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T-72: Still Useful or Not For The Indian Army To Depend On


OK For COWARD read Corrupt

By Coward I mean - Afraid to report the correct state of tanks as they are suppose to maintain those as well.

Do not get emotional.

Soon you will not only facing Pakistan Army but people of Pakistan who are extremely angry because of Water Stealing. and i had already reported the state of tanks

India must stop building dams on Indus chenab and Jehlum Rivers - else we will come and demolish those.

by product - liberation of Kashmir

dude what this has to do with my thread

By Coward I mean - Afraid to report the correct state of tanks as they are suppose to maintain those as well.

had already reported in the first page but for your sake i am doing it again

Army tanks battle night-blindness - India - The Times of India

‘Night blindness’ worries Indian Army

Pakistan Supremacy in Tanks over India - Topix
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SABER my dear friend you are completely mistaking my post I never said that our is the best i said that i have given u proof that we have an upper hand read it again,why will my pride be hurt m just here for discussion a good and a sound one,i replied to pakistani nationalist:s comment where he called arjun junk, infact arjunk ppl who start with with such tantrums are suffering frm inferiorty complex,i had told you i love discussing with you that was one big reason why i savayed awy frm the topic beacuse our discussion was fetchng us good result i got to laern a few things n vice versa,i said i dnt feel like commenting beacuse i dint wanted to reply to trolls in thier(i can very well do that) i hope m clear to you now SABER:cheers:

thnx for clarifying sir im hear for a good discussion and now i can see u want to have one too so forgive me if i angered u in my previous post and ill be more than happy to continue our discussion
i agree arjun have a upper hand through longer range of attack and better armour ..but a very good friend in nescom is on the team of developing lazer guidance missle software and confirmed that the new missles of PA will not only be fired frm arial vehicles but are costumised to be shot frm tank gun also he confirmed seprate canister packed missles to be placed outside the turrer are also being developed ..again i ll say u have a upper hand to AK but u have to remember AK1 which is comming out faster than we thought AK system is a good base for PA r&d and we r taking full advantage of it the only confirmed thing i can tell abt AK 1 is that it ll be faster and ll have a longer detection and engagement range other than that some armour and electronics upgrades ..other than that im no shore abt...in future armour dense war fare both india and pak ll rely on frontline MBTs and as both sides have nearly the same no by then that war can not be pridicted even after keeping all factors equal ..both have modren traning state of the art tanks and strong defenses ...how t72 and al zarra act is different they will stay behind the big guys to defend the field but the defender needs to be well equiped too ...
The indian tanks need active protection systems. IA has already sent out RFI for its fleet of T-90's. There are plans for the Arjun as well. I personally feel israeli systems are the way to go.

Iron Fist APS
Iron Fist active protection system - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



Trophy APS
Trophy active protection system - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

These should provide protection against any missiles/ tank rounds and will give a tremendous advantage in the battlefield!!
YA YA ur correct AK is the best arjun and t-90 all is junk all indian tanks are,why did you stop at 90% just go aheda make the whole armoured corps night

Sorry it was 80%
'80 pc army tanks are night blind. It's a concern': Rediff.com India News

Indian Portal News: 80 per cent army tanks night blind: Kapoor

and by the way what is al khalid what is so desi in it ITS a discarded tank by the chinese type 90 II for which u have the license to manufacture hahahaha man grow up,ur frustration comes up with the fact that u call arjun and every other tank junk,without even looking at ur ur discarded stuff,type90II=AL KHALID,LOLhahah i rest my case with u its useless ur a troll and nothing more..get life
Only a blind twit wont see the difference between T-90II and AK...
engine,nightvision,fc,missiles,gun,tracks,design,armour,IBS,Jammers,side skids,etc etc...except the hull of the tank is similiar to T-90 and hence a troll will always do wats the best he can?Trolling morons.
Neutral members can see whos crying from the back side...clearly u.

ya right,again once u get up from ur dillusion and hangover from weed:hang2:,

Did u sell me weed?if not please STFU.

may see the reality,arjun can take point blank hits from t72's and is way better than t90 n for ur info the t90 is the world's best protected tank as far as armour and counter measures r taken into consideration,but since u love to troll there is no point in discussing things with u.

