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Taiwan's opposition/independence party head open to China unification


Apr 17, 2010
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TAIPEI (AP) - Taiwan's opposition presidential candidate has said she is open to the island's unification with China, providing the issue wins popular support.

Even with the condition, Tsai Ing-wen's comments represents a radical departure for her traditionally pro-independence Democratic Progressive Party.

She was speaking at a press briefing in New York on Friday. Her remarks were reported in Taiwanese newspapers on Sunday and confirmed by a party spokesman.

The remarks follow a report in the Financial Times citing an unnamed senior United States (US) official criticising Ms Tsai's China policy as jeopardising stability in the region.

Taiwan's opposition chief open to China unification
Excellant news our chinese brothers and sisters in taiwan accepting reality
This is not good for India. We must not let the unification happen.

Congress must act now. China's growing influence is our demise. India must continue to stir up conflict between China and it's disputers. If the unification does indeed materializes then our best option would be to allow US to have permanent bases around our country; hopefully to repel and prevent another 1962 from a even more powerful China..
IMO The Korean peninsula issue would not be resolved until Taiwan issue is resolved first.

And also IMO the S China sea issue would not see major resolution too, until the Taiwan issue is resolved first.

Pull the sack by both ends to raise the middle.
This is not good for India. We must not let the unification happen.

Congress must act now. China's growing influence is our demise. India must continue to stir up conflict between China and it's disputers. If the unification does indeed materializes then our best option would be to allow US to have permanent bases around our country; hopefully to repel and prevent another 1962 from a even more powerful China..

Stop trolling.
This is not good for India. We must not let the unification happen.

Congress must act now. China's growing influence is our demise. India must continue to stir up conflict between China and it's disputers. If the unification does indeed materializes then our best option would be to allow US to have permanent bases around our country; hopefully to repel and prevent another 1962 from a even more powerful China..

Now that's one heck of a great idea.
China and India actually don't have real strategic conflict aside from historical and Lama issues. Cooperation will benefit both sides in the short to medium term.
Don't trust words from this Green Lady, she is famous for making contradictory statements and twisitng her words. She was this making statement to please her American associates.

蔡英文访美尽显“台独”本色2011年09月19日 07:51
来源:台海网 字号:T|T0人参与0条评论打印转发
台海网9月19日讯 海峡导报特约撰述人、台湾淡江大学大陆研究所教授潘锡堂今天发表文章称,










Wow, the Taiwanese politician practically faltered after American posturing...
90%+ Taiwanese people don't want to be with Communist China.

1-2 people doesn't make the country. Taiwan is independent for last 50+ years and nothing going to change in future also. Talk when something will happen. :coffee:
Is Taiwan a Country?

Mar 2 2011
There are eight accepted criteria used to determine whether a place is an independent country (also known as a State with a capital "s") or not.
Let us examine these eight criteria in regard to Taiwan, an island (approximately the size of the U.S. states of Maryland and Delaware combined) located across the Taiwan Strait from mainland China (the People's Republic of China).

Taiwan developed into its modern situation following the Communist victory on the mainland in 1949 when two million Chinese Nationalists fled to Taiwan and established a government for all of China on the island. From that point and until 1971, Taiwan was recognized as "China" in the United Nations.

Mainland China's position on Taiwan is that there is only one China and that Taiwan is part of China; the People's Republic of China is awaiting reunification of the island and mainland. However, Taiwan claims independence as a distinct State. We will now determine which is the case.

1. Has space or territory that has internationally recognized boundaries (boundary disputes are OK).

Somewhat. Due to political pressure from mainland China, the United States and most other significant nations recognize one China and thus include the boundaries of Taiwan as being part of the boundaries of China.

2. Has people who live there on an ongoing basis.

Absolutely! Taiwan is home to almost 23 million people, making it the 48th largest "country" in the world, with a population slightly smaller than North Korea but larger than Romania.

3. Has economic activity and an organized economy. A country regulates foreign and domestic trade and issues money.

Absolutely! Taiwan is an economic powerhouse - it's one of the four economic tigers of Southeast Asia. Its GDP per capita is among the top 30 of the world. Taiwan has its own currency, the new Taiwan dollar.

4. Has the power of social engineering, such as education.

Absolutely! Education is compulsory and Taiwan has more than 150 institutions of higher learning. Taiwan is home to the Palace Museum, which houses over 650,000 pieces of Chinese bronze, jade, calligraphy, painting, and porcelain.

5. Has a transportation system for moving goods and people.

Absolutely! Taiwan has an extensive internal and external transportation network that consists of roads, highways, pipelines, railroads, airports, and sea ports. Taiwan can ship goods, there's no question about that!

