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Nov 18, 2010
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Rebels Say West’s Inaction Is Pushing Syrians to Extremism


NO NO not the west, once again you want christian US to save you guys from your dictators. It's paper edicts worth only Islamic origination Council that is letting you down. All we hear is big talk from its member countries but you can't walk it...

Recruit some of the blustering members from PDF to go fight for you...stop looking at christian Judea countries to save you...while your so called pals in Russia and China provide military weapons to continue the slaughter of your women and children. and THAT'S the honest truth :disagree:
Nothing- no posts and over 80 views ? no call for jihad by our fellow PDF posters here over China and Russia supplying weapons to Muslim dictators who kill fellow Muslims?

Now do you get why we laugh at your faces when you go "amerika amerika death to amerika"? where is you big talk about muslimia now?

what! you want the devil amerika to come save you again? You want amerika to save your women and children? what a joke...

don't worry , I am one of those who wants america to go in stop the slaughter. because intentional slaughter, torture of women and kids has no religious boundaries.

It's time for this board to ahve some honest talk and to rid of the extremist that have infested it.
Rebels Say West’s Inaction Is Pushing Syrians to Extremism


NO NO not the west, once again you want christian US to save you guys from your dictators. It's paper edicts worth only Islamic origination Council that is letting you down. All we hear is big talk from its member countries but you can't walk it...

Recruit some of the blustering members from PDF to go fight for you...stop looking at christian Judea countries to save you...while your so called pals in Russia and China provide military weapons to continue the slaughter of your women and children. and THAT'S the honest truth :disagree:

What a strange logic by the Syrian rebels.

West helps, and people get pushed to "extremism" (read Islamism).
West doesn't help, and people get pushed to "extremism" (read Islamism).

Catch 22? aint it?

Syrian rebels must realize that international help (in some substantial way) will only come if they unite under a secular command and control structure.

Sure in the beginning it was a people's movement. And people started rising up willy nilly.

But now after so many months, it is not about early days anymore. Things needs to be managed in proper way.

FSA is out there, and these guys are ex-commanders.

Join with them, instead of sidelining them. Make proper and secular structure.

Otherwise West or East will not come to you. West has had terrible experience with warlords and militias in Afghanistan , in the Middle East, and in Africa.

Get serious guys. Get serious.

I hope Syrian people can get rid of Assad the butcher soon. Too much killing and murder has already happened.

peace to all.
Situations like this will result in a joint OIC strike force one day. Unfortunately, for Syrians - you need to win this battle yourself.
^^^ If your post is directed towards pdf members / other muslims, then your point might be valid.
But only people whose voice is worth listening are syrians ( like libyan), opinions of the rest of muslims is worth as much as the non syrian christians, hindus , buddists and atheists.

And I dont believe syrians really resent the west as such. I have met libyan who are very grateful and happy the way west helped them. I can bet overall sentiments of iraqis is not anti west.(after US left)
Situations like this will result in a joint OIC strike force one day. Unfortunately, for Syrians - you need to win this battle yourself.

Okay this not directed at you solely Aeronuat but indulge me please. In other words, I'm going get candid and speak the harsh truth. Hopefully you okay with it :)

Really? a joint OIC strike force.

Can you cite us one time it has happened? When can you say one of the members or collectively they were not impotent enough to do so? 1/2 million iraqi's where gassed...400,00 slaughtered in Sudan, 25,000 in Syria, hundreds of thousands under Qaddafi... what are you waiting on? 1 million mark to reach in each country? even the people in these countries know not to appeal to the OIC members because it made up of paper edicts, they go direct to the US.

Syrians need to do it themselves you say ? Now do you understand why we drone NW frontiers of your country? Americans need to do it themselves.

Finally was my post calling for FaujHistorian to be a moderator here such a threat that you had to delete it? You know the man is country first. or was it me calling think tanks here empty suits? because I know you are one of the moderate one's here and know I speak the truth.
Situations like this will result in a joint OIC strike force one day. Unfortunately, for Syrians - you need to win this battle yourself.

JOIC is a great idea.

However it will remain a dream because everyone is waiting for others to take the first step. In other words "Billi kay galay main ghanti koan bhanday".

We have been watching people die like flies in the so called Islamic countries, and this is going on for decades if not centuries

On top of this, the countries who can provide substantial component to JOIC, are not willing to be team player. Instead countries like Pakistan, Turkey, or Egypt are all trying to do the one-upmanship.

I am assuming that your idea of JOIC is like NATO. Correct?

For organizations like NATO etc. you need a strong foundational country who can supply both men and material.

You also need global vision as a global citizen.

Only Turkey has shown some global vision in the past and this lead to them becoming a member of NATO. However the current AKP is showing tendencies to become part of Middle Eastern mud-slinging and mud-wrestling. This will drag them down at some point. Even though at the moment they are pretty good.

Turkish army is perhaps the only one at this stage who can challenge demoralized bunch called Syrian gov army. But Turkish people may not have stomach for initiating all out attack or even enforcing No Fly Zone approved by the OIC (and not UN).

Besides turkey no OIC member has the b@lls to run the show in the JOIC.

Pakistani army and its predecessor troops for British-Indian army showed a global vision until 1970s but this was always army-only drive with no support from intellectuals, professors, poets and writers. Why? because Pakistani intellectuals (mainly Punjabi and Urdu speaking) are rabid leftists, and thus it would be impossible for us to become a good global citizen when the globe is dominated by the Leftists' and socialists' nightmare aka America.

Other than these two countries, no other OIC member has history of fighting global wars. Iran and Egypt are big, but their leadership is mentally puny from global perspective.

So you are correct that sometimes in future there may be JOIC, but it will be too late for Syrians who are being butchered by Assad and his goons.

Inshallah one day it will happen , where we get solve the solutions with our own hands . JOIC
This is what they've been doing for decades. Relying on the West to save them while they kept on demonizing and murdering Westerners.
That's why Russia and China are never blamed for the woes of the Muslim world, because they can't guilt trip Russia and China into helping you because, frankly, they simply do not care what they do to themselves.
Chaos in the ME is great for Russia's oil, gas and weapon industries.

No more of this "Bringing democracy to Muslim nations" or "Humanitarian interventions" BS, let them handle their own problems.
hahahah if it was real revolution then it would have been done only by the people... not by the west and others...

NATO revolution in Libya is a failure...

those cowards... :rofl: want NATO to destroy their own country ....
@Syrian Lion, can you shed some light on PYD formations? How are their relations with FSA and the Syrian government? Are they attempting to secede at some point? Are they cooperating with PKK?
@FaujiHistorian. All of us have to gain from a joint military strike force. As long as people are talking about it right or wrong, the idea will stay afloat. It has become need of the hour, its just a matter of time when.
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