1)If ARJUNK is so super duper why buy hundreds of T90s?maybe indian govt. has gone nuts?or either theyr always high on ur weed or cheap russian vodka?or just darn stupid
2)Im trollin?In which post? If ur just here to cry like a whining escort do ur whing i dont giva a shyt..but to blame others of ur own crap.

nag missiles n milan 2t r enough to take out any pakistani tank u can send on border:sniper:
Dont worry before tht a rain of TOW 1,TOW 2.BAKTAR SHIKAN(TANK BUSTER) AND MILANS will rain upon the 80% blind junk and few working russikie hardward....dont die on me right now
sources calling arjunk useless waste...tin can:
Daily india=
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Sorry it was 80%
'80 pc army tanks are night blind. It's a concern': Rediff.com India News

Indian Portal News: 80 per cent army tanks night blind: Kapoor

Only a blind twit wont see the difference between T-90II and AK...
engine,nightvision,fc,missiles,gun,tracks,design,armour,IBS,Jammers,side skids,etc etc...except the hull of the tank is similiar to T-90 and hence a troll will always do wats the best he can?Trolling morons.
Neutral members can see whos crying from the back side...clearly u.
Pakistan’s 500 Al-Khalid tanks have been in production since 2001: Newer generational tanks now being exported via IDEAS 2008 Rupee News

Did u sell me weed?if not please STFU.

1)If ARJUNK is so super duper why buy hundreds of T90s?maybe indian govt. has gone nuts?or either theyr always high on ur weed or cheap russian vodka?or just darn stupid
2)Im trollin?In which post? If ur just here to cry like a whining escort do ur whing i dont giva a shyt..but to blame others of ur own crap.

Dont worry before tht a rain of TOW 1,TOW 2.BAKTAR SHIKAN(TANK BUSTER) AND MILANS will rain upon the 80% blind junk and few working russikie hardward....dont die on me right now
sources calling arjunk useless waste...tin can:
Daily india=
IndiaDaily - Failure of Arjun Tank is an example of failed Indian technocrats running after quick money American body shop contracts
rupee news this is what you give me for the source of 500 al khalid :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall: give me anyother link to believe that PA has 500 al khlid tanks,and you better mind your language its ARJUN your above post has been reported:wave::mod:
Perú posterga adquisición de carros de combate MBT-2000.

Yahoo! Babel Fish - Text Translation and Web Page Translation

Peru never bought the AL-KHALID..It was a twin of ALKHALID with AK configuration...............VT1A something of a T-90II with nothing similiar to AK except configuration=
VT1A main battle tank, a twin young brother of Al-Khalid MBT?|China Military Power Mashup
Enjoy....wet dream crapped.:rofl::woot:
wet dreams:woot::woot: hahahah man do you even know that you gave me a blog's link up there...you want to say al khalid is a new design:hitwall: gentleman al halid is nothing but s TANK DESIGN DISCARDED BY THE CHINESE THEMSELFS
ur growing frustration first you failed to give any credible link,fr link you give me ruppenes:rofl::hitwall: then now ur giving me a blog which itself is a question lol..
when did i say peru purchasedTYPE 2000 haha pakistani members were shoutig loud that al khalid is to be exported on arjun thread i am sure myth has been broken dont cook news on ur own:lol::no:
now read this ur al khalid may have add ons but it basically is still a chinese TYPE 90II ,if i was to go by ur logic..the upgarded T-72 WOULD become T-90 THEN?????
The Type 90-II is a third-generation main battle tank (MBT) designed and developed by the China North Vehicle Research Institute (also known as 201 Institute) in Beijing and the Inner-Mongolia First Machinery Group Corporation (also known as (617 Factory) in Baotou, Inner Mongolia for the export market. A further improved model known as MBT-2000 was marketed by NORINCO to the foreign customers in the late 1990s. The tank is built by Pakistan under license as the Al-Khalid.


