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Tag/Titles - Issues , Suggestion and possibly an Evolution towards PDF v2.0


Jan 5, 2014
Reaction score
Hi @WebMaster Bro,

I am opening the thread here as i thought the other thread would get derailed further as topic of discussion is very different... Yet the points made by both @WAJsal (moderator) and @Taygibay (professional) in a way necessitate a more serious discussion

Attached here is a view by our Wajsal Bro


Junior's Seniors Cafe

And here is a possible solution as suggested by our good friend Tay..


Junior's Seniors Cafe | Page 2


Further to this, If i may add my view, i say certain topics deserve opinions of all PDF account holders..But what needs to be seen is how someone is participating in such a discussion. This is where jobs of moderators becomes way too heavy .. So instead the better way out is to create a way via which emphasis can be given on quality over quantity aspect..

Now how can quality be quantified? There can be multiple ways..

- One is say via positive ratings to negative ratings ratio as suggested by @Taygibay - As usual our friend Tay is innovative with out of box thinking like 3:1 ratio...

- Another could be thanks as per different sections which is already visible in the left side as a big number. Recall in profile you can see which section you posted how many threads/replies as i saw that some time back.. So in the same manner we can further refine the thanks as per multiple sections.

Now simply say for a senior member you need as an example 2000 thanks individually in minimum 3 sections, for an elite may need 2000 thanks individually in 5 sections, a super elite may need in more sections.. and the same must be vetted by a committee which looks at the same once monthly.. Just an example here.. I said monthly once bcz the load on committee on daily or weekly will be way too much.. Of course exceptions can be made if 3 mods including TT V chairman like Slav bro agrees and the same can be ratified when the monthly committee looks for making changes across the spectrum.. This is akin to Real Life situations where in corporate world certain changes does not happen daily basis.

For even more honorary titles, i certainly believe in a appraisal cycle (twice in a year or once).. That should be also in line with real life.. You dont get promoted just bcz you did good for one month.. Your track must prove your credentials across the time when you are in PDF.. For example if i get 3 negative ticks this year say upto now, i cannot be a contender for any promotions.. Similarly, any negative ticks beyond one particular cut off should also see automatic demotions too.. Reflecting a more dynamic system then present one where its static...

The multiple section thanks actually in a way solidifies that progression in PDF wont be based on quantity of posts alone. if we go by quantity a new account can become senior in 10-15 days with posts and an elite in 2 months -3 months max...Sticking to just one section and posting there non stop for example consider pictures thread.. 2 sections in Members and Photos and Multimedia could do the simple trick of becoming senior elites with posts..

Thus the system has a lacunae which needs to be addressed.. At present the titles and additional honorary tags/titles is not able to do justice for the system in hand.. Perhaps few years back it could have served the purpose but look at now, the present 2016, there is a massive new headcount from across the globe and the system loophole allows a scope of exploitation which may make some of potential new users and among them a good amount of potential quality posters/professionals to move on or not to sign up after reading through the forum as guests. This to me is a big opportunity lost for PDF.

I for one would want a section for all members for discussion irrespective of Junior Senior for everyone to be given a fair chance.. But beyond that section, slowly certain restriction must be imposed in a manner which is not too much authoritarian yet sensible enough for the PDF future perspective...

Especially bcz this forum attracts multiple countries folks and professionals.. Thus, everything must be done to ensure it remains attractive to all yet it maintains quality aspect and strive for even higher standards.

Going by Historic posts, i am sure many attempts have been made in the past to try and see what could be feasible and what could be practical and easier to implement. An example is an attempt by @Slav Defence bro here


New titles.

Yet the solution as of now gives an impression that loopholes exists which needs to be addressed in a manner which guides the PDF towards a new and more dynamic system than perhaps the present system which is good but it has lived far too long and is having limitations..

Can we all suggest something which is acceptable and workable for PDF which can then move from PDF v1.0 towards a more evolved PDF v2.0

@Slav Defence @Icarus @WAJsal @HRK @waz @Manticore @Jungibaaz @Oscar @Horus @MilSpec @Taygibay @Vauban @AUSTERLITZ @Serpentine @Daneshmand @Neutron @SpArK @Joe Shearer @jhungary @Technogaianist @nair @Nihonjin1051 @others

Would love to hear your views. Especially since you folks have been here for good time and understand what could be the limitation and what could work out for the best of PDF.
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Basically you are asking for an overhaul of the entire titles..... Which is a good thing, but i guess this has been discussed at various levels (some of them i have been part of), i think webby is working on something......

I will add my views on this later..... I seriously hope this thread remain on topic....
Basically you are asking for an overhaul of the entire titles..... Which is a good thing, but i guess this has been discussed at various levels (some of them i have been part of), i think webby is working on something......

I will add my views on this later..... I seriously hope this thread remain on topic....
Making 'Senior Member' and 'Elite Member' a title like 'Think Tank' is a great solution. Many Senior members do not deserve the title and are often engaged in trolling.
Making 'Senior Member' and 'Elite Member' a title like 'Think Tank' is a great solution. Many Senior members do not deserve the title and are often engaged in trolling.

. Now I agree that several senior members are known trolls, and some of them have become senoir members with the number of troll posts they made..... same case with Elite.... I remember there was a time every elite members were mocked as Elite troll.......You and I know how TT's are selected.......and to put a scruitiny like that to senior/elite, i dont think it is practical, because of the time it would take, and let us not forget all those title holders/mods/management has their own personal life, and they cant find enough time for such a process......

