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Tableeghi Jamaats to be banned from Cantts, Defence areas

State should control religion and not religion should control state.

Both are completely wrong. The state should never be involved in the business of promoting or controlling a religion or a sect. Otherwise you get Zia using Islam for his geo-political purposes, or Iran using their version of Islam to export the "Islamic revolution". Both have turned out to be disasters.

Religion is personal and its practice should imbibe good values in a person's life first and foremost. This does not mean that the PM or President can't be a devout Muslim. But that being a devout Muslim should be a personal thing where he implements it in his life rather than promote his idea of what being devout means using State instruments and bureaucracy like Zia did for example.
I think this is the perfect example of how still a number of people are confused on where the problem lies when looking at terrorism committed by Muslims.

The fact of the matter is that Pakistan is facing Muslim extremist that follow a perverted and distorted political Islamic agenda. The idea that they can create a perfect society by a top-down implementation of political Islam or sharia laws and that magically everyone will be good Muslims ushering in Utopia.

Nothing could be further from the truth. What's more, this is completely against traditional Islam. Even if there is a new Muslim group that starts preaching whatever it wants or advocates pretty much like Mormons. BUT stays apolitical, it is not a security threat.
But if you have clean-faced people talking up the idea of some Khilafat chimera as the solution of all problems I would be more worried aka Hizbut Tahrir and JI type organizations. And if groups with such ideologies advocates militant violence to accomplish this like TTP, Afghan Taliban, Al Qaeda or LeT then the security forces should forcefully go after them and suppress them. Only a responsible state should have the monopoly on violence.

For Pakistan the last group of organizations are the most dangerous. And the ideologies of the second-last group of organizations need to be tackled.

If army officers are using the pretext of going to TJ and then running away to militant training camps for training, is that somehow TJ's fault?Or doesn't this prove that radicalisation of some army personnel happened much before their intention to use TJ as a pretext of going to militant camps. Or

For anyone who has some idea of TJ, they would know that most militant organizations severely criticize it for being apolitical and for not advocating armed "Jihad" against the US or India. Plus you have the open nature of the group where there is no written membership as such. If there really was a terrorist threat from TJ, you would have expected the Indian govt. to be the first to scrutinies and ban the group which after all has its HQ in Delhi.

The point is Pakistan should be focusing its resources on fighting terrorism in the right direction - ideology and militarily. By going after any and every group that looks slightly devout and leaving the so called "strategic assets" the security establishment is making a fool of themselves.
since you asked. suffice saying that i still wear my shalwar qameez and go to the mosque.and regularly attend religious gatherings. ...i am thankful to the ulema who keep my belefs alive in me. who tell me good things. withlut them i had forgot it all and beclme a confused nobody.

Shalwar Qameez? what's that got to do with anything?? Ulema are keeping YOUR beliefs alive?? And now you are not a confused nobody - hmm, interesting -- I'm fascinated by the politics of identity as they relate to South Asians but particularly Pakistanis, both inside Pakistan and in Pakistan abroad. I say Pakistan abroad, because it seems many cannot accept the reality of their existence and feel the need to recreate Pakistan, from which they once escaped but since they they are unable to own the society which does not accept them, and lets face it, Western society, like any other, offers acceptance if you accept her - - and since the politics of identity do not allow for such an acceptance, a recreated Pakistan, at least the religious part, with it's own uniform of identity, suffices.

Safriz, you do realize that there are is no priesthood in Islam - you can call them "scholars" till the cows come home, but they are still a priesthood.
I think this is great news. Only official Imams hould be able to give sermons. We have learned in the 65 years of Pakistan that allowing mullah is a dead end road.
ISLAMABAD: Preaching teams (Tableeghi Jamaats) as well as those who are not permanent residents of the area are likely to be barred from entering mosques of cantonments and defence and security institutions across the country, it was learnt here on Monday.

“Security agencies have been suggesting such measures from time to time in the past in view of the growing terrorism. It has happened in the past that junior officials of the Pakistan Air Force got one-year-long leave on the pretext of accompanying the preaching groups, but when they were later arrested, it transpired that they had in fact been training with different militant groups,” a senior security officer told The News on condition of anonymity.

The officer said that the most important and consensus revelation made by the people so far arrested and interrogated for their alleged involvement in different terrorism acts was that their militancy grew on religious grounds more than all other factors. He said that after the killing of Osama bin Laden, the country faced the most serious threat from internal terrorism, which had already started.

The News has already published a report following the recent Charsadda attack about the intentions of the terrorist groups of avenging the death of al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden. According to the report, al-Qaeda and its affiliates have already announced that they would avenge the death of their leader in a very cruel manner.

“Security agencies of the country look much worried about the deteriorating law and order situation in the country. The problem would not be resolved by mere issuance of security warnings and alerts about the possibility of terrorism incidents in the wake of the killing of Osama,” the security officer commented.

Tableeghi Jamaats to be banned from Cantts, defence areas


Not sure if its a good news or bad one. Look what these Takfiri Mullahs have done to the religion which once was known for its tolerance!

I say the Tableeghi Jamaat has RAW connection. They spread absurd ideas in the name of Islam. This is my obesevation and Mr. Elmo can give his opinion that is, if he knows anything about this group instead of deleting my post! My father had observed them from very close so I know a lot more about them than Mr. Elmo can ever dream of.
I say the Tableeghi Jamaat has RAW connection. They spread absurd ideas in the name of Islam. This is my obesevation and Mr. Elmo can give his opinion that is, if he knows anything about this group instead of deleting my post! My father had observed them from very close so I know a lot more about them than Mr. Elmo can ever dream of.

