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TAI T-38 Modernization Program...


Feb 20, 2008
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There will be 13 new systems integrated to the aircraft. These are;

* Head Up Display (HUD),
* Multifunction Color Display (MFCD),
* Digital Video Data recorder / Data transfer system (DVDR/DTS),
* Hands on throttle and stick(HOTAS),
* Intercommunication system(ICS),
* V/UHF Communication System
* Engine Flight Instrument(EFI),
* Cockpit TV System(CTVS),
* Avionic Activation Panel (AAP),
* Common Control Computer Panel (CCC)

Central Control Computer, embedded with Operational Flight Program (OFP) and NDBS (No Drop Bomb Scoring System) will be designed, developed and qualified by national capabilities.

During the program, Mission Planning and Ground Station (MPGS) and De-brief Software will be developed.


* Ejection Seat change,
* Simulator development
* Computer based education system will be provided to Turkish Air Force.
T-38 Ari Domestic Avionic and Mission Computer Laboratory (TAI)

welll well welll time for these jet even after modernization has been past most of airforces which have bought these or russian Mig 21 are retiring them no use of modernizing them
welll well welll time for these jet even after modernization has been past most of airforces which have bought these or russian Mig 21 are retiring them no use of modernizing them

They are for training and nothing more.
They are for training and nothing more.
bro ignore him...

good work TAI!

btw i wonder if this program will train pilots for F-16 and F-35? if so, then its capability is quite high and PAF should try to get their F-7PG upgraded by TAI. cool.
Indeed f5 are used for training..
advanced training.
For basic or smaller trainings we use proppeler aircrafts.

I wish that F-16 at the background is PAF one going under MLU M3 upgrade in TAI!

Despite It has lots of similarities and common specifications with F-5, It is a T-38 Talon trainer aircraft with a lighter fuselage than F-5. T-38's are mostly used for training missions While main mission of F-5's is to engage air enemy assets...

J-38 ejector system developed by Turkish TEI...

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Despite It has lots of similarities and common specifications with F-5, It is a T-38 Talon trainer aircraft with a lighter fuselage than F-5... T-38's mostly used for training missions While main mission of F-5's is to engage air enemy assets...

Yes, the F-5 is currently in a low combat role with the airforce so we still use them if we need more aircraft besides our F-16s and F-4s.
Yes, the F-5 is currently in a low combat role with the airforce so we still use them if we need more aircraft besides our F-16s and F-4s.

stupid me..
I think I got f5 and t38 wrong.
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