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Taiwan says has begun mass production of long-range missile


Apr 28, 2011
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Taiwan says has begun mass production of long-range missile
By Ben Blanchard

TAIPEI (Reuters) - Taiwan has begun mass production of a long-range missile and is developing three other models, a senior official said on Thursday, in a rare admission of efforts to develop strike capacity amid growing Chinese pressure.

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China, which claims democratic Taiwan as its own territory, has stepped up military activity near the island, as it tries to force the government in Taipei to accept Beijing’s claims of sovereignty.

Taiwan’s armed forces, dwarfed by China’s, are in the midst of a modernisation programme to offer a more effective deterrent, including the ability to hit back at bases deep within China in the event of a conflict.

Taking lawmaker questions in parliament, Taiwan Defence Minister Chiu Kuo-cheng said developing a long-range attack capability was a priority.

“We hope it is long-range, accurate and mobile,” he said, adding research on such weapons by the state-owned National Chung-Shan Institute of Science and Technology had “never stopped”.

Standing next to Chiu, the institute’s deputy director Leng Chin-hsu said one long-range, land-based missile had already entered production, with three other long-range missiles in development.

Leng said it was “not convenient” for him to provide details on how far the missile could fly.

The institute, which is leading Taiwan’s weapon development efforts, has in recent months carried out a series of missile tests off its southeastern coast.

Media in Taiwan have carried images of missiles launching and instructions have been given to aircraft to stay clear of the test area, but the tests have otherwise been shrouded in secrecy.

Taiwan’s armed forces have traditionally concentrated on defending the island from a Chinese attack.

But President Tsai Ing-wen has stressed the importance of developing an “asymmetrical” deterrent, using mobile equipment that is hard to find and destroy, and capable of hitting targets far from Taiwan’s coast.

Washington, Taipei’s main foreign arms supplier, has been eager to create a military counterbalance to Chinese forces, building on an effort known within the Pentagon as “Fortress Taiwan”.

Reporting by Ben Blanchard; Editing by Simon Cameron-Moore

Our Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.

Taiwan says has begun mass production of long-range missile | Reuters
Going Nuclear is the ONLY way they can be safe.

CCP needs a win to retain power and Taiwan is the safest bet. Especially after their fiasco with India.
Its just a matter of time before China invades Taiwan.

Nukes will ensure that never happens.

Incorrect. Nukes aren't enough to stop China. Plus, nuke means MAD. They will limit to conventional warfare only. Kashgar airbase about 4,500 km from Taiwan is from where PLA use strategic bombers to hit Taiwan's crucial facilities outside the range of Taiwanese F-16 jets. The only way Taiwan can hit back is if Taiwan has intercontinental ballistic missiles.

Incorrect. Nukes aren't enough to stop China. Plus, nuke means MAD. They will limit to conventional warfare only. Kashgar airbase about 4,500 km from Taiwan is from where PLA use strategic bombers to hit Taiwan's crucial facilities outside the range of Taiwanese F-16 jets. The only way Taiwan can hit back is if Taiwan has intercontinental ballistic missiles.

If Nukes are enough to stop US and China from invading North Korea, they sure as hell is enough to keep Taiwan safe.

Nuclear deterrence is the best safeguard against any invasion.
If Nukes are enough to stop US and China from invading North Korea, they sure as hell is enough to keep Taiwan safe.

Nuclear deterrence is the best safeguard against any invasion.

US can beat the crap out of North Korea any time it wants. North Korea is Chinese protectorate as much as Taiwan is American protectorate. The day US invades North Korea is the day China invade Taiwan. China and US have an understanding. They leave each other's little puppy alone. For now.
Nuclear deterrence is the best safeguard against any invasion.

Taiwan won't get the chance to make nuke. The moment they start trying China invades.
Nuclear deterrence is the best safeguard against any invasion.

US nukes only killed about 100,000 people in Japan in WW2. Even if Taiwan has nuke, they still need ICBM to be able to target major cities. Even if they target major mainland cities with nukes, say they kill 100,000 people, they still can't stop PLA invasion. PLA would flatten Taipei in retaliation and take over Taiwan.
US can beat the crap out of North Korea any time it wants. North Korea is Chinese protectorate as much as Taiwan is American protectorate. The day US invades North Korea is the day China invade Taiwan. China and US have an understanding. They leave each other's little puppy alone. For now.

Taiwan won't get the chance to make nuke. The moment they start trying China invades.

Having North Korea as a protectorate is nothing to boast about. Most nations would be ashamed.

Taiwan won't be broadcasting its intention make nukes. No nation does.
Taiwan won't be broadcasting its intention make nukes. No nation does.

US nukes only killed about 100,000 people in Japan in WW2. Even if Taiwan has nuke, they still need ICBM to be able to target major cities. Even if they target major mainland cities with nukes, say they kill 100,000 people, they still can't stop PLA invasion. PLA would flatten Taipei in retaliation and take over Taiwan.
US nukes only killed about 100,000 people in Japan in WW2. Even if Taiwan has nuke, they still need ICBM to be able to target major cities. Even if they target major mainland cities with nukes, say they kill 100,000 people, they still can't stop PLA invasion. PLA would flatten Taipei in retaliation and take over Taiwan.

That is bluster.

Chinese cities and economy is huddled around your small coast line, especially around Hong Kong. Distance is barely 750 KM. A half decent Cruise missile can cover that distance easily.

China has MUCH MORE to lose than Taiwan who would be fighting for its survival.
China has MUCH MORE to lose than Taiwan who would be fighting for its survival.

Taiwan fighting for survival? Hardly. ROC claims all of mainland. One day ROC will return to mainland and then you will see how imperialistic China will get. Far more imperialistic than PRC that's for sure. Compare today's Russia with USSR and you see how much today's Russia is more imperialistic than USSR was.
That is bluster.

Chinese cities and economy is huddled around your small coast line, especially around Hong Kong. Distance is barely 750 KM. A half decent Cruise missile can cover that distance easily.

China has MUCH MORE to lose than Taiwan who would be fighting for its survival.

Nope. If Taiwan attempted that then the PLARF would launch a justified strategic first strike, and Taiwan would just be history.

In addition, PLAN can shoot their missiles down in boost phase.

Surviving politicians would be dragged out of the rubble, convicted of crimes against humanity and executed.
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