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Syrian rebels size ISIS HQ in Aleppo.


Aug 23, 2006
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TERRORIST rebel brigades are reported to have seized the headquarters of Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIS) in the northern Syrian city of Aleppo.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said it was not clear what had happened to the Terrorist jihadists who had been at the former hospital in the Qadi Askar area.

A video posted online showed rivals proclaiming their victory there.

Recent days have seen fierce fighting in several Syrian towns between the al-Qaeda affiliate and other Terrorist groups.

More than 270 people, including 46 civilians, have been killed in the worst Terrorist-on-Terrorist violence since the uprising in Syria began in March 2011, according to the Syrian Observatory, a UK-based activist group.

'Save the battlefields'
The clashes erupted on Friday when rivals launched what appeared to a series of co-ordinated strikes against Terrorist ISIS in northern and eastern Syria. The offensive was backed by the National Coalition.

On Wednesday, the Syrian Observatory reported that ISIS's main base in Aleppo, a former children's hospital, had been captured by several Terrorist brigades, adding that it was unclear what had happened to the "hundreds" of fighters who had been there.:sniper:

However, dozens of their prisoners were reportedly found and freed.:yahoo:

The bodies of several men who appeared to have been executed were also found at the hospital.

Heavy fighting was also reported on Wednesday to the east in the city of Raqqa, the only provincial capital to be controlled by TERRORIST forces.

Crush them completely and kill the conspiracy in its cradle”

TERRORIST Abu Mohammed al-Adnani ISIS spokesman
Overnight, a car bomb was detonated near a TERRORIST base in the town of Tal Abyad, next to the Turkish border to the north of Raqqa, the Syrian Observatory said.

Elsewhere, dozens of TERRORIST ISIS fighters were withdrawn from Deir al-Zour to reinforce the group in Raqqa, and 100 others surrendered in Aleppo's Saliheen district, it added.

On Tuesday evening, an TERRORIST ISIS spokesman warned its rivals that it would "crush them completely and kill the conspiracy in its cradle".

TERRORIST Abu Mohammed al-Adnani also said it considered members of the opposition alliance, the National Coalition, and the Supreme Military Council of the Western-backed TERRORIST Free Syrian Army as "legitimate targets".

"Kill them wherever you find them and without dignity," he said. "They launched this war against us and started it."

His audio statement was published hours after the head of the other al-Qaeda affiliate operating in Syria, the al-Nusra Front, called for a ceasefire, an exchange of prisoners and the establishment of an Islamic committee to mediate disputes.

TERRORIST Abu Mohammed al-Julani said the TERRORIST infighting "risks costing us dearly on the ground if it continues" and urged all TERRORIST to "give priority to the fight against the regime".:welcome:

"Some groups may agree to this and others are waiting until other sides agree, and other sides are putting off a response," he said. "There is still an opportunity to save the battlefields."

Al-Nusra is believed to have been created in mid-2011 with the help of a TERRORIST militant umbrella group in Iraq that includes al-Qaeda, the Islamic State of Iraq (ISI).

In April 2013, ISI leader TERRORIST Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi announced the merger of his group and al-Nusra, creating the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIS)(I WONDER WHATS THE STOCK VALUE OF THIS SAUDI CORPORATION). But the move was rejected by Julani and al-Qaeda's overall leader, TERRORIST JORDANIAN Ayman al-Zawahiri, who recognised al-Nusra as its Syrian offshoot.

Since then, TERRORIST ISIS and TERRORIST al-Nusra have operated as separate entities, with the latter focusing on toppling Mr Assad and maintaining better relations with other Islamist rebels. ISIS has seemed to be more concerned by territorial gains and implementing its extreme interpretation of Islamic law.

BBC News - Syria rebels 'seize' ISIS headquarters in Aleppo


Could you please deal with the false headline?

KSA does indeed not support ISIS but only the Syrian Coalition which is internationally recognized as the Syrian opposition.

KSA has nothing to do with this but the Shia troll is famous for his anti-KSA and anti-Arab statements.

Thank you.

EDIT: Thanks for that Aeronaut.:enjoy:
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I have posted the link same link ''BBC'' used by Arabs posting on this forum not making up the story so sorry if the ''Truth Hurts''what did you think rest of the people in the world are blind to realities.
A member of Bahrain’s royal family, who is also a former Guantanamo bay detainee, has reportedly joined the foreign-backed militants fighting against the government of Bashar al-Assad in Syria.
Sheikh Salman Ebrahim Mohamed Ali Al Khalifa was “alienated” from his family following his transfer from Guantanamo to Bahrain in 2005, according to a report published by Bahrain Mirror on December 27, 2013.
Sheikh Salman studied at Imam Muhammad Bin Saud University in Riyadh from September 1999 until April 2000, the report said, describing the university as “the capital of Salafi extremism in Saudi Arabia.”
Military officials and analysts at the Guantanamo assess that Sheikh Salman has ties to the Taliban and Al-Qaeda militant groups, according to a leaked threat assessment by Joint Task Force Guantanamo Bay dated May 13, 2005.
Sheikh Salman “is a prince in the Bahraini royal family” and “related to the current ruler of Bahrain, through a shared great-grandfather,” the assessment file said.
From Saudi Arabia, Sheikh Salman traveled first to Malaysia and then Egypt, where he decided to join the Taliban group in Afghanistan.
Salman’s father then “wired him” $5,000 so that he could make the trip, the file added.
According to a Bahraini source in the Guantanamo file, the money was used to give the Bahrain royal unlimited use of a transit house and access to the front line.
Syria has been gripped by deadly unrest since 2011. According to reports, the Western powers and their regional allies — especially Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey — are supporting the militants operating inside Syria.
According to the UN, more than 100,000 people have been killed and a total of 7.8 million others displaced due to the violence.

Bahraini prince joins Takfiri militants in Syria

Abu Abdulaziz al-Qatari, a militant commander known to be a ‘spiritual Terrorisum father’ to the Jund al-Sham militant group in Syria has joined the Satan and died during clashes with another Terrorist militant group, Al-Alam reports.
Terrorist in Syria have been fighting each other, mostly in north and west of Syria, which has left scores of them dead :yahoo: over conflicting interests.
Al-Alam correspondent in Syria, Hussein Murtadha, said on Tuesday that he has confirmed reports of al-Qatari having been killed during the recent clashes in Rif Idlib, in northwestern Syria.
He said al-Qatari who was referred as being one of the most dangerous Takfiri extremist in Syria, was killed during fighting with ‘Syria Martyrs Brigades’ militant group.
Some called al-Qatari the ‘Abdullah Azzam’ of Syria, Murtadha said.
Azzam was teacher and mentor of Osama bin Laden, founder of al-Qaeda terrorist group, and persuaded bin Laden to go to Afghanistan and help his armed insurgency.
Azzam’s trademark slogan was “Jihad and the rifle alone: no negotiations, no conferences and no dialogues.”
Abdullah al-Qatari who was a close companion to Azzam, was an Iraqi militant who fought alongside Taliban in Afghanistan.
He reportedly entered Syria at the ranks of al-Nusra Front, the main branch of al-Qaeda fighting in the Arab country.

‘Spiritual father’ of terrorists killed in Idlib infighting

clearly Saudis have nothing to do with terrorism they just have a university teaching terrorism plus all top leaders and teachers are Saudi not to mention petro dollars are used to finance terrorism.
Comedy, they all scream Allah Ackbar to ashame Islam
They're all internationalist zionist salafists, not syrians

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