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Syrian Kurds start forming their army


Mar 30, 2012
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Syrian Kurds, who established control over some areas in the north of Syria in the middle of this year, have begun creating an independent army. This information was provided by the internet portal Elaph referring to the head of the Kurdistan National Assembly of Syria Sherkoh Abbas.
"The main goal of our army is to protect the territory of Syrian Kurdistan from any armed intervention, whether Assad's forces or Islamist militant groups," said Abbas.

The U.S. and Western European countries have agreed to provide military and financial assistance in the establishment of an independent Kurdish army, which, in their opinion, could prevent spread of radical Islam in Syria.

Voice of Russia, RIA
I wonder what's Turkey reaction about this? well they asked for trouble... now they have it... soon there will be Kurdistan Turkey...

Yes you are right my friend soon there well be a Kurdistan and it will be in YOUR country.
Turkey will be the last country to give away an inch of land to "great Kurdistan" but it's sad to se that you are so willing to give away you homeland just to pis of turkey.

Well played my friend but son it will be end played for Syria.
Yes you are right my friend soon there well be a Kurdistan and it will be in YOUR country.
Turkey will be the last country to give away an inch of land to "great Kurdistan" but it's sad to se that you are so willing to give away you homeland just to pis of turkey.

Well played my friend but son it will be end played for Syria.

Can you tell me how you concluded that Syria gave up its land?? Syria is now busy fighting terrorism... the Kurds took advantage of the situation, they created their own militia to protect themselves for terrorists... but when the Syrian conflict ends.. everything will be back to normal..
My question about how Turkey will react for the creation of Kurdish militia in a region close to PKK...
Can you tell me how you concluded that Syria gave up its land?? Syria is now busy fighting terrorism... the Kurds took advantage of the situation, they created their own militia to protect themselves for terrorists... but when the Syrian conflict ends.. everything will be back to normal..
My question about how Turkey will react for the creation of Kurdish militia in a region close to PKK...

PYD existents is not something new. PKK had its HQ in Syria in the 90's.
I understand you point sir, but is there great goal to build up the great Kurdistan a country consisting of territories from Iran Iraq syra and turkey.

PYD/PKK/Barzani are all working to gain independence.
Turkeys support of FSA was not a smart move and now PYD is gaining stronger holds in the northern Syria.

I don't support any separation but I support more rights to the minorities.
The rise of a Kurdish state is a nightmare for every one not just the Turks.

Supporting Kurdish nationalists is like holding a handgranad it will blow up your own hand if you don't hold it strong or if you don't throw it away in time.
PYD existents is not something new. PKK had its HQ in Syria in the 90's.
I understand you point sir, but is there great goal to build up the great Kurdistan a country consisting of territories from Iran Iraq syra and turkey.

PYD/PKK/Barzani are all working to gain independence.
Turkeys support of FSA was not a smart move and now PYD is gaining stronger holds in the northern Syria.

I don't support any separation but I support more rights to the minorities.
The rise of a Kurdish state is a nightmare for every one not just the Turks.

Supporting Kurdish nationalists is like holding a handgranad it will blow up your own hand if you don't hold it strong or if you don't throw it away in time.

We all know that minority in Syria are protected for now... no one knows what will happen next... however like I said before... majority of Syrians are creating their own militias... "Neighborhoods Watch Team" own weapons now, they are called People Army... and I don't blame them... I would also create an army to protect my house from those terrorists...
The situation in Syria for Kurds that they just want protection... and of course everyone wants protection... PYD never had a military wing (they might had one but small and weak) however now they are publicly saying we have our own militia... that shows how peaceful was Syria before the conflict..

Chaos is contagious... It will spread to Turkey, for sure PKK operations in Turkey rose... due the chaos in Syria...
What is the difference between turkish kurds terrorist group and syrin kurds terrorist army I do not follow why the Kurds are disliked
Ethincally different,thats all.U know human nature...... judge on skin deep things,irrational hatred,refusal to share the world.Some of humanity's greatest attributes regardless of race.colour.country.language,religion.:)
What is the difference between turkish kurds terrorist group and syrin kurds terrorist army I do not follow why the Kurds are disliked

Kurds are the most victimized nation in the world. For all the flowery slogans of Ummah this race has been raped beyond recognition all by Muslims.

