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Taliban advances on capital of Afghanistan's Helmand

Once you see these cross regional projects bear fruit, it will completely change the dynamics in the region. These hawks on both sides forget that a destabilized Afghanistan will have enormous negative ramification for Pakistan and destabilized Pakistan for Afghanistan. Hope common sense prevails.

What do average afghans think about the peace process ? If one is following, the recent events its not very hard to conclude that all parties (except pro-indian groups basically the national coalition ) are moving towards talks. However, the talks will be tough. Both parties (taliban and Gov) would want the other to concede. Lets assume that after reaching a ceasefire agreement, the talis demand power sharing. Pragmatically speaking , i think this will be accepted. Now what type of power sharing deal is reached or how much power is shared cant be speculated at this moment. Being an afghan yourself, what do you think ? Do you think people like Qutbuddin Hilal , the EX-taliban ( hizbe-Islami) guy that ran for presidency in 2014 , can play a role in the negotiations ? or Mohammad Nader Naeem ?
What do average afghans think about the peace process ? If one is following, the recent events its not very hard to conclude that all parties (except pro-indian groups basically the national coalition ) are moving towards talks. However, the talks will be tough. Both parties (taliban and Gov) would want the other to concede. Lets assume that after reaching a ceasefire agreement, the talis demand power sharing. Pragmatically speaking , i think this will be accepted. Now what type of power sharing deal is reached or how much power is shared cant be speculated at this moment. Being an afghan yourself, what do you think ? Do you think people like Qutbuddin Hilal , the EX-taliban ( hizbe-Islami) guy that ran for presidency in 2014 , can play a role in the negotiations ? or Mohammad Nader Naeem ?

I think the NUG and the Afghan people have been very clear that negotiation is the way forward, H.E Ashraf Ghani has invested a lot political capital in reaching out to the Taliban and their brethrens. Those Taliban that want to negotiate and live a peaceful life are welcome. Let them take part in Elections, if they win then Mullah Mansoor can very well be our president, no hard feelings. The issue is that they are bombing our schools, killing our civilans, attacking our cities, its our sacared duty to defened our homes, and they will pay a price.

So they decision is theirs, either negotiate and live peaceful or die in the battlefield.

Please explain in detail from your infinite wisdom on the subject of middle ground between Pakistan and Afghanistan? Under no circumstances shall we accept the annexation of our territory and Afghanistan can never dictate us on opening trade links with India.

The mood in Kabul has always been negative towards Pakistan, because hypocrisy and double standards is ingrained in the DNA of politicians from the Northern Alliance faction. When the Pakistani Taliban is supported by the NDS who are actively colluding with the Indian Intelligence Agency, then you must be naive to believe in the philosophy that Pakistan will not retaliate back. Hamid Karzai has on record articulated the idea that the durand line does not exists and this is supported by Amrullah Selah who has preached the same doctrine. These individuals have influence in Kabul and if Afghanistan was in a position to take land from the tribal regions of Pakistan, then obviously such a policy would be pursued.

Drone alleges shot down by the Taliban


If you pointing to the Durand Line, that is an international border period, sensible Afghans are not naive to believe otherwise.

If you have said that you wont accept dictates on opening trade routes towards India then how do you except us to accept your dictates on who we make friends with? Double Standards, No?

As a matter of fact I laugh at your pity reasoning, you seem to be stuck in the cold war era, I am offering a proposition where by Afghanistan thrives with Pakistan and India. I believe in a pan region cooperation, while you are still stuck in the 60s. Pakistan is actually naive that India which offers such a huge market is being avoided by you guys because you are still acting as security state. China has issues with India but they still do business.

I was in India a while ago and I can tell you this, India has moved on, they are in a different playing field. Its Afghanistan and more specifically Pakistan that is missing the train.

PS : Drinks are on you my friend :)
I think the NUG and the Afghan people have been very clear that negotiation is the way forward, H.E Ashraf Ghani has invested a lot political capital in reaching out to the Taliban and their brethrens. Those Taliban that want to negotiate and live a peaceful life are welcome. Let them take part in Elections, if they win then Mullah Mansoor can very well be our president, no hard feelings. The issue is that they are bombing our schools, killing our civilans, attacking our cities, its our sacared duty to defened our homes, and they will pay a price.

So they decision is theirs, either negotiate and live peaceful or die in the battlefield.

Agreed, the only way talks can be successful is if both sides declare a temporary ceasefire. The US strategy of talk talk fight fight hasnt worked in Afghanistan uptill now , remember the talks in Qatar ? Now a temporary ceasefire isnt hard to achieve. Infact, one of my sources told me that the expected second round to muree talks were gonna bring a ceasefire. However, maintaining one is alot trickier since Taliban arent the only group out there. IS will try to sabotage these talks. Hopefully, we Pakistan can arm-twist the taliban back into talks, but then again our influence is very limited. The people who supported Taliban, are themselves facing prosecution over various cases in Pakistan.

