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Taiwan spokewoman: China hid the Wuhan virus and caused 18M sick and 700k death

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Rumors often emerge when there is a big crisis. People tend to exaggerate the number. The numbers published by Chinese government are overall accurate. We can feel that by our experiences.
I agree. If China hide the infected numbers that was no way Hong Kong can have so little cases came from China, since we have hundred thousand of people entry and leave between HK and China daily before closing most of our gates. Also before our stupidity, over 90% of our cases were from the West.
Taiwan media told Taiwanese mainland Chinese can't affort tea eggs and starve to eat mice. It is not strange at all Taiwanese don't want to be Chinese. As a VPN user, I know both China mainland and Taiwan. My parents have been to Taiwan. I'm sure Taiwan society is highly politicalized and sick. We look down on Taiwan.

They learn the tactic from their master the US. In Vietnam war, South Vietnam government propagated similar bad news about the North, like "Viet Cong" soldiers were so thin that 07 soldiers were not heavy enough to break a papaya branch. The South Vietnamese people were very surprised after 30 Apr 1975 finding that the North soldiers were just normal and healthy.

The West has been using their huge propaganda machines to bad-mouth their adversaries and enemies and brainwash their own people. However, thank to Internet, people now worldwide can easily see the chaos of the US and the savage of American people, the deep poverty in post-war "democracies" Libya and Iraq or the abject poverty and filthy in the over-hyped "world's largest democracy".

I used to hate communism. But the more I read and see, the more countries I have been to, the more I can see its superiority over Western-style liberal democracy. A combination of limited democracy and market economy with some state intervention may be the best option for most poorer countries now.
No evidence shows where the virus originated until now,and where it originated should be scientific searched by the scientist.
HIV first found in the US, has US responsed for the spreading the HIV virus?
Vibrio cholerae originated India has proved by the scientist,should Indians responsed for the spreading the vibrio ?
Most scientist are in agreement that it originated in china.

Like seriously it not even that hard to research.
They learn the tactic from their master the US. In Vietnam war, South Vietnam government propagated similar bad news about the North, like "Viet Cong" soldiers were so thin that 07 soldiers were not heavy enough to break a papaya branch. The South Vietnamese people were very surprised after 30 Apr 1975 finding that the North soldiers were just normal and healthy.

The West has been using their huge propaganda machines to bad-mouth their adversaries and enemies and brainwash their own people. However, thank to Internet, people now worldwide can easily see the chaos of the US and the savage of American people, the deep poverty in post-war "democracies" Libya and Iraq or the abject poverty and filthy in the over-hyped "world's largest democracy".

I used to hate communism. But the more I read and see, the more countries I have been to, the more I can see its superiority over Western-style liberal democracy. A combination of limited democracy and market economy with some state intervention may be the best option for most poorer countries now.
When I was in college I used to be pro west and anti CCP. Now I know even in moral field CCP is much better than US and Taiwan. Let alone CCP's success in economy.
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You are talking to a VPN user who has access to all the west propaganda. I said CCP has higher morality not because I didn't know what you said. It's a conclusion after many years information collection and comparison.
There's a word for someone like you "useful idiot."

Do tell me how a communist country that imprison, torture, murder much of it's citizens for simple criticism even harvesting organs from still living prisoner is somehow morally superior compared to the western world?

BAT SOUP in Indonesia.jpg

Most scientist are in agreement that it originated in china.

Like seriously it not even that hard to research.
nope. the virus was discovered in China, and a superspreader event was detected in China. Neither implies origin. It could've originated in Indonesia due to the bat eating there.
Whole world knows that corona virus is from wuhan china.. maybe mars people who dont know that..
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