Very strange allegation against them !!!!!! can you clarify what you observed regarding absurd ideas of Islam ?
Very strange allegation against them !!!!!! can you clarify what you observed regarding absurd ideas of Islam ?

At the root level they preach that Islam does not encourage Muslims to acquire scientific knowledge. They preach that Islam has no connection with politics, it is purely personal. They say that if they have to Muslims should quit their jobs to go to 'chilla'. They say that in the mosques Muslims are not allowed to talk about social problems, in the mosques Muslims are allowed to talk about the hereafter. They preach that Muslims should not try to read and understand the Holy Qur'an, they should listen to what the leaders of the Tablighi Jamaat say about the Holy Qur'an. They have nothing to say about the corruption, human rights abuse, anti Islamic tone of the government but they are very loud and active against those political parties that embrace the principles of Islam.

Why don't we lock every single Mosque in the country, because these religious fanatics goes to mosques and are brainwashing people in doing corruption, making people sell their country to the Americans and their western masters, promoting the agenda of looting the country from every angle, motivating them to build properties outside the country with blood sucking money of Pakistani populace, these religious fanatics are good in bringing the private contractors to assassinate and plant bombs into our streets, markets, mosques, shrines, schools. These religious fanatics are responsible for the death of 30,000 Pakistanis during the WoT - simply put, these religious fanatics are the core problem of our society and our country's state today is just because of them and they needed to be eliminated. Give me a break...

We have had all these Tablighee Jummat and Mullahs for centuries in this region and all over the world. Why all of a sudden after 2001 and today they've become the core problem of this country and for the world in specific? Why were they not a problem before 2001? And how many of you have first hand experience with these people (TJ in specific) that you all are up for blabbering rubbish out of your big mouths?

this tiny lil section of seculars blame others for extreme views, just look at the comments in this thread- nobody beats these liberal fascist in extreme views.

Actually these guyz are speaking the language of their lord 'shaitan America', it is for these types Allama Iqbal said "Nai Tehzeeb kay ganday anday" ( rotten eggs of new civilization)
Many terrorists have been linked to this extremist group:

Osama bin Laden death: 7/7 bomber visited bin Laden city - Telegraph

Is that why they sponsor Al Qaeda members:

‘Tablighi Jamaat Qaeda Delhi cover’ - Indian Express

I am glad they are banned and I hope they are banned everywhere.

your indian-british source is nothing more than garbage-

your stupid logic to ban TJ coz some members have links with terrorists is childish- Lets ban than Pakistan also as so many terrorists belongs to Pakistan?
No, thanks.

I have been able to find out enough already, things are not always presented the way they are behind closed doors.

TJ international Ijtema held every year in November in Raiwind Lahore , which is world largest gathering of muslims , no one can deny their strength and dare to stop them from their mission.

Musharaf tried to stop Ijtema but failed .
TJ international Ijtema held every year in November in Raiwind Lahore , which is world largest gathering of muslims , no one can deny their strength and dare to stop them from their mission.

Musharaf tried to stop Ijtema but failed .

Privately every single Tablighi individual supports OBL and the Taliban and at the same time they support secular political parties, isn't that strange?
it is least sensible of the people to suggest to ban an organization, shitte processions should be banned as well, these madni mushrooms have started processions, they should be banned as well, cause its the most senseless activity...

liberal fascists should use some common sense before speaking !!

missionary schools se par tou liya hai, per akal khotay jitni hi istamal kertay hain...
it is least sensible of the people to suggest to ban an organization, shitte processions should be banned as well, these madni mushrooms have started processions, they should be banned as well, cause its the most senseless activity...

liberal fascists should use some common sense before speaking !!

missionary schools se par tou liya hai, per akal khotay jitni hi istamal kertay hain...

Very well said leader. Agreed to every single word of it.
By the way according to our "secular" naval chief their wasn't any lapse of security then why this ban? A hogwash??
Many terrorists have been linked to this extremist group:

Osama bin Laden death: 7/7 bomber visited bin Laden city - Telegraph

Is that why they sponsor Al Qaeda members:

‘Tablighi Jamaat Qaeda Delhi cover’ - Indian Express

I am glad they are banned and I hope they are banned everywhere.

Absolute BS. They don't even preach Jihaad, so how come they are terrorists - according to the western definition of Terrorists? If you've not spent anytime with them, don't quote these biased articles from anti-Islamic sources, and it's a sin to harm someone's image based on lies and hear and say. Do yourself and us a favor, go and spent sometime with them and then talk. Many of you have based their point of view on whatever western media feeds you with, which as a result, is the prime objective - to promote anti-Islamic agenda and make people leave the Islamic way of life by doing propaganda.

I'm not the fan of Tableeghi Jummat (TJ) either. I've spent only 3-days with them in my whole life and that too was insisted by a friend in University days 7 years ago. I'm listening to their speeches quite often every week in the Mosque, and I can guarantee you that they are not preaching Jihad or the extremist way of life. Even though I've had a discussion with one of their Ameer regarding Jihaad, and his reply was that, they wants to promote and make people know the very basics of Islamic way of life that's it, and if you listen to their speeches they even doesn't mention going out for Jihaad.

And why I'm not a fan of theirs, is because, they preach and act some aspects of Islam which are not acted upon by Prophet Muhammad PBUH but they'll support their argument by naming a few Imams, such as Imam Abu Hanifa RA etc leaving Prophet Muhammad's PBUH teachings aside, and that's why I've only spent 3-days with them and didn't take that route again but let me assure you, they are not bad people, they are not the harmful one, and they do not have the guts to harm anyone. Also, they object to the views of JUI and Mullahs in specific and their agendas, and the way they've shown a bad image of Islam in Pakistan and all over the world - so in a sense the TJ are up against JUI and Mullahs.
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