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Taiwan Elections

Although the pro-China group party won, it should be troubling for Chinese members that the anti-China party received 46.3% of the vote.

BBC News - Taiwan's President Ma Ying-jeou wins second term

It's a long ways away from reunification.

No not really, it's amazing this would ever happen during the 90's People use to say all Taiwanese hate China then it changed. as we will change. Agreed Mr Ma Proposed Peace treaty first. Reunification is a while to go however we will take this as a victory.

---------- Post added at 07:07 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:06 AM ----------

Another term for Ma Ying-jeou will increase the economic interdependency between the mainland and Taiwan.

That is the main goal. So even if the DPP wins in the next elections after this, they won't be able to do anything, since they will be dependent on the mainland economy. :partay:

Indeed Great Post CD.
We can wait for Reunification even if it takes 20 or 30 years, however it should be the will of Every Chinese and our Pro China Friends on Taipei to Reunite our Great Motherland.

---------- Post added at 07:36 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:35 AM ----------

The US govt supports KMT as well. :coffee:

51 vs 46 majority wins :china:
Taiwanese have a great instinct for self-preservation. We understand the real struggle over Taiwan is between China and the United States. The two countries should really fight it out at sea eventually (circa 2050 to 2060; battle fleet against battle fleet) and leave Taiwan alone.

Anyway, Taiwan will try to hold out for a few hours after the waves of SRBM (short-range ballistic missile) attack. After most of Taiwan's military installations lie in flames, the United States will have to decide whether it wants to join the fight.

If the United States does intercede in the battle over Taiwan then I predict China will launch over a thousand SRBMs at American bases in Japan and South Korea. The American military installations will also lie in flames.

The carrier battle groups will be kept safely over the horizon. If not, the American carrier battle groups will also lie in flames after a withering simultaneous and multi-directional bombardment from ASBMs, anti-ship missiles, sea-skimming missiles, and torpedoes.

That's it folks. The war is over. China wins in a few hours or a few days. The outcome is not in doubt. It is patently ridiculous to believe that any military power can prevent China from conquering Taiwan, which is 90 miles off China's coast.

Today's China possesses the full spectrum of modern military technologies (e.g. Type 99 MBT, WZ-10 Attack Helicopter, J-10B Vigorous Dragon, KJ-2000 AWACS, KJ-200 AEW&C, ASBM (anti-ship ballistic missile), Type 052C AESA-radar Lanzhou-class destroyer, Yuan-class diesel-electric submarines, Type 093 Shang-class nuclear attack submarines, WS-2 MLRS, etc.). Don't forget that China can mass produce far more weaponry when it moves to a war footing.

I hope the Americans don't expect Taiwanese to fight to the death. We're not crazy emperor-worshipping Japanese. No kamikazes here. After the massive SRBM bombardment, Taiwanese will sit out the war. There are only 23 million Taiwanese. If you exclude the women (50% of the population), elderly, and children, there aren't many people left.

All Taiwanese dream of owning their own company. You can print "CEO" on your name card! Being a hard-nosed political ideologue is not in the Taiwanese DNA. You can't become rich and run your own company when you're dead.

Taiwanese are too few in number and inconsequential. Try to remember who stopped us from developing nuclear weapons in the 1980s. Sometimes, it comes back to bite you in the posterior. We'll cheer for you from the sidelines. Good luck to the Americans! You'll need it.
Wow Martian2 nice analyst, but china for sure don't fight with Taiwan, due to they from same ancestor. They will fight if for worst case they ( Taiwanese) got the guts to declare independence and Taiwan will be at flames. If US help they will face a 3 front war at the same time. North Korea invade south Korea, Iran will throw missile at Israel. Soon other country will get involve and start nukes at each others. Kaboom WW3.
stop thinking about attacking taiwan. china and taiwan can solve things peacefully. i rather see taiwan independent then china attacking.
stop thinking about attacking taiwan. china and taiwan can solve things peacefully. i rather see taiwan independent then china attacking.

No one is thinking about attacking Taipei not even the Hawkish Chinese will be able to, we don't want more of our brothers and sisters blood. peaceful relations are best.
stop thinking about attacking taiwan. china and taiwan can solve things peacefully. i rather see taiwan independent then china attacking.

This is not up to you to decide, PLA will not hesitate to bomb Taiwan back into the stone age if Taiwan openly declares the independence.

Remember the 19th century American Civil War, how the Northerners have treated the Southerners upon their defeat, it is a heavy price to pay for being a separatist.
This is not up to you to decide, PLA will not hesitate to bomb Taiwan back into the stone age if Taiwan openly declares the independence.

Remember the 19th century American Civil War, how the Northerners have treated the Southerners upon their defeat, it is a heavy price to pay for being a separatist.

If Taipei wanted to declare Independence they should have done it along time ago it's to late now. The KMT finally came to their senses and know reunification will happen it's just a matter of time, even the DPP is not stupid to do it.
If Taipei wanted to declare Independence they should have done it along time ago it's to late now. The KMT finally came to their senses and know reunification will happen it's just a matter of time, even the DPP is not stupid to do it.

We cannot trust the KMT either, most of them also have been brainwashed by the Western Freemason.

Only 10% of Taiwan's population wants an immediate reunification.

When the buildings are gone, but we can still rebuild it. However, when the lands are gone, it will be hard to take it back.
This is not up to you to decide, PLA will not hesitate to bomb Taiwan back into the stone age if Taiwan openly declares the independence.

Remember the 19th century American Civil War, how the Northerners have treated the Southerners upon their defeat, it is a heavy price to pay for being a separatist.

we're not in the 19th century anymore bro.
We cannot trust the KMT either, most of them also have been brainwashed by the Western Freemason.

Only 10% of Taiwan's population wants an immediate reunification.

When the buildings are gone, but we can still rebuild it. However, when the lands are gone, it will be hard to take it back.

There is some distrust between CPC and KMT however we can unbrainwash the KMT.
Yes I know Reunification will take time but I'd wait then take drastic actions.
But the lives cannot be replaced war is the last option.
we're not in the 19th century anymore bro.

Not much difference, the Western World is still the same colonist/imperialist from the 19th century.

The only difference is that they were openly imperialist in the 19th century, and today they keep running their imperialism under the token of democracy/human right/etc.
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