I had made a suggestion to overhaul the senior section, bu disqualifying trolls from there and enforcing strict moderation....... and disqualifying senior posters incase they found trolling......
1. Reduce the rank...... one step down after 3 negative ratings.
2. For the junior most rank , permanently ban user with 5 negative strikes
3. Promote the rank with 10 postive ratings in present rank or number of posts as per existing system
1. Reduce the rank...... one step down after 3 negative ratings.
2. For the junior most rank , permanently ban user with 5 negative strikes
3. Promote the rank with 10 postive ratings in present rank or number of posts as per existing system
10 Positive ratings with less then 5 negatives = Senior member
20 Positive ratings with less then 4 negatives = Elite member
30 Positive ratings with less then 3 negatives = Analyst or Critic
40 + Positive ratings with less then 2 minus ratings = TTA or Consultant
. Now I agree that several senior members are known trolls, and some of them have become senoir members with the number of troll posts they made..... same case with Elite.... I remember there was a time every elite members were mocked as Elite troll.......You and I know how TT's are selected.......and to put a scruitiny like that to senior/elite, i dont think it is practical, because of the time it would take, and let us not forget all those title holders/mods/management has their own personal life, and they cant find enough time for such a process......
Think big, over a course of month things will normalize, Senior Tag should be a title like TT.
10 Positive ratings with less then 5 negatives = Senior member
20 Positive ratings with less then 4 negatives = Elite member
30 Positive ratings with less then 3 negatives = Analyst or Critic
40 + Positive ratings with less then 2 minus ratings = TTA or Consultant
Ratings should have nothing to do with claiming a Title.
I am feeling left out and alone and not feeling the love.

While guys who joined after me became Think Tanks and now Moderators, I have been waiting patiently, contributing positively, but still I have not been made a Think Tank at the very least.

I do not want to play the victim game and say its because I'm a kafir from an enemy state, because I know PDF is equal opportunity forum that appreciates talent.

But I do feel a bit hurt to be honest.

@Icarus @Irfan Baloch
Think big, over a course of month things will normalize, Senior Tag should be a title like TT.

Ratings should have nothing to do with claiming a Title.
Then what will be the standards to get or award a title...i think admins made it automatic with what i mentioned above and the title holders + mods award ratting as per post's standard / research, in that way members will avoid troll or hate posts and divert their attention to do quality work to earn positive scores. and as a reward through clean and fair system they will get a title.

as per my advised system you will get Senior Member tag .... :rofl:
Then what will be the standards to get or award a title...i think admins made it automatic with what i mentioned above and the title holders + mods award ratting as per post's standard / research, in that way members will avoid troll or hate posts and divert their attention to do quality work to earn positive scores.
Current system to get a title is perfect and is a forum secret and should remain one. For some details:
You and I know how TT's are selected.......and to put a scruitiny like that to senior/elite, i dont think it is practical, because of the time it would take, and let us not forget all those title holders/mods/management has their own personal life, and they cant find enough time for such a process......
I am feeling left out and alone and not feeling the love.

While guys who joined after me became Think Tanks and now Moderators, I have been waiting patiently, contributing positively, but still I have not been made a Think Tank at the very least.

I do not want to play the victim game and say its because I'm a kafir from an enemy state, because I know PDF is equal opportunity forum that appreciates talent.

But I do feel a bit hurt to be honest.

@Icarus @Irfan Baloch
When will you stop trolling?
as per my advised system you will get Senior Member tag .... :rofl:

I am OK with my title. I do not need any Senior member tag or TT tag here or even mod tag :)

You guys can continue with discussion.

I say let the current system of titles run for sometimes and even most juvenile posters learn positively in the long run.
Sorry for a bit late reply.. Partly alert system did not give me any clues of discussion in this thread..

Well two quick points

1. As for certain titles like TTs, its better it remains secret from public how they are selected and it should be very very selective few who should finally get the title. Of course, few wrongs should see automatic demotions too.. So idont think this discussion scope should focus on TTs and how they should be selected.. But of course demotion should be a part of the system feedback.

2. As for other titles like Elite Senior etc, there should be a process of promotion as well as demotion. The present system is based on post counts which is a wrong approach.. Of course still PDF has followed it and has lived with it for a good amount of time


what was perceived as a good idea may be now dated and perhaps can be thought as legacy methodology.

Now @WAJsal as what @MaarKhoor suggested here
10 Positive ratings with less then 5 negatives = Senior member
20 Positive ratings with less then 4 negatives = Elite member
30 Positive ratings with less then 3 negatives = Analyst or Critic

I do agree with him on certain aspects.. Whatever is now being given based on number of posts should now get converted into a combination of positives/negative ratings and thanks.. Its bcz those are the only things that are at present in the system and is visible plus readily available..

Of course the combination and the titles can be very different but it does take the approach away from quantity to quality.

A big plus point would be giving power to mods to recommend demotion of certain posters with titles owing to creating ruckus or indulging in trolling (systematic) . also if a post gets more than 2 negatives, that should also warrant a demotion (and the beauty is there is a rating review committee).

Thus whatever is being given atm can be shaken to make small but realistic changes..as per changing times
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