6. Has a government that provides public services and police power.

Absolutely! Taiwan has multiple branches of military - Army, Navy (including Marine Corps), Air Force, Coast Guard Administration, Armed Forces Reserve Command, Combined Service Forces Command, and Armed Forces Police Command. There are almost 400,000 active duty members of the military and the country spends about 15-16% of its budget on defense.

Taiwan's main threat is from mainland China, which has approved an anti-secession law that allows a military attack on Taiwan to prevent the island from seeking independence. Additionally, the United States sells Taiwan military equipment and may defend Taiwan under the Taiwan Relations Act.

7. Has sovereignty. No other State should have power over the country's territory.

Mostly. While Taiwan has maintained its own control over the island from Taipei since 1949, China still claims to have control over Taiwan.

8. Has external recognition. A country has been "voted into the club" by other countries.

Somewhat. Since China claims Taiwan as its provoince, the international community does not want to contradict China on this matter. Thus, Taiwan is not a member of the United Nations. Plus, only 25 countries (as of early 2007) recognize Taiwan as an independent country and they recognize it as the "only" China. Due to this political pressure from China, Taiwan does not maintain an embassy in the United States and the United States (among most other countries) has not recognized Taiwan since January 1, 1979.

However, many countries have set up unofficial organizations to carry out commercial and other relations with Taiwan. Taiwan is represented in 122 countries unofficially. Taiwan maintains contact with the United States through two through an unofficial instrumentalities - American Institute in Taiwan and the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office.

In addition, Taiwain issues globally recognized passports that allow its citizens to travel internationally. Taiwan also is a member of the International Olympic Committee and this sends its own team to the Olympic Games.

Recently, Taiwan has lobbied strongly for admission into international organizations such as the United Nations, which mainland China opposes.

Therefore, Taiwan meets five of the eight criteria fully. Another three criteria are met in some respects due to mainland China's stance on the issue.

Is Taiwan a Country?
Is Taiwan Part of China?

The answer is a loud and clear NO!
Not anymore anyway.


Is Taiwan part of China? The following 8 undisputable facts should prove you that Taiwan is not a province or a territory that belongs to China. Sure, the island of Taiwan was once occupied and governed by China in the past and Taiwanese history was greatly influenced by its giant neighbor. But at present time, Taiwan is not part of China!

Important Notes:

Taiwan's official name is Republic of China, or R.O.C.
China's official name is People's Republic of China, or P.R.C.
China is often referred to as "The Mainland" or "Mainland China".

1- Different travel visas.

If you want to travel to Taiwan you need to apply for a Taiwanese visa at one of the trade offices located outside the island. Because of pressure from China, most countries don't allow Taiwanese embassies or consulates to be established.

You need a Chinese visa to travel to Mainland China. You cannot travel to Taiwan with a Chinese visa, or vice versa.


2- Different Passports

Taiwan and China have different passports. Taiwan's passport says Republic of China on the cover page. China's passport says People's Republic of China.

3- China is part of The United Nations. Taiwan isn't.

And that's very unfortunate. China has been blocking Taiwan's entry into the United Nations and other international organizations such as the World Health Organization for many, many years.

4- The Olympics: 2 countries... 2 different names

Taiwan is usually called Chinese Taipei in major sporting events such as the Olympics. It's very confusing and misleading. For most people who watch those games, Chinese Taipei must obviously mean China, but it doesn't. The Chinese Taipei team should actually be called "Taiwan".


5- Both countries have their own federal capitals.

China's capital is Beijing. Taiwan's capital is Taipei. Taipei has been the capital of Taiwan since 1885. Before that, Tainan was the nation's capital.

6- Taiwan and China have different money.

Taiwan's currency is called the New Taiwan Dollar. The currency code is TWD and the most common abreviation is TW$.

China's currency is called the Renminbi, which means: "people's currency". The currency code is CNY and the most common abbreviation is RMB.

7- National Sovereignty

The government of the R.O.C., based in Taipei, has had full authority and control over the island of Taiwan since 1949, when the nationalists (KMT) escaped the mainland after being defeated by the communists. Chinese planes, ships or submarines cannot come into Taiwan's waters or airspace.

8- Taiwanese people are free. Chinese are not.


Taiwanese enjoy the same freedom found in western countries like Canada, the States, Europe, or Australia. People can debate policies, vote, protest and write to newspapers or on blogs to express their views even about the most controversial issues.

In Taiwan, there is no such thing as being persecuted or going to jail for what you say or think.

Chinese people live in a repressed society where even the most basic human rights are deprived. I'm not just echoing mainstream western media here...
^ You forgot to mention that they are both Han Chinese, speak Chinese, share same Chinese culture/Ancestors.

We can not let China and Taiwan reunite, as it would spell major disaster for us. What India must do is throw all our support on pro-independent Taiwan and hope for the best.

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