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Talat Hussain : sexist, misogynist and racist

What he is saying in the end is not the way you have put it. He has clearly narrated in this manner
" I don't know why but after her personal account of her experience in Pakistan she is looking more honorable than her respectable hosts. Don't know if the hosts learned anything from the morality of this actress".
Have an impartial person translate it, Just because you cant apprehend the obvious there is no need to misguide people.
Talat's intention's for portraying Angelina as a charismatic figure are pretty evident from this para. Feel free to disagree in your usual grandiloquence.

None of the translations are mine. The first one isn't literal and the weakest one. Read the last post for an apt translation.
i understand one thing, SW has supports PPP and its mandate and he cant stand its criticism... (with no offense to SW)
i understand one thing, SW has supports PPP and its mandate and he cant stand its criticism... (with no offense to SW)

While I did not vote for the PPP last time, and don't plan to change my affiliation anytime soon, I do not take offence when other people come up with such comments.
The highlight of her continuous social experimenting is her self-professed stint at sapphism.

Anglina's Sapphism is hurting Talat, badly :rolleyes:

Never expected this sorta article from him

Lol the title sounds like overkill to me.
It’s just the Urdu version of a masala article intended to give diljalas a hardon-- cheap.
I love the part of it where he says only a woman can understand another woman’s 'real' needs (and hence can fulfill them), whereas poor men no matter how hard they try can’t give her that intense orgasm she pines for.
I think Jolie could take all the corruption nonsense from Pakistan but this is a foolish personal comment.

This was truly very shameful, she is visiting these far flung places where even most of us won't go, she is taking on the risk, she is putting in the effort. Classic example of being ruled by stupid values, there is a context for everything. She is not coming to Pakistan and asking for a following, she is not asking for votes, she is not selling a movie, nothing.

If you have issues with what her personal life is, why bring it up in this context? Definitely Talat Hussain owes Pakistan which owes Jolie an apology. He screwed up big time.
I stopped reading when he wrote that Jolie was not particularly attractive in her early years.

He must be smoking crack because she was a model in her early years, in fact here is her modelling composite.

I think Jolie could take all the corruption nonsense from Pakistan but this is a foolish personal comment.

This was truly very shameful, she is visiting these far flung places where even most of us won't go, she is taking on the risk, she is putting in the effort. Classic example of being ruled by stupid values, there is a context for everything. She is not coming to Pakistan and asking for a following, she is not asking for votes, she is not selling a movie, nothing.

If you have issues with what her personal life is, why bring it up in this context? Definitely Talat Hussain owes Pakistan which owes Jolie an apology. He screwed up big time.

Who cares about Talat anyway?
The Pakistani populace loves Jolie for what/who she is, and that's what counts!
i am not much of a Talat fan and what he wrote can be termed as a ridicule, but then the kind of hue and cry that has been raised over this, i wonder why dont we see similar (mass) 'mobilization' when someone mocks Bin Qasims, Saladins, Quaids and Prophets.

Arent we comfortable when we quote unethical stuff about our President (though i cant stand the guy), Leaders etc?

We may term Talat's info as allegations and accusations, but then i dont think he would go to such lengths and write something that he cant support or prove.

Though at times it struck to me that he's hitting below the belt.
I am totally disgusted that this man can come up with this sort of none sense.
I always considered Talat hussain a trust worthy journalist but after this master piece he has lost all of his character that he earned during flotilla issue.

Does someone know if he isn't following the footsteps of Nadeem F Paracha ?
If a women with bad character by just giving water to thirsty dog can get heaven why not Angelina.

No body is better just becasue of blood line, only Taqwa makes one to be better then the other. I don't know how long people will Cash good deeds of their ancestors to hide what they have become now.
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Could anyone please pen the article in Roman for those who can't read the script?
@To the OP:- (a philogynist) :)

I agree with Talat 100%... she's ugly as helll,, he very rightly said that she does NOT even deserve a second look , don't know how can face like hers be given role of heroin... & how on the earth "Rang Barangay Yateen bachay" is a racist remark??? especially when he wasn't commenting on children, he was refering to Angelina's tactic...

Just because u crammed up the English-dictionary in ur lop-sided brain, & try to intimidate by ur "thick" English, does NOT mean u r thinking straight... Give ur fancy "terminology" some rest... They are losing the meaning...

Blinded by ur love for Julieee, u didn't even bother to think about what he's trying to say... Can u show me proof of what tangible help from Juliee reached the victoms??? Don't give me the B.S monetary figure of dollars that r nothing more than words on paper for the real deserving...
...This was truly very shameful, she is visiting these far flung places where even most of us won't go, she is taking on the risk, she is putting in the effort....
If u remember, D.i.c.k Cheney also came from far-flung country to visit earth-quake victoms,,, so that doesn't make a serial-killer an angel... Like our politicians do PR-stunts, Julie's "drama-Bazee" wasn't much different...

It's called typical "Gooree-Chamree-Effect"... If Talat had said anything against say Imran Khan,,, the OP won't have had his lexicon exhausted... :)
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I think we all need to understand one basic thing.
You cannot doubt the intentions when someone is doing a selfless good deed, this may have seemed like a little satire to some but believe me...it was ill done and not ethical from any perspective since the message which should have been conveyed was suffocated.
The fact that he focused so much on her flaws and consciously tried to explore them in detail, created a bad taste and sheds a poor light on his own self because recounting everything in near explicit detail is also not virtuous.

Should we say that Talat was in the aid flotilla to gain publicity and not to help?
Certainly he implies that Angelina's primary motive for aid work is self promotion and not charity...this is the most unethical part of his entire article and throws a very poor light on his own self, because most certainly he has no proof that her intention is not genuine

I am not someone who approves of an extremely overt hedonistic way of life and justifies the utter deviation of man from what the Lord intended for us, certainly the lady in question has a flawed character.
However i am not foolish enough to be ignorant of the fact that we all have our vices and virtues, at the end of the day both count for something and if our virtues are also abundant then the Lord is most merciful and forgiving.

Anyways, as xeric pointed out...let us move on and focus our energies elsewhere since quite a lot of unproven accusations are thrown against present and past characters in our society generating a lot of criticism and hate, without anyone questioning the validity, fairness and most importantly relevance of it all.
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