To think that Salahudin Ayubi was a Kurd.
What is the difference between turkish kurds terrorist group and syrin kurds terrorist army I do not follow why the Kurds are disliked

Kurds, Pathans, Balochis are from Persian Race Mainly, I just check on Wikipedia that these Races like Kurds, Baloch, Pathans split from Great Persian Empire because of some differences on How to run great Persian now current Iran Empire then these people change their language Dialects and also they start marrying Turks, Arabs, Jews, Pakistanis, Indians etc. and forming different flavors of Kurds, Pathans, Balochis etc. this is true history of Kurds, Pathans, Balochis and only Allah knows all Truth

Lot of Iranians Persians Majoosi Shias Rafidah are already in USA in millions, Lot of Irani Shia Women are also very much Westernized and they donot care that whom they Sleep with (Black, White, Latino etc.) Same like Lot of Afghan, Lebo, Pakistanis and other muslim countries Women who are either born there or living at least few Decades there.......White, Latinos, Blacks are Pure Evil and Devil but Our People so Motha Fukers Ignorance or they just donot care....By the way, I live in West too long to know them inside Out, Western Countries are in Top 10 Rape countries in fact USA is No. 1 Champion for at least last 40 years with Congo there as Well, USA & Congo are Rape Capitals of the World followed by India.......but most of People donot know this and Ignorance is just pure Not Bliss at all!

'I didn't think of Iraqis as humans,' says U.S. soldier who raped 14-year-old girl before killing her and her family | Daily Mail Online

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Kurds are the most victimized nation in the world. For all the flowery slogans of Ummah this race has been raped beyond recognition all by Muslims.

To think that Salahudin Ayubi was a Kurd.

Kurds, Pathans, Balochis are from Persian Race Mainly, I just check on Wikipedia that these Races like Kurds, Baloch, Pathans split from Great Persian Empire because of some differences on How to run great Persian now current Iran Empire then these people change their language Dialects and also they start marrying Turks, Arabs, Jews, Pakistanis, Indians etc. and forming different flavors of Kurds, Pathans, Balochis etc. this is true history of Kurds, Pathans, Balochis and only Allah knows all Truth

Lot of Iranians Persians Majoosi Shias Rafidah are already in USA in millions, Lot of Irani Shia Women are also very much Westernized and they donot care that whom they Sleep with (Black, White, Latino etc.) Same like Lot of Afghan, Lebo, Pakistanis and other muslim countries Women who are either born there or living at least few Decades there.......White, Latinos, Blacks are Pure Evil and Devil but Our People so Motha Fukers Ignorance or they just donot care....By the way, I live in West too long to know them inside Out, Western Countries are in Top 10 Rape countries in fact USA is No. 1 Champion for at least last 40 years with Congo there as Well, USA & Congo are Rape Capitals of the World followed by India.......but most of People donot know this and Ignorance is just pure Not Bliss at all!

'I didn't think of Iraqis as humans,' says U.S. soldier who raped 14-year-old girl before killing her and her family | Daily Mail Online

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I wonder what's Turkey reaction about this? well they asked for trouble... now they have it... soon there will be Kurdistan Turkey...

There are hands of Devil Great SATAN everywhere!
Yeah. That's correct. In response the Land Forces have just deployed more Sabra tanks to the border.

This news is very bad for regional stability. I guess their excuse will be to fight ISIS but actually they are aiming at Turkey. I hope Turkey takes notice.
This news is very bad for regional stability. I guess their excuse will be to fight ISIS but actually they are aiming at Turkey. I hope Turkey takes notice.

Well its getting interesting, reaon i said upport to the so caled 'moderate rebels' might one day come back to bite its backers in the region. the longer this conflicts goes on the more likely neighbouring countries will be destablised.:)

Kurds, Pathans, Balochis are from Persian Race Mainly, I just check on Wikipedia that these Races like Kurds, Baloch, Pathans split from Great Persian Empire because of some differences on How to run great Persian now current Iran Empire then these people change their language Dialects and also they start marrying Turks, Arabs, Jews, Pakistanis, Indians etc. and forming different flavors of Kurds, Pathans, Balochis etc. this is true history of Kurds, Pathans, Balochis and only Allah knows all Truth

Lot of Iranians Persians Majoosi Shias Rafidah are already in USA in millions, Lot of Irani Shia Women are also very much Westernized and they donot care that whom they Sleep with (Black, White, Latino etc.) Same like Lot of Afghan, Lebo, Pakistanis and other muslim countries Women who are either born there or living at least few Decades there.......White, Latinos, Blacks are Pure Evil and Devil but Our People so Motha Fukers Ignorance or they just donot care....By the way, I live in West too long to know them inside Out, Western Countries are in Top 10 Rape countries in fact USA is No. 1 Champion for at least last 40 years with Congo there as Well, USA & Congo are Rape Capitals of the World followed by India.......but most of People donot know this and Ignorance is just pure Not Bliss at all!

'I didn't think of Iraqis as humans,' says U.S. soldier who raped 14-year-old girl before killing her and her family | Daily Mail Online

Kurds, Pathans, Balochis are from Persian Race Mainly, I just check on Wikipedia that these Races like Kurds, Baloch, Pathans split from Great Persian Empire because of some differences on How to run great Persian now current Iran Empire then these people change their language Dialects and also they start marrying Turks, Arabs, Jews, Pakistanis, Indians etc. and forming different flavors of Kurds, Pathans, Balochis etc. this is true history of Kurds, