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T-129 Atak & Turkish Attack Helicopter Programs

Until/unless there are tanks, AH64 is also reasonable. Just imaging ( not want any offence) random country attack on Turkey, than what should be your probability take down their infantry or halt their armor offense.
Yes you can say AH64 is not suited for your military doctrine & T129 is best for your insurgency problem.
Within few years a ramjet propelled, 15Km ranged, IR/Datalink guided UMTAS version will be out, this new type of ATGM will make a good AT helicopter out of T129 but it'll never be suitable for the Role which Apache was designed for. But yeah, AH64 is also reasonable.

@Audio, I don't give a sh*t if you go CQB with a rocket launcher. We don't use 20mm HE.

And sure :lol: reducing ATGM number from 16 to 8 could bring back blitzkrieg. You're such a visionary.
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@Audio, I don't give a sh*t if you go CQB with a rocket launcher. We don't use 20mm HE.


Also, you said the difference between 20mm and 30mm is negligable and with this you calmly disqualified the Apache as outdated. Now you say you dont use 20mm HE, but as to the best of my knowledge you dont use DU 20mm as well. So what do you use?

sure reducing ATGM number from 16 to 8 could bring back blitzkrieg. You're such a visionary.

Where did i say that? Where did i even imply that? Stop making a fool out of yourself again.
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Prove it. With that said, you haven't backed up anything you said with anything but one wiki link..
Also, you said the difference between 20mm and 30mm is negligable and with this you calmly disqualified the Apache as outdated. Now you say you dont use 20mm HE, but as to the best of my knowledge you dont use DU 20mm as well. So what do you use?[/QUOTE]First of all, there's no such thing as 20mm DU. We use standard AP rounds that can be used during danger-close air support so the friendly units don't get injured by the blast radius or fragmentations.
Where did i say that? Where did i even imply that? Stop making a fool out of yourself again.
Do i have to quote you each time? you were the one who's worried about the bandwith.
How do you know symetric threats wont appear in the near future? You don't. Period. Same thing happened with Yugoslav wars, after the cold war ended everyone downsized to the point they were unable to respond before genocides.
No, you dumbass, i said 20mm and 30mm of the same type (HE) will have different mass. And with same muzzle velocities the energy of impact will be bigger with 30mm then with 20mm. E=mc2.

Stop making a fool out of yourself.

Prove it. With that said, you haven't backed up anything you said with anything but one wiki link.

How do you know symetric threats wont appear in the near future? You don't. Period. Same thing happened with Yugoslav wars, after the cold war ended everyone downsized to the point they were unable to respond before genocides.

You are a little kid that knows nothing and cannot see ahead as well. Worst thing is, you think you are right.

I'm sentimental? This thread is full of sentimental Turks without any knowledge about basics talking crap.

Also you made a pretty good case with bolded, textsize=4 halftruths in regards to support personnel needed. You put effort in BS. Underlining only what suits you without any knowledge about what it was all about. I'd say the above definition suits you like a glove.

You are making it personal..Calling names, insulting..No one is insulting you here..Relax buddy, why are you so angry?
First of all, there's no such thing as 20mm DU. We use standard AP rounds that can be used during danger-close air support so the friendly units don't get injured by the blast radius or fragmentations.

Yes, i knew that, was questioning if you knew it.

Do i have to quote you each time? you were the one who's worried about the bandwith.


In this age of austerity, that looks like an attractive option, but it would be the wrong option. Because security challenges won't wait while we fix our finances, and more cuts now will lead to greater insecurity in the future, at a cost we simply can't afford. We saw this after the Cold War, when we were ill prepared to respond to the crises in the Balkans."

NATO administrator's words, you must be the wiser....this quote talks about not failing to prepare for future challenges and not being stuck in a one way directional mindset that assymetrical warfare is the only type of war that will exist in the future.

[url=http://bigstory.ap.org/article/nato-chief-urges-europe-not-cut-defense-budgets]NATO chief dismisses Russian missile defense worry
TAI started design/modification of a new variant of T-129 Atak called B2 to be manufactured in 2016 (Latest 21 T-129 Atak will be manufactured B2 variant). The take-off weight of B2 is planned to be increased between %5-%10 (max. 500kg), While new generation avionic systems/hardwares will be connected(!) to gain aprox. %50 lighter weight of current A version's avionics. Such efforts will make B2 to be able to carry more weapon payload and gained increased range. The Nose section will be re-designed/quite longer than standart A and B1 versions for Meteksan developed MMW radar integration.

Meteksan MMW radar


T-129A COIN attack helicopter(10)
T-129B1 Anti-Tank/Air Model (29)
T-129B2 Radar integrated,longer nose, Increased range, bigger payload variant (21)

T-129 Atak-A

After deliveries of the B2 versions finish it is expected that the previous 39 helicopters will be upgraded to B-2 standard.
This Meteksan radar is the same as the Longbow radar right? Or are there differences to it?
dorumu simdi yoksa yalanmi kaffami karistirdi.

it is true or not ? i am confused

Dogru ya,Azerbeycan en az Zarrar Türkiyeden gelir ,nede olsa bir Yerde onlarda Türk :)

Gidip Elin Amerikanin Elini ,Rusun ´da ............Yalicak degil ya !
NATO administrator's words, you must be the wiser....this quote talks about not failing to prepare for future challenges and not being stuck in a one way directional mindset that assymetrical warfare is the only type of war that will exist in the future.
You're not following. Tanks lost their importance in conventional warfare. They aren't the center of the battle now. Because of that full ATGM load doesn't make sense. Anyway we are about to have a three-layers of gunships. With AC-235 fixed-wings, T129 rotary and Anka TP U(C)AVs so the duty of hunting tanks doesn't only fall on attack choppers. 8 UMTAS + Pods or asymmetric loaded 12 UMTAS can support our ground troops against much larger enemy forces.

US may have to keep their AH64 and A10 fleet just in case but we aren't a superpower we have to adapt to the changes.
Coming from ROKETSAN It's official now :) Congratulations on our first export order :)
This Meteksan radar is the same as the Longbow radar right? Or are there differences to it?
We could say that, but as far as i know they'll only be mounted on AC-235s.
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