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Taj Arabia To Overshadow Taj Mahal


Nov 9, 2009
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United Kingdom
So you think the Taj Mahal's grand? Wait till you see the Taj Arabia…

Building will be four times size of original and stand next to copies of Eiffel Tower and Pyramids other world landmarks

It took thousands of workmen under the control of the Indian emperor Shah Jahan more than 20 years to build the Taj Mahal – a tribute to his beloved late wife. Now a developer in the Middle East wants to build another, larger version in less than two years.

This week developers in Dubai unveiled a plan for the Taj Arabia, a replica of the 350-year-old mausoleum that will be four times the size of the original. They hope it will be used to hold weddings and as a backdrop for Bollywood movies.

The £621m project, which will also feature other architectural highlights from around the world, including the Great Wall of China, the Pyramids, the Eiffel Tower and even a replica of the Leaning Tower of Pisa, will be part of a complex that will contain a 300-room hotel, commercial buildings and shops, officials said.

The developers behind the eye-catching project, Link Global Group, could not be contacted yesterday, but the company's chairman, Arun Mehra, earlier told the Gulf News: "Marriage is a celebration. It needs to be announced and glorified. Currently Dubai is not regarded as a wedding destination. People go to Bali and other exotic places to marry. Now they will come to Taj Arabia.

"Taj Arabia will not be a 100 per cent replica as it has a different purpose. That said, we definitely want to create the same spirit of love and passion in today's modern times when divorce rates are fast picking up."

The Taj Mahal was built in the 17th century by the Mughal emperor Jahan after the death of his third wife, Mumtaz Mahal, who gave birth to 14 children. Located in intricately landscaped gardens in the North Indian city of Agra alongside the banks of the Yamuna river, it is a Unesco World Heritage site, managed by the Archaeological Survey of India. The monument, which boasts a 60ft dome, is reportedly visited by more than two million people a year and is India's most popular attraction after becoming known globally as a monument to love.

At this week's launch of the new project, the Dubai developers claimed several Bollywood producers had already expressed an interest in using the Taj Arabia as backdrop.

There has been no official response from the authorities in Delhi over the impersonation of its prized architectural treasure.

It was reported that an earlier plan to develop a replica in the United Arab Emirates was put on hold because of the global financial crisis.

The developers claim the plan to proceed with the project underscores that confidence has returned to the UAE's property-development sector.

So you think the Taj Mahal's grand? Wait till you see the Taj Arabia

Great news. Tourism industry will get boost from it.

History associated with these monuments can't be built in 2 years. So lets not compare them even if other is multiple size of Taj Mahal.
Great Mosque of Seville Seville, Spain 1172 Famous for its minaret "la Giralda"

Bab Mardum Mosque Toledo, Spain 999-1000 The story of the Ribbed vaults and the Gothic inspiration.

Al-Jaferia Palace Zaragoza, Spain 1050-1083 Most important building of the Taifa Period in Andalusia.

Great Mosque of Cordoba Cordoba, Spain 700-900 The pearl of the Ummayad Khilafa in Andalusia

Al-Hambra Granada, Spain 11-1400 L'Ahambra! L'Ahambra! Palais que les genies Ont dore comme un reve et rempli d'harmonies (Victor Hugo)

La Ziza Palace Palermo 1166 Muslim architecture in Sicily

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Quairawane Tunis 724-863 The oldest "and the best" of North African Muslim buildings

Aghlabid Cistrens Tunis 862 Muslim hydraulic Engineering at work

Ribat of Susse Susse, Tunisia 850 The building where Muslims first introduced the ribbed vaulting, more than 200 years before Europe.

Al-Mahdiya Mosque Mehdiya, Tunisia 916 The innovation of the porch.

Great Mosque of Telemcen Telemcen, Algeria 1030's Unique example of Ribbed Domes in North Africa and the first appearance of stalactite vaults (muqarnas) in this region.

