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Syrian Rebels Have US Stinger Missiles - Russian General


Apr 25, 2012
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Syrian rebels fighting President Bashar al-Assad's regime are now armed with man-portable air defense systems (MANPADS) including US-made Stingers, Russia's top military commander said on Wednesday.
Russia has "reliable evidence" that the rebels have the weapons, "including US-made Stingers," but "who delivered them, we need to look into," Army Headquarters General Nikolai Makarov said.
NBC news reported in August the rebels had been supplied with unspecified MANPADS, possibly initiated by Turkey, Saudi Arabia or Qatar which have repeatedly called for lending military support to the Syrian opposition.
US State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said she could not confirm whether the rebels had been supplied with such missiles, and maintained the United States was against the uncontrolled spread of MANPADS.
"We have already made it clear how much we are concerned about the treatment of this type of weapons around the world. We work with governments trying to withdraw MANPADS from circulation," she said on October 16.
Russia has previously stated it regards the rebels' acquisition of MANPADS as a dangerous development.
"Arming the Syrian rebels with such a dangerous weapon as MANPADS, or sanctioning such actions, would be a most dangerous act," Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Alexander Lukashevich said earlier.
In 2003, over 95 countries signed the Elements of Export Controls for MANPADS, which was later updated. A further agreement on restricting proliferation of MANPADS was signed in May 2004 by the Organization of Security and Cooperation in Europe, including the United States.
While there has been no conclusive proof of use of MANPADS in Syria, various rebel groups have claimed they possess them, and videos posted on YouTube earlier this month appear to show rebels in Aleppo armed with Soviet-era SA-7 Strela missiles, the world's most widely-produced MANPADS weapon.
“Opposition groups have now at least the Strela-2 (SA-7 Grail) – most likely acquired from Assad’s own forces, and it is possible that a smaller number of Stinger MANPADS are also now in their possession," said Douglas Barrie, an air warfare analysts with the London-based International Institute for Strategic Studies. "The acquisition of man-portable surface to air missiles will improve their ability to provide rudimentary low-level air defense against combat aircraft and helicopters."
Several videos have also been posted appearing to show Mi-8 helicopters and MiG-23 fighter-bombers being shot down by Syrian rebels, although the weapons used appear to be heavy machine guns rather than surface-to-air missiles.
The US-made General Dynamics Stinger was supplied in the hundreds to the Mujahideen forces in Afghanistan during the Soviet Union's military campaign in the 1980s, and made a radical impact on the use of Soviet air power there, according to the then-head of Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence Agency, Mohammed Yousaf, who was involved in supplying them.
The US Central Intelligence Agency later set up a "buy-back" operation in a bid to recover the weapons after the Soviet Union withdrew its forces from Afghanistan, amid concern that the weapons could be used by radical Islamist groups to shoot down a civilian airliner.
MANPADS are shoulder-launched missiles which can be carried and fired by one person. Usually guided by infra-red seekers that home in on an aircraft's engine heat, they can often hit targets as high as 13,000 feet at a range of up to a few miles, and are especially dangerous to large and slow aircraft like civilian airliners and helicopters. Several civilian aircraft have been shot down with MANPADS since the late 1970s.

Syrian Rebels Have US Stinger Missiles - Russian General | Defense | RIA Novosti

I think a stinger will soon hit Assad
the fact that Russian jets and helicopters are shot down by primitive weapon makes this general ashamed. No wonder he would go for this claim. They produced a junk
The Russian general should have a closer look at the manpads the rebels are using



that aint a stinger
Its just an excuse by Russia to send large numbers of weapons to Syria.
FSA captured an air defense depot recently, it had to pay off.
What is the output of this war? Syrian Civilian death and utter collapse of Syria! What will happen if Muslim Brotherhood/Iranian/Qatar comes to the Power! Will it change anything? We need Palestinian freedom. Here a prolonged war will just keep Israel protected. What are you Arabs thinking? Can someone discuss on this? The world wants a clear idea! We are not privileged!:cry:
9K32 Strela-2:

It's a Soviet design. And Syria is a user.

Which is what makes it such a laugh that the general is bitching about the US already the blogs are repeating the stinger part and ignoring the rest.

