

The Taliban have previously refused all offers of a ceasefire by the Afghan government, except for a three-day truce in June 2018 over the Eid al-Fitr holiday.

The current cease-fire proposal would last a week to 10 days. During that time, a peace deal with the United States would then be signed, the Taliban officials said. Talks between Afghans on both sides of the conflict would follow to decide on the shape of a post-war Afghanistan.

The Taliban shura, or ruling council, is currently debating whether to accept the U.S. cease-fire proposal, the Taliban officials said. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak to the media, but were familiar with the ongoing U.S.-Taliban negotiations.

On Monday, an American soldier was killed in combat in the northern Kunduz province. The Taliban claimed they were behind a fatal roadside bombing that targeted American and Afghan forces in Kunduz.

The following day, a Taliban attack on a checkpoint killed at least seven Afghan army soldiers in the northern Balkh province.

Another six Afghan troops were killed in the same province Thursday in an attack on an army base. At least 10 Afghan soldiers were killed Friday in a complex attack on a checkpoint in the southern Helmand province.

The Taliban frequently target Afghan and U.S. forces, as well as government officials. But scores of Afghan civilians are also killed in the crossfire or by roadside bombs planted by militants.
Afghanistan is alot like post imperial China in the 20s yo 30s....controlled by warlords abusing the pheasants.
A good opportunity to bring peace to Afganistan...
Afghanistan is alot like post imperial China in the 20s yo 30s....controlled by warlords abusing the pheasants.
It is precisely bcuz of this reason other powers have been able to play the "Great Game" in Afghanistan again...starting from USSR to US now...with other minor players like Pakistan, India, Iran, etc.

At the level of an average person...it is horrible...the conditions ppl have been facing for decades. It's all thanks to those who hold power(warlords, politicians, military leaders, etc.)...they have allowed their country and countrymen to be exploited. It is for this reason that I think the only way the ppl there can prosper...is if all these competing regional and major players(superpowers) go ALL IN. Rather than having a mess jockeying for influence and power...just carve it up and be done with it so the mess ends.

For minor regional players...Iran should annex the Afghan territory bordering it where the culture is similar and ppl speak the language. Tajikistan can annex the northern parts(Northwest of Wakhan corridor) that has Tajik population. Uzbekistan should annex the Uzbek population bordering it and Turkmenistan should annex the areas of Turkmen population. Pak should take the areas comprising of Pashtuns, Hazaras and Baloch since Pak already has a sizable population of those.


After an agreement is reached on deciding these new borders between these countries...they should carry out a population exchange with UN peacekeepers to maintain order for any pockets of let's say for example a minority of Tajiks in a majority Pashtun district. With this the Afghans will become citizens of nations that are doing better and therefore can hope for a better life than living under constant war. The central government(plus their militaries) of these countries is also effective enough to maintain order rather than failing like Afghan military and letting local warlords run amok.

With no Afghanistan...there would be no regional players interfering.
With a mutually agreed upon border with this annexation...the new neighbors are likely to not have issues of territorial disputes.

As for the major players China, Russia, and US should be given a piece of the pie(rights to their companies to mine and dig up resources). US/Russia can get a piece of the pie in regions annexed by Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan...Russia/China can get some from areas annexed by Iran(since Iran and US have problems) and Russia/China/US can get their share of stuff from Afghan regions annexed by Pak. The world powers would be content benefitting from the rumored mineral wealth of Afghanistan...in a sense it would be Berlin Conference 2.0...and so that eliminates the need of these countries jockeying for influence. The profits made can be taxed by each country(that annexed the Afghan territory) with conditions that specify that it would be used for the development of the newly annexed Afghan population(which would hopefully reach them). Even if in the case that the money is squandered bcuz of corruption...at the very least there would be stability and peace for these ppl to have a better chance at life. It would probably better serve the region too. China can make Afghanistan(that is now part of other countries) part of OBOR and lay down a network of rail and roads. Projects like TAPI would now be easier to implement and it will create better connectivity with CAR.

On paper it would just be redrawn lines on a map...but on the ground for the Afghan ppl it would mean an end to constant hell.
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It is precisely bcuz of this reason other powers have been able to play the "Great Game" in Afghanistan again...starting from USSR to US now...with other minor players like Pakistan, India, Iran, etc.

At the level of an average person...it is horrible...the conditions ppl have been facing for decades. It's all thanks to those who hold power(warlords, politicians, military leaders, etc.)...they have allowed their country and countrymen to be exploited. It is for this reason that I think the only way the ppl there can prosper...is if all these competing regional and major players(superpowers) go ALL IN. Rather than having a mess jockeying for influence and power...just carve it up and be done with it so the mess ends.