Ketchaoua Mosque Algiers, Algeria 1794 One of the rare Ottoman buildings preserved in Muslim Algeria

Beni Hammad Algeria 1007 The unique Muslim tower minaret

Kutubia Merrakesh, Morocco 1158 The origin of the splendour of the North African square minaret..

Al-Qarawiyin Mosque Fez, Morocco 800-1100 Almoravid architecture in Morocco

King Hassan II Mosque Casablanca, Morocco 1986-1993 The grandeur of the Muslim mosque designed by French architect

Ibn Tulun Cairo 876-879 The first building ever to systematically use the pier and pointed arch.

Azhar Mosque Cairo 972 The world's oldest university

Bab Al-Nasre Cairo 1087-1092 Victory gate of Cairo

Bab al-Futuh Cairo late 1000's Muslim Military architecture in Cairo

Al-Hakim Mosque Cairo 990-1013 The Fatimid Ifriquian building style

Al-Aqmar Mosque Cairo 1125 The decoration with the prayer niche.

Sultan Hassan Mosque Cairo 1356-1362 The four iwan mosque in Cairo

Mausol. of Sultan Qaitbay Cairo 1471-1474 Mamluk architecture in Cairo

Mohammed Ali Complex Cairo 1824-1848 The influence of Sinan in 19th century Cairo

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Ulu Cami Mosque Bursa 1396 On the origins of Ottoman architecture

Suleimaniya Istanbul 1550-1557 The Mosque or the genius of Sinan

Bayzid Cami Istanbul 1501-1506 The maturation of the Ottoman architecture and the influence of Hagia Sophia

Shehzade Complex Istanbul 1544-1548 First important building project of Sinan

Suleymania Complex Istanbul 1550-1557 Sinan's master piece.

Sultan Ahmed Cami Istanbul 1610-1617 Known as the Blue Mosque

Baghdad Koshk Istanbul 1638-1639 The Ottoman functional kiosk

Medrassa of Keratay Konya 1251 The dome of the Universe

Ince Minareli Medrassa Konya, Turkey 1258 The early Suljuk "Baroque"

Qasr al-hair al Sharqui Syria 728-729 Chalif Hisham's palace in Syria.

Qasr al-hair al Gharbi Syria late 700's

Great Mosque of Aleppo Aleppo 715-717 The main mosque of Aleppo, built by Hasan Ibn Mufarraj al-Sarmini

Aleppo Citadel Aleppo 1186-1216 Muslim military architecture in Aleppo

Ummayad Mosque Damascus 706-715 The Umayyad masterpiece.

Mutawakkil Mosque Samara, Iraq 848-849 Known as AL-Malwiya

Al-Mustansirya Baghdad 1233 One of the first Muslim Medrassas

King Abdellah Mosque Amman 1989 Older models into modern forms?

Mshatta Palace Jordan 743-744 Most lavishly constructed Palace.

Khirbat al-Mafjar Palestine Late 700's The source inspiring the Gothic rose window.

Dome of the Rock Al-Qudse 691 The Mosque or the victory of Islam in Palestine.

Al-Aqsa Al-Qudse late 600 The origin of the T plan mosque.

El-Harem (Kaabah) Makkah, Saudi Arabia First earthly building erected by our father Adam and restored by Prophet Ibrahim and his son Ismail.

Prophet's Mosque Medina, Saudi Arabia First Mosque of Islam

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Shir-Dar-Madrassa Samarkand 1619-1636 Majestic building in Ragistan Square.

Gur-I-Mir Mausoleum Samarquand 1300-1400 The resting place of the Sultan Timur

Ulugh Beg Medrassa Samarquand 1417-1420 The oldest surviving medrassa in Asia built by the Timurid most respectable Scholar and Ruler Samarkand from 1409

Ulugh Beg Observatory Samarquand 1428/29 The remains of this important Muslim observatory in Samarkand

Registan Square Samarquand 15th century Oldest square in Samarquand

Khoja Ahmed Yaswi Complex Kazakhstan 1389-1399 Timurid architecture as its best.

