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Taiwan military jets fly into overlapping zone with China

We gave the finger, and Taiwan which is not ruled by China gave the finger, along with other countries followed giving the finger. I'm happy alright.

Careful the finger may get misdirected. And yes, Taiwan is not ruled by China but Republic of China, a reason to be happier, isn't it?
After all Taiwan got a couple of Apaches, why did we "cannot" sell that?

Apache cannot change the equation in the least bit. WZ-10 is superior to AH-64E Apache by quite a long shot.
Careful the finger may get misdirected. And yes, Taiwan is not ruled by China but Republic of China, a reason to be happier, isn't it?

Indeed, you need to be careful.

Apache cannot change the equation in the least bit. WZ-10 is superior to AH-64E Apache by quite a long shot.

Whatever you said that rocks your boat. Same thing as saying the 52D is bigger than Tico cruiser.
Make things worse and maybe we will change our mind about "cannot" sell fighters to Taiwan as you claimed. After all Taiwan got a couple of Apaches, why did we "cannot" sell that?

It's not that the US cannot, but that they don't want to, since the PRC has a similar deal set with Iran.
We gave the finger, and Taiwan which is not ruled by China gave the finger, along with other countries followed giving the finger. I'm happy alright.

Taiwan is China, which part of that didn't you get from the name Republic of CHINA.

This is like saying a cheese burger isn't a burger.

Most people I met in the West have trouble understanding, Taiwan claims the whole of China, China claims Taiwan. Taiwan doesn't want independence, it wants to rule over all of China.

This isn't a Austro Hungary or Soviet moment. It's more like De Gaulle escaped to the French colonies but still claims France. Same deal, no one will say De Gaulle wants colonies independence instead of actual France would they.
Taiwan is China, which part of that didn't you get from the name Republic of CHINA.

This is like saying a cheese burger isn't a burger.

Most people I met in the West have trouble understanding, Taiwan claims the whole of China, China claims Taiwan. Taiwan doesn't want independence, it wants to rule over all of China.

This isn't a Austro Hungary or Soviet moment. It's more like De Gaulle escaped to the French colonies but still claims France. Same deal, no one will say De Gaulle wants colonies independence instead of actual France would they.

Semantics, yours and Taiwan's flags are different. I'll say Taiwan just to offend you. Anyways they still gave you the finger. I could say a chicken sandwich gave the burger the finger.

Tico cruiser length 173 meters, width 17 meters. Type 052D destroyer length 155 meters, width 18 meters.

Good to know that you getting it now. Add the displacement as well and you get the math.

I am impressed that some oldman is concerned with that! Enjoy your remaining few days oldman! Happy journey to the hell, dear!

Man I'm offended, I feel like crying right now. Worthy for an Oscar.
Add the displacement as well and you get the math.

Displacement doesn't mean much. You can put the Statue of Liberty on a Tico, doesn't meant it'll magically get bigger.

Doesn't matter what Taiwan's flag is. Austria and Germany are brother countries. Taiwanese speak Chinese. Actually, Taiwan is more Chinese than China is. China is only 90% Han. Taiwan is 99% Han.
Semantics, yours and Taiwan's flags are different. I'll say Taiwan just to offend you. Anyways they still gave you the finger. I could say a chicken sandwich gave the burger the finger.

See this oldman makes himself happy by offending people on internet forum!

This oldman does not care about confronting diabetes, cholesterol, blood sugar, high pressure, nervous breakdown, paralysis and all other means of old age happiness! :lol:
Displacement doesn't mean much. You can put the Statue of Liberty on a Tico, doesn't meant it'll magically get bigger.

Doesn't matter what Taiwan's flag is. Austria and Germany are brother countries. Taiwanese speak Chinese. Actually, Taiwan is more Chinese than China is. China is only 90% Han. Taiwan is 99% Han.

Whatever buddy, you claimed your destroyer is bigger than the Tico, fine by me.
Semantics, yours and Taiwan's flags are different. I'll say Taiwan just to offend you. Anyways they still gave you the finger. I could say a chicken sandwich gave the burger the finger.

we are still in a state of civil war, so this is like the 100th thing that we are doing to each other to piss each other off.

You know we use to fire shells onto each other's shores not long ago, there's actually a dude that makes knife sets from the shells in Taiwan, I got a set, very good quality.

Flags are different? No shit, they are a Chinese government and so are we. IF we had the same flag we be the same government.

Vichy France flag is not the same as De Gaulle France flag.

As to offend me, the fact most Americans don't know where Hawaii is on a map or how many Senators come from one state, I say American ignorance and arrogance is not offensive, but hilarious.
we are still in a state of civil war, so this is like the 100th thing that we are doing to each other to piss each other off.

You know we use to fire shells onto each other's shores not long ago, there's actually a dude that makes knife sets from the shells in Taiwan, I got a set, very good quality.

Flags are different? No shit, they are a Chinese government and so are we. IF we had the same flag we be the same government.

Vichy France flag is not the same as De Gaulle France flag.

As to offend me, the fact most Americans don't know where Hawaii is on a map or how many Senators come from one state, I say American ignorance and arrogance is not offensive, but hilarious.

Whatever rocks your boat. I think Hawaii is somewhere in the Atlantic. See I know my geography.
Each of America's 50 states has its own flag. So? Taiwan having its own flag or not doesn't matter because the PRC is technologically on par with America, is the world's biggest country, and has powerful industry and military.

Taiwan is a protectorate of the PRC.
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So in just 3 months, China enter Japanese ADIZ 80 times ? That is almost everyday !

In the third quarter of year (in the period between July and September 2013), JASDF planes were scrambled 80 times in response to activity of Chinese warplanes (and drones) close to Tokyo’s airspace.

The number of alert scrambles is the third highest since 2005 (when the MoD started releasing such figures).

On Sept. 8, two H-6G maritime strike aircraft were intercepted by the Japan Air Self Defense Force F-15 scrambled from Naha while flying in international airspace between the Miyako and Okinawa islands. On Sept. 9 a Chinese BZK-005 UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle) was intercepted near the contested Senkaku islands.

The dispute about the islands in the East China Sea has surely played a role in the increase of People’s Liberation Army Air Force and Navy activity in the area.

However, not only Chinese fighters caused some concern to the JASDF: from July to September, the number of QRA (Quick Reaction Alert) departures in response to Russian planes, reached a peak of 105, up form only 31 of the previous quarter (April – June).
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