For minor regional players...Iran should annex the Afghan territory bordering it where the culture is similar and ppl speak the language. Tajikistan can annex the northern parts(Northwest of Wakhan corridor) that has Tajik population. Uzbekistan should annex the Uzbek population bordering it and Turkmenistan should annex the areas of Turkmen population. Pak should take the areas comprising of Pashtuns, Hazaras and Baloch since Pak already has a sizable population of those.


After an agreement is reached on deciding these new borders between these countries...they should carry out a population exchange with UN peacekeepers to maintain order for any pockets of let's say for example a minority of Tajiks in a majority Pashtun district. With this the Afghans will become citizens of nations that are doing better and therefore can hope for a better life than living under constant war. The central government(plus their militaries) of these countries is also effective enough to maintain order rather than failing like Afghan military and letting local warlords run amok.

With no Afghanistan...there would be no regional players interfering.
With a mutually agreed upon border with this annexation...the new neighbors are likely to not have issues of territorial disputes.

As for the major players China, Russia, and US should be given a piece of the pie(rights to their companies to mine and dig up resources). US/Russia can get a piece of the pie in regions annexed by Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan...Russia/China can get some from areas annexed by Iran(since Iran and US have problems) and Russia/China/US can get their share of stuff from Afghan regions annexed by Pak. The world powers would be content benefitting from the rumored mineral wealth of Afghanistan...in a sense it would be Berlin Conference 2.0...and so that eliminates the need of these countries jockeying for influence. The profits made can be taxed by each country(that annexed the Afghan territory) with conditions that specify that it would be used for the development of the newly annexed Afghan population(which would hopefully reach them). Even if in the case that the money is squandered bcuz of corruption...at the very least there would be stability and peace for these ppl to have a better chance at life. It would probably better serve the region too. China can make Afghanistan(that is now part of other countries) part of OBOR and lay down a network of rail and roads. Projects like TAPI would now be easier to implement and it will create better connectivity with CAR.

On paper it would just be redrawn lines on a map...but on the ground for the Afghan ppl it would mean an end to constant hell.
lets play devils advocate
here i m sitting in ghq
for last 30 years i had 95% afghanistan controled by my boys
now who in right mind would give that up
even if we give it up for being nice and all
wht guaranteed that blowback wont come to us cos trouble makers r on our side and we give that pie to someone for nothing
i would rather stir the pot as it is while everyone leaves getting fatigued
while i m here to stay
and wait for my time cos i hold almost all the cards
geographicly militarily and historically
when my time comes i would rather have a friendly state in afghanistan as a whole which by default will be 100% client to me
using my rupee
using my product
using my airspace
using my roads
and speaking my language
isn’t it better the balknization of afghanistan
and a win win for everyone
not to forget the 100s of billions of aid which will eventually come to afghanistan and we keep getting a pie of it too
lets play devils advocate
here i m sitting in ghq
for last 30 years i had 95% afghanistan controled by my boys
now who in right mind would give that up
even if we give it up for being nice and all
wht guaranteed that blowback wont come to us cos trouble makers r on our side and we give that pie to someone for nothing
i would rather stir the pot as it is while everyone leaves getting fatigued
while i m here to stay
and wait for my time cos i hold almost all the cards
geographicly militarily and historically
when my time comes i would rather have a friendly state in afghanistan as a whole which by default will be 100% client to me
using my rupee
using my product
using my airspace
using my roads
and speaking my language
isn’t it better the balknization of afghanistan
and a win win for everyone
not to forget the 100s of billions of aid which will eventually come to afghanistan and we keep getting a pie of it too
Right let's say we control 95% today...but what about tomorrow? The thing with playing games is that sometimes u win and sometimes u lose. The solution I'm proposing...is hard at first...
...but once it is implemented and 5 years pass...it should be smooth sailing from then on. It is more of a bird in the hand is better two in the bush kind of solution.

The reason why there are trouble makers...and the reason why they can get away with it is a multifaceted issue...some of those issues can be either resolved or eliminated with this solution.
1) Afghan government(current leaders) are puppets and sell outs...they allow this great game to continue as each side is vying for its own interests.
- with this solution Afghan government is no longer in play

2) Afghan military is inept at maintaining peace.
- with this solution Afghan military would no longer be needed to maintain peace.