The Type 90-II first revealed in 1992 featured a welded turret, a 125mm smoothbore gun with a Russian 2A46’s autoloader, and a 1,200hp diesel engine. The tank was also much heavier than previous Chinese-made MBTs, suggesting a transformation of design principles in the Chinese tanks. The tank received extensive field testing but did not enter production due to lack of interest from either domestic or foreign customers.

201 Institute and 617 Factory continued to improve the Type 90-II by incorporating the tank with a foreign-made engine with better performance and reliability. Initially the French 1,500hp diesel V series engine was considered, but the project (known as Type 90-IIA) was later cancelled due to France joining the arms embargo imposed on Pakistan for its nuclear testing in 1998. A second design powered by a Ukrainian-made 6TD 1,200hp engine later led to the introduction of the Type 90-IIM in 2000. During the 2001 Abu Dhabi Defence Exhibition, the tank was first revealed by NORINCO under its export name MBT2000. The tank has been produced in Pakistan as the Al-Khalid MBT since November 2001.

The Type 90-II is not a totally new design with around 45% of its components coming from current designs. This can be broken down as follows: 10% from the Type 59, 15% from the Type 69, and 20% from the Type 85/88C; the remaining 55% being new components.

The layout of the Type 90-II is conventional, driver's compartment at the front, fighting compartment/turret in the centre, and power pack in the rear. The complete powerpack assembly can be removed in around 30 minutes and in field conditions. Suspension is of the conventional torsion bar type and there are six rubber-tyred roadwheels on each side, the drive sprocket at the rear.

The turret and hull are of all-welded steel armour construction. A layer of composite armour has been added to the front arc and maximum thickness is estimated to be around 600mm on the turret front, and around 450mm on the glacis plate. The armour package is of modular design, enabling damaged sections to be replaced or upgrades installed throughout service life. Explosive reactive armour (ERA) can be fitted if required.

Improved Variant

In 2007, a Chinese magazine revealed a new “enhanced third-generation MBT”, which was believed to be a further improved variant of the MBT-2000. The tank features front arrow-shaped add-on armour modules on the turret, a roof-mounted 14.5mm antiaircraft machine gun similar to the QJG02, and a slightly shorter hull possibly due to the engine being placed latitudinally instead of longitudinally. No further information has been released.



Main armament consists of a fully-stabilised 125mm auto-fed smoothbore gun capable of firing various types of ammunition including high explosive, high explosive fragmentation and APFSDS. 39 rounds are carried. The gun may also be capable of firing the Russian 9M119 Refleks (NATO codename: AT-11 Sniper) anti-tank guided missile or its Chinese copy.

Both commander and gunner have roof-mounted stabilised sights fitted with either day/image intensification or day/thermal channels, a laser rangefinder and an auto tracker facility. A computerised fire control system is also fitted as standard.

Second armament includes a 7.62mm co-axial machine gun and a 12.7mm air defence machine gun mounted on the commander's cupola.


The hull and turret are protected by composite armour plating. The Type 90-II was the first Chinese tank developed from the start with a 'systems approach', that is, it was intended to have components replaced and upgraded. The new turret design contains composite armour in the frontal arc that is designed to be exchangeable when better armour becomes available. Two sets of six-barrel smoke/HE grenade launchers are mounted on the turret sides.


At least four diesel powerpack options have been tested on the Type 90-II/Al Khalid MBT, including two supplied by the Perkins Engine Company and each comprising of a CV-12 Condor diesel of 1,200hp (as fitted in the Challenger 1 and 2), coupled to a French SESM ESM 500 automatic transmission (as installed in the Leclerc).

