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Taiwain Suffered Big Loss Over 1 billions Dollar in Damage by riots in Vietnam.

A shame for asians all those savageness
Can they make a distinction between persons and a state?
So when chinese people hit back at Japanese companies ... it was civilized behavior

while when Vietnamese do the same... they are savages and need to feed families...

We can see hypocrite Chinese posters in this thread....

anyways... We Indians stand with Vietnamese people against Chinese bullying tactics..
point one: where did we say it is civilized in this post? anyway, this is how indian big mouth behave, i can force myself to understand
point two: did you admit chinese owned taiwan? if not, why talking about chinese things in this post?

I made a mistake ? I think this photo is more correct.

A Chinese demonstrator throws a bottle toward goods shelves at a Japanese-funded shopping centre during a protest in Qingdao, Shandong province September 15, 2012.


You can check here.
Anti-Japan protests erupt in China over islands row| Reuters
so you slap on your own face?
So when chinese people hit back at Japanese companies ... it was civilized behavior

while when Vietnamese do the same... they are savages and need to feed families...

We can see hypocrite Chinese posters in this thread....

anyways... We Indians stand with Vietnamese people against Chinese bullying tactics..
It's called "Chinese logic"
Let's see who will invest in this fxxked up country any more. After a few days, they can eat the winds as food.

Even your fxxked up vn government dare not recognize tw as a nation. Stop lying here.

Chinese investment in Vietnam is very limited. No matter if they withdraw.
Taiwan companies suffering big losses in Vietnam as China tensions grow
TAIPEI Tue May 13, 2014 10:57pm EDT
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TAIPEI May 14 (Reuters) - Taiwan companies doing business in Vietnam have lost billions of dollars as tensions mount tensions between Vietnam and China, an industry association said on Wednesday.
The losses included damage to manufacturing facilities which were set on fire, including those operated by Formosa Plastics Group, said Serena Liu, chairwoman of the Council of Taiwanese Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam.
Tensions rose in the resource-rich South China Sea last week after China positioned a giant oil rig in an area also claimed by Vietnam. Each country accused the other of ramming its ships near the disputed Paracel Islands.
(Reporting by Lin Miao-jung; Writing by Faith Hung; Editing by Kim Coghill)

Vietnamese protest against China to force China to move the oil the rig, China didn't move the rig, rioters burned down factory own by Taiwainese, now Vietnamese government will have to paid over 1 billions dollars in punistive damage to Taiwain.
The "billions of dollars" number is bogus. None of the damages worth an equivalent of a Chinese aircraft carrier. Even selling that one the entire industrial zone does not make "billions of dollars."
Well, you had better at first pay for those billion $ damage at first. Simply Sorry won't do.

In addition, those vn so-called protesters are not there for protesting but for robbing everything they can find, setting factories on fire and hurt people. They are not far from terrorists.

No problem with Singapore, Taiwan ... It's just a confusion.

taiwan alone, the investment is more than 27 billions. let alone investment from others.

japs used to invest in vn a lot. However, after suffering for quite a few years, even japs get their axx out of vn for good.

let's see who are the next wave of countries that flee.

Well, you had better at first pay for those billion $ damage at first. Simply Sorry won't do.
The "billions of dollars" number is bogus. None of the damages worth an equivalent of a Chinese aircraft carrier. Even selling that one the entire industrial zone does not make "billions of dollars."
China should send amoured peace guards to protect its vulnerable cizizens until the agressive repression from corrupt red vietnam against chinese innocent workers and families ends.
viets and their supporters over here talking like em viets are so innocent victims.. lol. half their vietnam mother land that they have now was once belonged to cambodia. them vietcongs stole form cambodia and even today they're still robbing them ..
viets and their supporters over here talking like em viets are so innocent victims.. lol. half their vietnam mother land that they have now was once belonged to cambodia. them vietcongs stole form cambodia and even today they're still robbing them ..

In the past there was native land Viet Thuong people, part of Vietnam people. Chams is came later from Malay Islands. Chams attacked Viest first. Chams King was killed when he invaded Hanoi. We taken back land of Viet Thuong people is our right, bro.

Hundreds Arrested in Riots Targeting Foreign Factories in Vietnam


China Responds to Riots in Vietnam
China’s foreign ministry spokeswoman responded to the anti-China riots in southern Vietnam that damaged scores of foreign-owned factories.

