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Tahir ul Qadri's Charter of Demands



New Recruit

Sep 17, 2011
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Tahir ul Qadri presented his Charter of Demands today, but very little exposure is being given to it in the media. I think there needs to be more discussion around his demands and his vision.

He presented about six points, some of which were concerned with legal technicalities.

The first point was about creating a new Election Commission that is impartial, because the current Commission has political appointees in it from PPP and PMLN.

There is concern amongst some of us that Tahir ul Qadri's arguments are being obfuscated by the media. Newspapers have refrained from discussion and providing details of Tahir ul Qadri's full stance.

Can anyone provide an exposition of the Charter of Demands?

Furthermore, I wish to draw attention to the people who have refused to join Qadri's long march. First MQM, and now so-called Pir of Golra Sharif has refused, instead badmouthing mr Qadri. Golra Sharif group was a longstanding supporter of Nawaz Sharif, and may still be.

Now the long march is starting from Data Darbar and ending in Bari Imam, Islamabad.

LAHORE: Two days before his party marches on Islamabad for electoral reforms in Pakistan,Tahirul Qadri, chief of the Tehrik-i-Minhajul Quran (TMQ), has called for the Election Commission of Pakistan to be dissolved and a new “impartial commission” to be formed.

Speaking at a press conference in Lahore on Saturday, Qadri announced his charter of demands before the upcoming general elections. Qadri said that the charter consists of seven points out of which one will be announced today and the rest will be revealed in Islamabad.

Among his demands, Qadri called for the formation of an impartial election commission to be formed in place of the current ECP.

Qadri said that apart from the chief election commissioner, all four heads of the provincial commissions were politically appointed by the provincial administrations.

He said CEC Fakhruddin G Ebrahim was an honest man, however, he would not be able to conduct impartial elections due to his old age.

The TMQ chief further demanded that polls be held according to Articles 62, 63 and 218 of the Constitution.

He said the people would not accept elections if they are not held under these articles.

Qadri added that the door for negotiations was never closed, however, final negotiations would only be held in front of millions of people in Islamabad. He vowed that the long march would start from Data Darbar in Lahore and would take place as planned in spite of all hindrances.
His demands are valid and he is right, We should all support him and kick out the corrupt politicians out of parliament they only do muk mukka and corruption and family politics and feudalism must be eradicated! We will have a prosperous Pakistan in future!:pakistan:
im yet to see anyone object to his demands. all the debate has revolved around his personality which is not really fair in my view.. either support this cause or get ready to be ruled by the same leaders again.
im yet to see anyone object to his demands. all the debate has revolved around his personality which is not really fair in my view.. either support this cause or get ready to be ruled by the same leaders again.

Everyone knows the fact about his personality i.e. false claimer & Proven Liar. And whole world knows what normal pakistani wants.. if same false claimer comes and adopt same "wishes" of all common pakistanis. Is it fine with you to support him? On the top, Pakistan is passing from very bad situation, very critical situation, where anything can go wrong any time with simple spark.

Sorry it's not just simple his personality, but gambling on Pakistan and Pakistani nation for a guy with foreign agenda. And quetta blasts are to fuel his cause...
Everyone knows the fact about his personality i.e. false claimer & Proven Liar. And whole world knows what normal pakistani wants.. if same false claimer comes and adopt same "wishes" of all common pakistanis. Is it fine with you to support him? On the top, Pakistan is passing from very bad situation, very critical situation, where anything can go wrong any time with simple spark.

Sorry it's not just simple his personality, but gambling on Pakistan and Pakistani nation for a guy with foreign agenda. And quetta blasts are to fuel his cause...

to start with, he is not a proven liar. lets not get into that. i have seen all the clips which propagandists are relying on. secondly, its totally another thing to lead the people to achieve something. everyone knows what the problems are. but the question is who will step forward to achieve this? and he has stepped forward.
to start with, he is not a proven liar. lets not get into that. i have seen all the clips which propagandists are relying on. secondly, its totally another thing to lead the people to achieve something. everyone knows what the problems are. but the question is who will step forward to achieve this? and he has stepped forward.