The Pakistan-manufactured Al Khalid MBT is reported to be fitted with a Ukraine built 6TD diesel (as fitted in the T-80UD). Claimed to be the most compact MBT diesel engines in the world, the 6TD series are two-stroke, liquid cooled and supercharged with horizontal cylinders and opposed pistons. At its current battle weight of 46t, the engine gives the Al Khalid MBT a 26hp/t power-to-weight ratio and a max speed of 72km/h.


Crew: 3
Weight: 48t
Engine: Ukraine built 6TD 1,200hp liquid cooled diesel
Transmission: Mechanical, planetary
Track: Metallic with RMSh, with rubber-tyred road wheels
Suspension: Torsion bar
Radio: Receive/transmit, telephone
Dimension: Length: 10.07m; Height: 2.40m; Width: 3.50m
Ground Pressure: 26hp/t
Cruising Range: 450km
Speed: Max road 65km/h; max off-road 45km/h
Fording Depths: 5m with snorkel
Main Gun: Indigenous 125mm smoothbore, 39 rounds
Rate of Fire: 8 rounds/min (autoloader), 1~2 r/min (manual load)
Auxiliary Weapon: One coaxial 7.62mm machine gun; one 12.7mm air-defence machine gun
Fire Control: Laser rangefinder input, onboard computer, wind sensor, and control panel :smitten:
this comes straight from sino defence
Type 90-II (MBT-2000, Al-Khalid) Main Battle Tank - SinoDefence.com
now can we come backto original discussion
I think Peru is making a mistake. Type 90-II looks like a very capable tank. They should definitely buy it. Deluded people don't realize what Chinese tanks are (not) capable of !
wet dreams:woot::woot: hahahah man do you even know that you gave me a blog's link up there...you want to say al khalid is a new design:hitwall: [

You have a very very high IQ level we all can see tht...tht link was provided to make some fool understand tht the tank ur classifying as AL-KHALID is VT1A with configuration similiar to AK of HIT.
Nobody is denying tht AK is based on T-90.....but some ignorants idiots dont want to understand it dileberatly to make a fool of themselves and satisfying there bruised egos by posting idiocrisy and calling others frustrated while having brain farts sitting on a PC like some retard.
Just prove me of something AK has in common with T-90II..........FC?GUN?TRANSMISSION?mission computer REHBER?IBS?MISSILES IT FIRES?ENGINE ?WAT?????
Or just shut up and get a life....and quiet making urself look like a fool.
HIT Al Khalid / Type 90-II / MBT 2000*Main Battle Tank - History, Specifications and Picture - Military Tanks, Vehicles, and Artillery

HIT Al Khalid / Type 90-II / MBT 2000
The Al Khalid is nothing more than the NORINCO brand Type 90-IIM Main Battle Tank.
By Staff Writer

The Al-Khalid is essentially a hybrid tank design with systems, armament and subsystems originating from a variety of global sources though the tank system itself, as a whole, is a locally-produced product native to Pakistan. Its indirect lineage can be traced back to the Soviet Cold War-era T-54 series while its direct lineage stems from the Chinese NORINCO Type 90-II main battle tank. Additionally, engines are of Ukrainian origin while production is handled within Pakistan. In most respects, the Al-Khalid can be viewed as the "ultimate" evolution of the successful Soviet T-54 system.

Design on the Al-Khalid ran through most of the 1990's to which the system was then known as the "MBT 2000". Design was handled on both the part of NORINCO Factory 617 of China and Heavy Industries Taxila (HIT) of Pakistan with a partnership officially inked in January of 1990. Prototypes appeared the following year and went into evaluation. At the core of the new tank design was to be ease-of-production, a system that could readily accept the use of foreign powerpacks.