3) One of the objections of having the border between Pak/Afghanistan fenced/monitored that restricts free movements is that many tribes are spread out between Pakistan and Afghanistan. They have for generations been used to freely moving about and this move of securing the border can split apart a tribe(many of the tribes), which they do not want. On the flip side if Pak just allows free movement...TTP scum and the likes take advantage(and the price Pak paid during the entire WoT is reason enough to secure the border).
- with this solution of annexing areas of Pashtun, Hazaras, and Baloch(and the population exchange for any pockets of these ppl in other areas annexed by other countries) would solve the issue above. The border(the new border) can now be fenced and secured and tribes wouldn't be split.

4) Afghanistan was opposed to Pak's creation and lays claim to Pak's territory. One of the main reasons(if u look at the map of their claims) is that they want access to the sea since it is a landlocked country. This conflict allows them to be manipulated and used by India.
- By splitting that territory between Iran and Pakistan the issue of having access to the sea disappears. As for Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan...last I checked they weren't running into conflicts for having access to the Indian ocean. With elimination of this unnecessary conflict...Pakistan will secure it's western border for good. There wouldn't be any sell outs with a made up conflict that can be manipulated by India. Additionally it would also provide Pak with a much needed strategic depth.

So yeah I know the point u r making...but that solution is more a gamble than a long lasting solution. Today we can have our puppets...tomorrow someone can have theirs. The world is full of Mir Jafars. Not too long ago USSR had its puppet government in power remember that? Then they deployed their military in support of that regime...and then tables turned. As the wheel of time keeps turning...what may seem like it's going to last forever...might change beyond our predictions.

The solution I have proposed...mountains would have to be moved to get it going...but I think it can have a longer lasting impact in favor of all parties involved. On the surface it seems like Afghanistan would be the only losing party...but the Afghan ppl would benefit.
Right let's say we control 95% today...but what about tomorrow? The thing with playing games is that sometimes u win and sometimes u lose. The solution I'm proposing...is hard at first...
...but once it is implemented and 5 years pass...it should be smooth sailing from then on. It is more of a bird in the hand is better two in the bush kind of solution.

The reason why there are trouble makers...and the reason why they can get away with it is a multifaceted issue...some of those issues can be either resolved or eliminated with this solution.
1) Afghan government(current leaders) are puppets and sell outs...they allow this great game to continue as each side is vying for its own interests.
- with this solution Afghan government is no longer in play

2) Afghan military is inept at maintaining peace.
- with this solution Afghan military would no longer be needed to maintain peace.

3) One of the objections of having the border between Pak/Afghanistan fenced/monitored that restricts free movements is that many tribes are spread out between Pakistan and Afghanistan. They have for generations been used to freely moving about and this move of securing the border can split apart a tribe(many of the tribes), which they do not want. On the flip side if Pak just allows free movement...TTP scum and the likes take advantage(and the price Pak paid during the entire WoT is reason enough to secure the border).
- with this solution of annexing areas of Pashtun, Hazaras, and Baloch(and the population exchange for any pockets of these ppl in other areas annexed by other countries) would solve the issue above. The border(the new border) can now be fenced and secured and tribes wouldn't be split.

4) Afghanistan was opposed to Pak's creation and lays claim to Pak's territory. One of the main reasons(if u look at the map of their claims) is that they want access to the sea since it is a landlocked country. This conflict allows them to be manipulated and used by India.
- By splitting that territory between Iran and Pakistan the issue of having access to the sea disappears. As for Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan...last I checked they weren't running into conflicts for having access to the Indian ocean. With elimination of this unnecessary conflict...Pakistan will secure it's western border for good. There wouldn't be any sell outs with a made up conflict that can be manipulated by India. Additionally it would also provide Pak with a much needed strategic depth.

So yeah I know the point u r making...but that solution is more a gamble than a long lasting solution. Today we can have our puppets...tomorrow someone can have theirs. The world is full of Mir Jafars. Not too long ago USSR had its puppet government in power remember that? Then they deployed their military in support of that regime...and then tables turned. As the wheel of time keeps turning...what may seem like it's going to last forever...might change beyond our predictions.

The solution I have proposed...mountains would have to be moved to get it going...but I think it can have a longer lasting impact in favor of all parties involved. On the surface it seems like Afghanistan would be the only losing party...but the Afghan ppl would benefit.
buddy we r here to stay
and we cannot even dream of sending our men to fight for afghan mountains
just be as it is control from outside
not everyone is my friend but my core interest should be watched and thats all about it
one day we will make roads to CA
we will do everything but for that we need to secure our current situation
truat me its party time once the deal is signed with americans cos noo one had balls this big to come and get into afg they were last and we r soon to see a good afg in our shadow
It is precisely bcuz of this reason other powers have been able to play the "Great Game" in Afghanistan again...starting from USSR to US now...with other minor players like Pakistan, India, Iran, etc.