Syria and half of the rest of the world after after 40 years but yes they probably came from Syria's own inventory.
Not a good idea to give MANPADs to rebels, they might start circulating around and every nation is vulnerable.
Syrian rebels fighting President Bashar al-Assad's regime are now armed with man-portable air defense systems (MANPADS) including US-made Stingers, Russia's top military commander said on Wednesday.
Russia has "reliable evidence" that the rebels have the weapons, "including US-made Stingers," but "who delivered them, we need to look into," Army Headquarters General Nikolai Makarov said.
NBC news reported in August the rebels had been supplied with unspecified MANPADS, possibly initiated by Turkey, Saudi Arabia or Qatar which have repeatedly called for lending military support to the Syrian opposition.
US State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said she could not confirm whether the rebels had been supplied with such missiles, and maintained the United States was against the uncontrolled spread of MANPADS.
"We have already made it clear how much we are concerned about the treatment of this type of weapons around the world. We work with governments trying to withdraw MANPADS from circulation," she said on October 16.
Russia has previously stated it regards the rebels' acquisition of MANPADS as a dangerous development.
"Arming the Syrian rebels with such a dangerous weapon as MANPADS, or sanctioning such actions, would be a most dangerous act," Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Alexander Lukashevich said earlier.
In 2003, over 95 countries signed the Elements of Export Controls for MANPADS, which was later updated. A further agreement on restricting proliferation of MANPADS was signed in May 2004 by the Organization of Security and Cooperation in Europe, including the United States.
While there has been no conclusive proof of use of MANPADS in Syria, various rebel groups have claimed they possess them, and videos posted on YouTube earlier this month appear to show rebels in Aleppo armed with Soviet-era SA-7 Strela missiles, the world's most widely-produced MANPADS weapon.
“Opposition groups have now at least the Strela-2 (SA-7 Grail) – most likely acquired from Assad’s own forces, and it is possible that a smaller number of Stinger MANPADS are also now in their possession," said Douglas Barrie, an air warfare analysts with the London-based International Institute for Strategic Studies. "The acquisition of man-portable surface to air missiles will improve their ability to provide rudimentary low-level air defense against combat aircraft and helicopters."
Several videos have also been posted appearing to show Mi-8 helicopters and MiG-23 fighter-bombers being shot down by Syrian rebels, although the weapons used appear to be heavy machine guns rather than surface-to-air missiles.
The US-made General Dynamics Stinger was supplied in the hundreds to the Mujahideen forces in Afghanistan during the Soviet Union's military campaign in the 1980s, and made a radical impact on the use of Soviet air power there, according to the then-head of Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence Agency, Mohammed Yousaf, who was involved in supplying them.
The US Central Intelligence Agency later set up a "buy-back" operation in a bid to recover the weapons after the Soviet Union withdrew its forces from Afghanistan, amid concern that the weapons could be used by radical Islamist groups to shoot down a civilian airliner.
MANPADS are shoulder-launched missiles which can be carried and fired by one person. Usually guided by infra-red seekers that home in on an aircraft's engine heat, they can often hit targets as high as 13,000 feet at a range of up to a few miles, and are especially dangerous to large and slow aircraft like civilian airliners and helicopters. Several civilian aircraft have been shot down with MANPADS since the late 1970s.

Syrian Rebels Have US Stinger Missiles - Russian General | Defense | RIA Novosti

I think a stinger will soon hit Assad

IF they have them really very good thing but what should be done is Muslims Air Forces should provide them support and destory Syrian Air Force and Army and take out the tyrant Assad and his brother
We have reliable evidence that the rebels are using Russian made weapons against Assad. Does that mean anything?
Syrian rebels fighting President Bashar al-Assad's regime are now armed with man-portable air defense systems (MANPADS) including US-made Stingers, Russia's top military commander said on Wednesday.
Russia has "reliable evidence" that the rebels have the weapons, "including US-made Stingers," but "who delivered them, we need to look into," Army Headquarters General Nikolai Makarov said.
NBC news reported in August the rebels had been supplied with unspecified MANPADS, possibly initiated by Turkey, Saudi Arabia or Qatar which have repeatedly called for lending military support to the Syrian opposition.
US State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said she could not confirm whether the rebels had been supplied with such missiles, and maintained the United States was against the uncontrolled spread of MANPADS.
"We have already made it clear how much we are concerned about the treatment of this type of weapons around the world. We work with governments trying to withdraw MANPADS from circulation," she said on October 16.
Russia has previously stated it regards the rebels' acquisition of MANPADS as a dangerous development.
"Arming the Syrian rebels with such a dangerous weapon as MANPADS, or sanctioning such actions, would be a most dangerous act," Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Alexander Lukashevich said earlier.
In 2003, over 95 countries signed the Elements of Export Controls for MANPADS, which was later updated. A further agreement on restricting proliferation of MANPADS was signed in May 2004 by the Organization of Security and Cooperation in Europe, including the United States.
While there has been no conclusive proof of use of MANPADS in Syria, various rebel groups have claimed they possess them, and videos posted on YouTube earlier this month appear to show rebels in Aleppo armed with Soviet-era SA-7 Strela missiles, the world's most widely-produced MANPADS weapon.
“Opposition groups have now at least the Strela-2 (SA-7 Grail) – most likely acquired from Assad’s own forces, and it is possible that a smaller number of Stinger MANPADS are also now in their possession," said Douglas Barrie, an air warfare analysts with the London-based International Institute for Strategic Studies. "The acquisition of man-portable surface to air missiles will improve their ability to provide rudimentary low-level air defense against combat aircraft and helicopters."
Several videos have also been posted appearing to show Mi-8 helicopters and MiG-23 fighter-bombers being shot down by Syrian rebels, although the weapons used appear to be heavy machine guns rather than surface-to-air missiles.
The US-made General Dynamics Stinger was supplied in the hundreds to the Mujahideen forces in Afghanistan during the Soviet Union's military campaign in the 1980s, and made a radical impact on the use of Soviet air power there, according to the then-head of Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence Agency, Mohammed Yousaf, who was involved in supplying them.
The US Central Intelligence Agency later set up a "buy-back" operation in a bid to recover the weapons after the Soviet Union withdrew its forces from Afghanistan, amid concern that the weapons could be used by radical Islamist groups to shoot down a civilian airliner.
MANPADS are shoulder-launched missiles which can be carried and fired by one person. Usually guided by infra-red seekers that home in on an aircraft's engine heat, they can often hit targets as high as 13,000 feet at a range of up to a few miles, and are especially dangerous to large and slow aircraft like civilian airliners and helicopters. Several civilian aircraft have been shot down with MANPADS since the late 1970s.

Syrian Rebels Have US Stinger Missiles - Russian General | Defense | RIA Novosti

I think a stinger will soon hit Assad

All the NATO countries have a good deal of MANPADs which are about 15 years or even older. So they can give these weapons to the rebels so that they can protect them selves and their shelters well from bombers and other attacks...
Really shame on NATO.... Please give them MANPADs as well as Anti Tank weapons. too.
We have reliable evidence that the rebels are using Russian made weapons against Assad. Does that mean anything?

It mean when people quit the army and join the rebels they are smart enough to take a few crates of ordnace as they go out the gates.
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