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Syrian-style crisis looms ahead of Turkey: Analyst

Hasbara Buster

Aug 17, 2010
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Syrian-style crisis looms ahead of Turkey: Analyst

The West seeks to orchestrate a Syrian-style crisis in Turkey to “neutralize” Ankara’s role as a potential regional power, a political analyst tells Press TV.

In a Thursday interview with Press TV, Sukant Chandan lashed out at the Turkish government for aiding and abetting the West and Arab monarchies in aiding the terrorist groups inside Syria and said Turkey is the next in line to be targeted by the West’s destabilization plots.

“The West [is] going to turn the green light on to the death squads in Turkey, and Turkey is going to probably face something similar to what’s happening in Syria,” Chandan said.

The analyst described the scenario as “the obvious strategy of London, Washington, Paris and Tel Aviv” against Turkey as they seek to “neutralize” Ankara as a Middle Eastern power in the “near future.”

Chandan slammed the Turkish government for “its 180-degree turnaround and sellout of its decent bilateral relations” with Syria and noted that Turkey has been “the biggest loser” among the foreign players that fanned the flames of the crisis in Syria.

In formal letters addressed to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and UN Security Council President Sylvie Lucas on Wednesday, the Syrian Foreign Ministry urged the UN to “compel the Turkish government to stop its aggression,” Syrian state news agency SANA reported.

In the official protest letters, the Syrian ministry also alleges that Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan issued “instructions to launch flagrant aggression on Syria as the Turkish army tanks and artillery took part directly in the attack on Kasab, north of Syria, and its surrounding.”

Syrian Ambassador to the UN Bashar Ja’afari has also accused the Turkish government of collaborating with the Israeli regime in facilitating the intrusion of al-Qaeda-linked militants into Syria as well as supporting their terrorist efforts and military offensives against Syrian forces.

PressTV - Syrian-style crisis looms ahead of Turkey: Analyst
Turks have failed preventing Erdogan from dividing them from Syria for Israel, now they will have real bad things

To punish Turkey, they must pay billions and give back Antioche for Syria

They will have a tiny territory for the turks
I hope thats not the case and the 'analyst' is wrong. There has already been too much needless bloodshed in the region and I want to see Turkey or fr that matter, Syria too as peaceful and prosperous.
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