At the level of an average person...it is horrible...the conditions ppl have been facing for decades. It's all thanks to those who hold power(warlords, politicians, military leaders, etc.)...they have allowed their country and countrymen to be exploited. It is for this reason that I think the only way the ppl there can prosper...is if all these competing regional and major players(superpowers) go ALL IN. Rather than having a mess jockeying for influence and power...just carve it up and be done with it so the mess ends.

For minor regional players...Iran should annex the Afghan territory bordering it where the culture is similar and ppl speak the language. Tajikistan can annex the northern parts(Northwest of Wakhan corridor) that has Tajik population. Uzbekistan should annex the Uzbek population bordering it and Turkmenistan should annex the areas of Turkmen population. Pak should take the areas comprising of Pashtuns, Hazaras and Baloch since Pak already has a sizable population of those.


After an agreement is reached on deciding these new borders between these countries...they should carry out a population exchange with UN peacekeepers to maintain order for any pockets of let's say for example a minority of Tajiks in a majority Pashtun district. With this the Afghans will become citizens of nations that are doing better and therefore can hope for a better life than living under constant war. The central government(plus their militaries) of these countries is also effective enough to maintain order rather than failing like Afghan military and letting local warlords run amok.

With no Afghanistan...there would be no regional players interfering.
With a mutually agreed upon border with this annexation...the new neighbors are likely to not have issues of territorial disputes.

As for the major players China, Russia, and US should be given a piece of the pie(rights to their companies to mine and dig up resources). US/Russia can get a piece of the pie in regions annexed by Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan...Russia/China can get some from areas annexed by Iran(since Iran and US have problems) and Russia/China/US can get their share of stuff from Afghan regions annexed by Pak. The world powers would be content benefitting from the rumored mineral wealth of Afghanistan...in a sense it would be Berlin Conference 2.0...and so that eliminates the need of these countries jockeying for influence. The profits made can be taxed by each country(that annexed the Afghan territory) with conditions that specify that it would be used for the development of the newly annexed Afghan population(which would hopefully reach them). Even if in the case that the money is squandered bcuz of corruption...at the very least there would be stability and peace for these ppl to have a better chance at life. It would probably better serve the region too. China can make Afghanistan(that is now part of other countries) part of OBOR and lay down a network of rail and roads. Projects like TAPI would now be easier to implement and it will create better connectivity with CAR.

On paper it would just be redrawn lines on a map...but on the ground for the Afghan ppl it would mean an end to constant hell.

Though i find the whole idea of cutting Afghanistan like a cake distasteful even after what they have done wiht Pakistan but if the people there want it then who are us to complain... i would like to point out that for Pakistan the most strategical point is Wakhan corridor..more startegic than keeping their baloch or war-trodden regions.
Though i find the whole idea of cutting Afghanistan like a cake distasteful even after what they have done wiht Pakistan but if the people there want it then who are us to complain... i would like to point out that for Pakistan the most strategical point is Wakhan corridor..more startegic than keeping their baloch or war-trodden regions.
Yes...in one of my posts long ago...I have proposed Pak annexing the Wakhan corridor to have direct connectivity with CARs.

And yes it is a bit distasteful...but do u see any other long lasting solution? Other than having our own puppets?(which doesn't seem like a permanent one).

buddy we r here to stay
and we cannot even dream of sending our men to fight for afghan mountains
just be as it is control from outside
not everyone is my friend but my core interest should be watched and thats all about it
one day we will make roads to CA
we will do everything but for that we need to secure our current situation
truat me its party time once the deal is signed with americans cos noo one had balls this big to come and get into afg they were last and we r soon to see a good afg in our shadow
Yes we r here to stay FOR NOW. Pak has an upper hand with the war in Afghanistan winding down but do not make the mistake of thinking that these circumstances would last forever. Remember when Bangladeshis were changing for the creation of Pakistan during the partition era? Then how quickly times changed and it became Bangladesh. Remember how Pak was in the good graces of the US? And then how quickly times changed and now they give that support of India while they are at odds with Pak. Geopolitical changes happen all the time...nothing is permanent. It is great that Pak succeed today in ending Indian designs and secured its western border...but in such games success is not always guaranteed. What if tomorrow they win? So it is IMO better if there was no Afghanistan to be exploited by India.
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