Mir-I-Arab Medrassa Bukhara 1535-1536 Founded by a Yemeni Sheikh in Bukhara

Balkh Mosque Afghanistan Late 9th C. Early mosque with nine domes

Taj Mahal Agra 1632-1643 One of the wonders of the world.

Musoleum of Itimad ad-Daula Agra 1628 Technical and artistic refinement before the Taj Mahal

Atala Jami Mosque Jampur, India 1408 New phase in Muslim monumental Mosque portal

Quwwat al-Islam Complex Delhi Late 12th C. Early Muslim architecture in Delhi

Mausoleum of Humayun Delhi 1562-1571 Mughal architecture in India

Jami Mesdjid Delhi 1644-1658 The largest Mogul Mosque built by Shah Jahan.

Khass Mahal India 1637 Mughal garden tombs depicting Paradise

Friday Mosque of Hirat Hirat, Iran 1200-1201 Example of Ghurit architecture in Persia

Masjid-I-Shah Isfahan 1611-1616 Safavid architecture in Isfahan

Maidan I-Shah Isfahan 1600's Unique Muslim Architectural complex

Khwajir Bridge Isfahan 1650 Architectural and engineering marvel of Isfahan

Friday Mosque of Isfahan Isfahan, Iran 800-1100 The four Iwan mosque famous for its ribbed dome.

King Faisal Mosque Islamabad 1966-1986 Designed by Vedat Delakoy (Turkey)

Istiglal Mosque Indonesia 1955-1984 Turkish minaret and modern "office block" look alike prayer hall.

Dome of the rock is marvillious
Taj.... I never felt anything so special for this thing to include it into 8 things in world , i think this Taj is hyped by us, Indians.

Forts of Rajsthan are More beautiful than Taj , More foreigner visit Rajasthan ......:disagree:
Taj.... I never felt anything so special for this thing to include it into 8 things in world , i think this Taj is hyped by us, Indians.

Forts of Rajsthan are More beautiful than Taj , More foreigner visit Rajasthan ......:disagree:
Then you didn't get what it really has. One has to spends hours and days to understand why Taj Mahal is so special. Do you know about black Tajmahal. It isn't a myth ?

Shahjahan made a water reservoir across Yamuna so that on full moon the entire shadow of Taj was there and it was called Black Tajmahal.

Forts of Rajasthan are Majestic on their own. We can't compare apples with oranges.
Hmm so all wonders at one place but where is greatwall of china and suppose if they build how will they build and this project will be opposed by many, no one will like a replica which is larger and better than the original...arabs are crazy!!!! An bangladeshi businessmen had build small replica of tajmahal in Dhaka which india opposed, but that guy was humiliated by its own countryman because he build the replica with TOILET TILES
The Taj in India is beautiful but its symbolism of love , devotion and then betrayal is more beautiful. As Krait mentioned, you can't replicate the history of the Taj. The life of Shah Jehan is embodied in every one of its bricks and its image

Its a good concept der. Look at Burz-al-Arab and Palm Island. These sort of things attract tourists.

As mentioned in article, Taj Mahal attracts 2 million tourists.

When it comes to visiting India, foreigners wants to first see Taj Mahal and those who have even little interest in wildlife, they go for Ranthambore National park, world's best sight seeing of Tigers. My friend's father was the one who accompanied then US president Bill Clinton came to India. After visiting Taj Mahal, he visited this park.
well one does not have to travel so far to see a replica of the taj . there is a similar monument in aurangabad. its called the BIBI KA MUQBARA.

on topic this will really boost tourism with copies of different monuments in one place.
You just cant replace history .
However i have to admit that the new project is very ambitious and amazing .
Guys, what's the validity of the following comment left by a reader. ??

For all those who believe in the illusion that TAJ MAHAL is some kind of a love monument simply don't know the facts easily confirmed on google earth.

This so called love emperor Shah Jehan who built TAJ MAHAL also has his first wife and second wife mausoleums on the site - to the left and right ot TAJ MAHAL ... and his poor wife died giving birth to his 14th child - So much for LOVE... Fake Emperor - Fake Love - Fake everything...
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