By the same token it would be alright for any other party (regional) to gather a fifty thousand and ask for further changes after TuQ? and the one after it?

TuQ is a complete moron. Election commissioner was selected by input from all parties, CJ is no push over and has taken decisions against ruling parties. What TuQ wants is to merely create a circus which would not have been that bad if Pk did not have a long lists of Martial laws and if Pk was not being attacked by every direction.

CJ and Army have voiced their annoyance at TuQ (who wants them to play a role in selection of caretaker Govt), Tuq had no problem inviting MQM and PMLQ when both these parties had been ruling for last 5 years and accepted the amendments related to caretaker Govt. TuQ also forgot that Supreme court and MQM was in a war of words just week ago.
to start with, he is not a proven liar. lets not get into that. i have seen all the clips which propagandists are relying on. secondly, its totally another thing to lead the people to achieve something. everyone knows what the problems are. but the question is who will step forward to achieve this? and he has stepped forward.

Lol, Proven Liar means its proven, so i am not talking about some videos (even videos are enough to prove him lie, still amazing to see you said so), but here I mean LHC order against him, where they said "He is lying..."

Who will... well, for that first you need to find a right person to get lead, not start following anyone Just coming from Canada. With millions dollars... Yes there is a problem, but He is not here to fix the problem but came to spread anarchy in the country. Following a guy like him in current situation will only spread more issues then fixing actual people problems...
By the same token it would be alright for any other party (regional) to gather a fifty thousand and ask for further changes after TuQ? and the one after it?

TuQ is a complete moron. Election commissioner was selected by input from all parties, CJ is no push over and has taken decisions against ruling parties. What TuQ wants is to merely create a circus which would not have been that bad if Pk did not have a long lists of Martial laws and if Pk was not being attacked by every direction.

CJ and Army have voiced their annoyance at TuQ (who wants them to play a role in selection of caretaker Govt), Tuq had no problem inviting MQM and PMLQ when both these parties had been ruling for last 5 years and accepted the amendments related to caretaker Govt. TuQ also forgot that Supreme court and MQM was in a war of words just week ago.

indeed. everyone has a constitutional right to do a peaceful protest. furthermore, the high courts have thrown away all the petitions which were trying to argue for the contrary.
people have a simple problem of complaining and not doing anything to get rid of them. and when someone steps up to solve them, they start targeting him. all he is asking is for a scrutiny of candidates based on the articles 62, 63, 218 and Peoples Representative Act 1976 which requires that anyone who is a tax evader, defaulter on loans etc is not allowed to contest elections. what wrong with this demand? do u want such people back in the assemblies to rule you for another 5 years?
now do not complain if the same lot of corrupt politicians come back to the parliament.

Lol, Proven Liar means its proven, so i am not talking about some videos (even videos are enough to prove him lie, still amazing to see you said so), but here I mean LHC order against him, where they said "He is lying..."

Who will... well, for that first you need to find a right person to get lead, not start following anyone Just coming from Canada. With millions dollars... Yes there is a problem, but He is not here to fix the problem but came to spread anarchy in the country. Following a guy like him in current situation will only spread more issues then fixing actual people problems...

proven in a case in which he did not appear after the earlier investigation/findings were abandoned by dissolving the tribunal or committee to suit the agenda of few.
so if you guys have problem with dual nationality then get rid of it from the constitution before crying foul play.
indeed. everyone has a constitutional right to do a peaceful protest. furthermore, the high courts have thrown away all the petitions which were trying to argue for the contrary.
people have a simple problem of complaining and not doing anything to get rid of them. and when someone steps up to solve them, they start targeting him. all he is asking is for a scrutiny of candidates based on the articles 62, 63, 218 and Peoples Representative Act 1976 which requires that anyone who is a tax evader, defaulter on loans etc is not allowed to contest elections. what wrong with this demand? do u want such people back in the assemblies to rule you for another 5 years?
now do not complain if the same lot of corrupt politicians come back to the parliament.

proven in a case in which he did not appear after the earlier investigation/findings were abandoned by dissolving the tribunal or committee to suit the agenda of few.
so if you guys have problem with dual nationality then get rid of it from the constitution before crying foul play.

