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T-129 Atak & Turkish Attack Helicopter Programs

ATAK 2 is chinese WZ 10 and new turkish chopper is WZ 20

China has his first cıstomer!

@wanglaokan congrats!

WZ 10 chinese chopper. TAİ still has no capability to design attack choppers from scratch. It did cost china many billion dollars of investöemt.

Turkey still a small fish in int. Defence bussiness

Our expected troll turned back immediately. @cabatli_53
Instead of banning him just ignore you won't see any messages from hursid.

That does not work. Alert system takes first new post as an alert cause, and if that first new post belongs to ignored user, then alert does not sent.

Hurşit and his second account were in my ignore list for months, but that just hurts the alert system and blocked me to follow news since he is spamming so fast in every topic and discussing with himself (his other account) like a schizophren o_O

Either alert system needs to be updated or hurşit needs to be banned.
Instead of banning him just ignore you won't see any messages from hursid. I don't see any messages from him againt forum rules and you should stop provoking the mods, kid!
If we are going to talk about him I would say one thing. I dont have anything against him but to say he is not violating the forum rules is not fair. I like his alternative point of view that he is expressing because very often we have common knowledge or we are touching some delicate themes of dialogue but he have one very big problem. He cant control his anger. If he chosed the path of those alternative readings of situations or alternative point of view he must be ready for this kind of attacks he is receiving from Turkish and from foreign members. Ive seen improvement in this matter of control but its still not enough. If he is reading this I would say to him this... When you are expressing yourself you must be talking clearer and with sources as much as possible as long the things you are going to say are not violating OPSEC/PERSEC rules and its in profit for Turkey and the national security. If you show the people the sources they want and they are still provoking you then you must not respond in the same way in any case because of the character you have. I think you can be very good contributor to the forum as you shown before but you must control yourself. If you cant control yourself for me that is very big gap and weakness and I can assure you that in this forum there are very smart people. Smart enough to provoke you untill you start to swear, calling them foreign and FETO agents and then you get banned and your reputation is ruined. Your control over the emotions must be full. I am sure you know that but its not enough to know it you must practice it if you want to be respected by the other members. I am saying this to you with kindest of wishes and friendly behavior. And now brother @bedbin . Its easy for us the registered users and especially the ones that are familiar with the situation eventually to ignore him but what about the people that are coming from other sections and the non registered guests of the forum? It is dropping the quality of the section pretty bad and I am saying this as a user that his first post is related to this particular problem. For me the only effective solution is to know ourselves and to watch ourselves and how we react very carefully. By self monitoring you can control yourself and if you can go beyond your ego and if you are able to say stop by some point I think the problem can be sorted out. I dont want to show myself as an example of the perfect user or something like that but I never lost control over myself and never let myself to curse on someone and thank Allah never got banned and I think to continue like this because I dont want the people to disrespect me. Its good that there are more people with a lot point of views as we see alternatives to the things we think and we must remember that the truth is somewhere in between. We must behave to each other more kindly on higher level because we must be able to talk to each other openly and without any hesitation or discomfort. I am sorry and I apologize to the users for the long post. Maybe its not the right thread but I think the things I said are very important for the pursuit of our personal satisfaction while communicating to each other and of course to provoke in other users and guests joy and interest in our section and our beloved forum because we deserve it.
Instead of banning him just ignore you won't see any messages from hursid. I don't see any messages from him againt forum rules and you should stop provoking the mods, kid!

It’s good to learn the fact that “LordTyrannus” is also a Hur-shit trolls side account. You said!
We want t-129 with some Turkish delight ...really can't wait for both countries to sign the deal atak will find so many rats in Pakistan to exterminate.
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