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T-14 Armata and Kurganetz 25 in production or not?

According to a article in the ESUT they refer to a british defence newspaper which quoted Yuri Borisov who claimed that neither the T14 Armata or the Kurganetz 25 is in production, without giving any reason why.

Is that true? Anyone knows more about that?

As far as I know T-14 is in production. First bunch of 100 tanks have been ordered and currently under production. Kurganetz 25 had some troubles because the production plant were nearly bankrupt, but they got state credit or something. Kurganetz 25 will be produced - it is for sure but I can not say propely in what stage it is.
As far as I know T-14 is in production. First bunch of 100 tanks have been ordered and currently under production. Kurganetz 25 had some troubles because the production plant were nearly bankrupt, but they got state credit or something. Kurganetz 25 will be produced - it is for sure but I can not say propely in what stage it is.

Yes I know the order for 100 T14 was placed in 2016...if I am not wrong August or so... that was published by the russian defence ministry...the reason why I wonder about such a statement
Yes I know the order for 100 T14 was placed in 2016...if I am not wrong August or so... that was published by the russian defence ministry...the reason why I wonder about such a statement
Don't be wonder. I've met around hundred of "news" about Russia's cancelling of Su-57, Armata, Kurganetz and others on this site. And all those "news" have Western sources or Western-owned Russian sources.
on the other hand excatly the same sources claimed impossible as russia claimed in 2015 to build 2200 T14 till 2020 or 2021... and they were right
the military requirements of any country are not a static plan, Just because you needed/planned something in 2015 doesn't mean it is still a priority today. The world is changing more rapidly today that it ever has in the past, Geo-politcal , military, environment, everything is shifting faster than even a very flexible government can respond to.
Take the attack on the Saudi oilfields. A country with some of the most modern air defenses in the region was helpless to a combined attack by a 3rd world military power. That one event, a combined ballistic + cruise missile + drone attack rewrote what is possible and the very nature of military power projection.
We can guess about what Russia's priorities are, but i would suspect that the success of T90 in Syria, even against modern US TOW missile attacks, has put Armata on the back burner. There are certainly more pressing needs in the realm of Naval and Air capabilities that need to be addressed. Not just by Russia, but anyone who would we motivated to be a "superpower" on the world stage
the military requirements of any country are not a static plan, Just because you needed/planned something in 2015 doesn't mean it is still a priority today. The world is changing more rapidly today that it ever has in the past, Geo-politcal , military, environment, everything is shifting faster than even a very flexible government can respond to.
Take the attack on the Saudi oilfields. A country with some of the most modern air defenses in the region was helpless to a combined attack by a 3rd world military power. That one event, a combined ballistic + cruise missile + drone attack rewrote what is possible and the very nature of military power projection.
We can guess about what Russia's priorities are, but i would suspect that the success of T90 in Syria, even against modern US TOW missile attacks, has put Armata on the back burner. There are certainly more pressing needs in the realm of Naval and Air capabilities that need to be addressed. Not just by Russia, but anyone who would we motivated to be a "superpower" on the world stage

seriously dude.... planing tanks, developing tanks, ordering tanks and producing tanks is not something u change like ur underware... we talk here about decade of development... production and then decades of use and upgrades...

Even if they had ordered 2200 in 2015 they would be long time in production till finished...

Developing a on paper high tech tank is EXTREMLY expansive... more expansive than jet fighter... you dont waste hughe ammount of money on something you dont need.

To get a idea how expansive tank development is... the development of Chobham armor was more expansvie than the whole US stealth program
seriously dude.... planing tanks, developing tanks, ordering tanks and producing tanks is not something u change like ur underware... we talk here about decade of development... production and then decades of use and upgrades...
seriously , who cares? So it's delayed, so what? All the speculation in ES&T magazine is really of zero value. = Maybe too advanced for russian industry, maybe too expensive, maybe too advanced for the army to learn how to use it,
Really? You actually spend time reading this stuff?

The only people who know for sure are in the Russian government, and they have an excellent history of deliberately misrepresenting what weapons their army will get and when.

As Vostok said, 100 will be delivered next year. The remaining 2200 whenever the government decides they want it. Maybe by 2025, or 2030 or 2040
Probably not worth getting upset about ;)
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