Then there is the issue of TTP , what will they do ,if Afghanistan peace talks are initiated ? will they follow suit , we certainly wont accept nothing less than a surrender from them now since the APS massacre. Or will they join IS. That remains to be seen. Lets hope the deal works out, there are many who dont want peace, who thrive on the animosity between Pakistan and Afghanistan. The next few months a crucial .
Fair enough! With folks likes in majority gives me hope that Afghans and Pakistanis can find the middle ground and make it work.

But on the other hands when see posts such as the one by @Rasengan, [ hope that is the minority] who is open accepting sending murderers into Afghanistan to kill civilian, then of course the mood in Kabul will be negative.

It’s important that we
sideline hawks on both sides because the region needs peace and have had enough of these destabilizing polices.

Dont worry about these comments as these are childish and failed to foresee long lasting future ,One thing i would suggest you is to stop calling us your enemy Secondly if you want to see stable Afg you need to kick Indian`s out of your soil they have penetrated your system and using your soil against Pak .I mean i have seen seriousness in Pak Mil as well as Civil leadership to resolve Afg issue to bring peace ,regarding Taliban they are reality in Afg look why our army was able to kick TTP is bcas of commitment from local population but in Afg case local pop is sympathetic to Taliban as Govt has failed due to corruption ,conflict of interest as they are more keen to serve Indians and Americans rather than serving local population.
It is easy for you to say that since you are sitting in UK and have no idea what the common man is going through in both countries. Undermining each other is easy but it takes real courage to make it work with each.


Well, it does not matter if i am in uk or any other country, my whole family is in Pakistan, so before you say anything, always think ,,..

I am not undermining the efforts of Pakistan , in case of people to people relations.....

My family have supported few afghan nationals in 80s, when they didn't even had enough to eat and we not just provided them shelter but jobs to males as well ..

so we have a right to say when afghan people say bad things about Pakistan, why didnt any other neighbor of yours helped you like this in millions when afghan ppl needed it most ..

think man think ...
If you pointing to the Durand Line, that is an international border period, sensible Afghans are not naive to believe otherwise.
Is Hamid Karzai a sensible Afghan? Using the formula you stated he was not so Pakistan was right not to deal with a man who is not a sensible Afghan.
If you pointing to the Durand Line, that is an international border period, sensible Afghans are not naive to believe otherwise.

Brother A-Team you can be described as a sensible Afghan, however unfortunately these views are not supported by the political establishment of Kabul whose opinion is more relevant in the current framework. Pakistan must therefore protect its own national interests for the greater good of its own people.

If you have said that you wont accept dictates on opening trade routes towards India then how do you except us to accept your dictates on who we make friends with? Double Standards, No?

You can use an alternative route to trade with India who you admire so much, however Afghanistan has no authority to dictate trade terms by forcing us to allow Indian goods to travel through our territory. The world does not revolve around Afghanistan, therefore please read more on international diplomacy and political events occuring across the region. India was economically blockading Nepal for months because its relationship with Beijing was becoming closer and the bureaucrats in Delhi would not accept the new constitution which was ratified by nearly all major groups in Nepal. India's position on this issue is based on realism, where states often pursue a doctrine for the national interests of their security. Pakistan is doing the exact same thing in Afghanistan, however you can continue to shower rose petals on your Indian friends.

As a matter of fact I laugh at your pity reasoning, you seem to be stuck in the cold war era, I am offering a proposition where by Afghanistan thrives with Pakistan and India. I believe in a pan region cooperation, while you are still stuck in the 60s. Pakistan is actually naive that India which offers such a huge market is being avoided by you guys because you are still acting as security state. China has issues with India but they still do business.

PS : Drinks are on you my friend :)

While you are preoccupied in laughing in a senseless manner Afghanistan is suffering. People are migrating to Europe because the government in Kabul is full of corruption and no jobs are available for the youth. The Taliban are rising in power and you have been humiliated internationally with the fall of Kunduz. You are stuck in Alice the Wonderland:) We have no aspiration to thrive with India, until the issue of Kashmir is resolved and you no have the authority to force us, because we can just unleash the Haqqani network every time some crackpot politician in Kabul makes a snide comment on this topic.

I was in India a while ago and I can tell you this, India has moved on, they are in a different playing field. Its Afghanistan and more specifically Pakistan that is missing the train.
PS : Drinks are on you my friend :)

So you had the pleasure of visiting the land of the untouchables, where people are often killed by a lynch mob for eating beef and the poverty rate is higher than the whole of Africa combined. Pakistan is developing in a different manner and India does not fit into our equation. China has invested $55 billion dollar in CPEC and the Three Gorges Corporation has conveyed the message of investing another $50 billion. I have friends in China who are currently convincing a railway, solar power and hydro-power companies to enter the market of Pakistan. Russia has just announced to invest $2 billion on a pipeline from Karachi to Lahore. Therefore, Afghanistan has missed the train and not Pakistan:) You love India so much, then please run an advertisement campaign to convince your refugee Afghan brothers in Pakistan to migrate to India.
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