HANOI, Vietnam — More than 400 people were arrested after riots in which scores of foreign-owned factories were damaged or destroyed in an industrial area in southern Vietnam, the authorities said Wednesday.

The upheaval on Tuesday was the worst public unrest in recent Vietnamese history, involving thousands of workers. It reportedly began as demonstrations against China’s stationing of an oil drilling rig in disputed waters off Vietnam’s coast. But the protests boiled over into widespread violence, as workers rampaged through a dense industrial area in a northern suburb of Ho Chi Minh City, once known as Saigon. The area has rows of cavernous buildings where thousands of mostly young workers stitch together sneakers and clothing for sale around the world.

“No one knows what really caused the riots — only initially did it seem to be about the Chinese,” Truong Huy San, an author and well-known blogger, said by telephone after touring the industrial zone. “These were totally uncontrolled crowds.”


The great majority of the affected factories and workshops were owned by Taiwanese or South Korean companies.

“There was quite a lot of damage,” said Chen Bor-show, the director-general for the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office, which functions as Taiwan’s de facto consulate in Ho Chi Minh City. Mr. Chen said that around 200 Taiwanese companies were affected.

The South Korean Foreign Ministry said 50 Korean-owned factories were damaged in the riots, and one South Korean citizen was hospitalized with injuries that were not life-threatening.

Mr. San, the blogger, who uses the pen name Huy Duc, said that some of the workshops were very severely damaged. “It’s kind of a disaster zone,” he said. “Everyone is scared. There are hundred of factories that will have to close for weeks or months.”

Mr. San said the riots were a signal to Vietnam’s authoritarian government that workers needed avenues to express their grievances. Independent unions are banned in Vietnam.


Demonstrators waved Vietnamese flags during a protest at a Chinese-owned factory in Vietnam's northern Thai Binh Province on Wednesday. CreditReuters
Tran Van Nam, the vice chairman of Binh Duong Province, where the violence occurred, was quoted by a Vietnamese online news site, VNExpress, saying that around 19,000 workers were involved in the protests on Tuesday.

Another provincial official, Tran Xuan Nam, said in a telephone interview late Wednesday that the situation there was “stable” and that 447 suspects had been detained. “We will restore order as soon as possible,” he said.

Mr. Nam said that 20 factories had been “seriously destroyed.” He attributed the riots to “extremism,” but did not elaborate.

The Chinese Embassy in Hanoi issued a warning on Wednesday to Chinese citizens in Vietnam, urging them to “minimize unnecessary outings.” The Hong Kong government posted a travel alert, warning residents to “avoid protests and large gatherings of people.”

The business effects of the riots were not immediately clear.

Yue Yuen, a Taiwan-based company that manufactures shoes for Nike, Adidas and other brands, said that it had given its workers in Vietnam the day off on Wednesday, and had not yet decided whether to reopen on Thursday, even though its factories were not damaged and none of its workers were injured. Jerry Shum, the company’s head of investor relations, said that Yue Yuen expected calm to return quickly to industrial districts in the country, and believed that it could still meet its monthly production targets.


A Vietnamese official said that some of the rioters had circulated through the industrial area on motorcycles.

The maritime dispute between China and Vietnam, the ostensible spark for the protests, began in early May when China towed a huge drilling rig to a spot in the South China Sea 140 miles off the coast of Vietnam and about 17 miles from a small coral atoll that is claimed by both countries. Each side sent ships and boats to the area, and there were several confrontations and collisions last week, with each side blaming the other.

The war of words over the drilling rig continued on Wednesday. The Chinese foreign minister, Wang Yi, criticized Vietnam for “dispatching a large number of ships to forcibly intervene and brutally ram” Chinese ships, and insisted that the drilling project was nothing new. “This operation was started 10 years ago,” Mr. Wang was quoted as saying in a statement posted online by the foreign ministry.

Chau Doan reported from Hanoi, Vietnam, and Thomas Fuller from Bangkok. Keith Bradsher contributed reporting from Hong Kong; Choe Sang-hun from Seoul, South Korea; Austin Ramzy from Taipei, Taiwan; and Mike Ives from Hanoi. Bree Feng contributed research from Beijing.
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america is obviously to be blamed for that not Vietnam, its american NGOs and social media who infected Vietnam. China should be worry this is another attempt by them to overthrow a government once there are no Chinese factories left to loot.
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