- He has no political mandate to do anything. If he wants he can go to elections get public mandate and change as many rules as he wants. Something he will never do as he is a failed politician who in the last 20 some years has been able to win only a single seat that too due to Musharraf.

- We condemn this action as it is first time since 1960 that a democratic party will give way to another democratic party via elections (This means after FIFTY years). This moron helped Musharraf and accepted his referendum, today he wants to derail democracy only because he knows that public will never vote him. Pakistani public has never elected Mullahs in a free and fair elections.

- Every Mullah from every sect can gather around 50,000 people on road, mostly from his sect and madrassas. His success will mean a green signal to every moron for doing the same.

- Not to say that he is adamant to bring the rally in front of parliament and that is red zone. Diplomatic enclave is hardly a kilometer away. He was told to do his peaceful rally at Fatima Jinnah Park but this moron refused he knows he can't blackmail GoP by that.
- He has no political mandate to do anything. If he wants he can go to elections get public mandate and change as many rules as he wants. Something he will never do as he is a failed politician who in the last 20 some years has been able to win only a single seat that too due to Musharraf.

- We condemn this action as it is first time since 1960 that a democratic party will give way to another democratic party via elections (This means after FIFTY years). This moron helped Musharraf and accepted his referendum, today he wants to derail democracy only because he knows that public will never vote him. Pakistani public has never elected Mullahs in a free and fair elections.

- Every Mullah from every sect can gather around 50,000 people on road, mostly from his sect and madrassas. His success will mean a green signal to every moron for doing the same.

- Not to say that he is adamant to bring the rally in front of parliament and that is red zone. Diplomatic enclave is hardly a kilometer away. He was told to do his peaceful rally at Fatima Jinnah Park but this moron refused he knows he can't blackmail GoP by that.

every pakistani (dual national or not) has a mandate to force the government implement the constitution no matter what. and regarding your other point, well the high courts have already stated government should not hinder his long march which is his constitutional right.
proven in a case in which he did not appear after the earlier investigation/findings were abandoned by dissolving the tribunal or committee to suit the agenda of few.
so if you guys have problem with dual nationality then get rid of it from the constitution before crying foul play.

Obviously, The Liar will run away, when He was caught in the investigation. He will demand to change the investigation agent. And if even done so He will ask to change court.

Secondly, In Pakistan, all cases happens like this... So If he is not pakistani then He could complain in delayed justice... But This how Pakistan and court system is from so many decs (except Zia's era).

& Last, I have no issue with dual nationality (infact I have, but not that much i will start opposing a guy forwarding my wishes), But I do have issues with a person who is perusing some foreign agenda, while using my wishes and desires.. And my alarming sensing start alarming me (like any other human being) when I sense a conspiracy behind..
Obviously, The Liar will run away, when He was caught in the investigation. He will demand to change the investigation agent. And if even done so He will ask to change court.

Secondly, In Pakistan, all cases happens like this... So If he is not pakistani then He could complain in delayed justice... But This how Pakistan and court system is from so many decs (except Zia's era).

exactly my point. the liars ran away from the earlier investigation and got the tribunal dissolved to be replaced with a new one to suit their agendas.
Tahir ul Qadri's Charter of Demands:

If he succeeds caretaker PM, if he fails an air ticket to Canada :coffee:
exactly my point. the liars ran away from the earlier investigation and got the tribunal dissolved to be replaced with a new one to suit their agendas.

Ok you need to read what actually happen in that case....
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