There appeared four major prototypes designated simply as P1, P2, P3 and P4. Each was differentiated mainly by their selection of powerplants. The P1 sported the German-based MTU-396 diesel engine mated to an LSG-3000 automatic transmission while fielding a Chinese-made 125mm main gun, fire-control system and autoloader. The P2 was similar in scope but with a Perkins Condor 1,200 horsepower diesel engine (used in the successful British Challenger MBT series), a French SESM ESM500 (ala the Le Clerc MBT) and western-based fire-control system. The P3 sported a Ukrainian 6TD-2 1,200 horsepower engine but essentially the P2 prototype. The P4 was given the NATO-standard 120mm main gun tied into a western-based fire-control system along with a German-based MTU-871/TCM AVDS-1790 diesel engine with LSG-3000 automatic transmission. The P4 was intended to become an export product for Pakistan to produce, operate and sell to other prospective global buyers.

P2's Challenger-based engine proved too temperamental for the rigors of desert warfare and was ultimately too expensive for a long-term powerpack solution. The P4 saw its demise when an arms embargo was placed against Pakistan for their testing of a nuclear weapon in 1998. As such, the P3 with her Ukrainian powerplant proved the best for both cost and operations in the hot Pakistani climate. The new tank system was born under the Chinese designation of "Type 90-IIM" (showcasing it's obvious lineage to the NORINCO Type 90-II model) along with an export designation of "MBT 2000". In Pakistan, the tank took on the name of "Al-Khalid".

Pakistan received much experience in its two major Indo-Pak Wars against India resulting in a nation that was now more or less knowledgeable about what it wanted in their next main battle tank. Pakistan had already been granted license-production rights to the Chinese Type 85-IIAP series and manufactured the type through Heavy Industries Taxila (HIT), to which the experience in this type of industrial-size, heavy duty manufacturing proved priceless to Pakistan's future within localized production of armored vehicles. As such, HIT was tabbed for producing the new Al-Khalid and the tank entered service with the Pakistani Army in 2001 with local Pakistani production continuing even today. It is expected that some 600 total Al-Khalids will be delivered to the Pakistani Army by production's end.

Externally, the Al-Khalid shares a conventional design consistent with most modern main battle tanks. It offers up a low profile thanks to its rather short turret height. The glacis plate is very shallow and side armor is augmented through the use if skirts. Six road wheels are fitted to a side. Crew accommodations amount to three personnel as the loader position is done away with. The driver is seated in the center of the forward hull while the gunner and tank commander take their positions in the turret. Armor is composite in construction and is expanded to include Explosive Reactive Armor for increased protection.

The engine is mounted at the rear and consists of a Ukrainian-based KMDB 6TD-2 6-cylinder diesel-fueled engine delivering up to 1,200 horsepower. The engine provides a top speed of 70 kilometers-per-hour with a range of 400 kilometers. The powerplant is tied to a SESM ESM500-series 5-speed transmission system. Suspension is accomplished through a torsion bar and hydraulic damper arrangement.

Primary armament of the Al-Khalid centers around the powerful 125mm smoothbore main gun nestled into the center of the turret face. Consistent with Russian tank designs throughout recent history, the Al-Khalid does away with the main gun loader as a crewmember and instead employs a complicated but effective automatic loader in his place. Anti-aircraft support is handled by the tank commander through an externally-operated 12.7mm heavy machine gun mounted on the turret roof. A 7.62mm anti-infantry machine gun is mounted co-axially on the turret face next to the main gun. Six smoke grenade dischargers are fitted to either turret side and a capable laser range finder, laser detection system and NBC protection are all standard to base Al-Khalids.

As of this writing, 320 examples of the Al-Khalid have been produced. The primary production model is the Al-Khalid based on the NORINCO prototype fitting the Ukrainian KMDB 6TD-2 diesel engine (P3). The Al-Khalid I represents a proposed upgraded model with revised systems, engine, autoloader and armor as well as the ability to fire KOMBAT anti-tank guided missiles for increased lethality. This version is still under development.

The Al-Khalid is named after the Muslim hero-general Khalid ibn al-Walid (592-642 AD), Muhammad's successful and legendary military commander.

Saudi Arabia has been rumored as a potential Al Khalid user though this agreement has not been exercised.

Basically Pakistan is the lone operater.
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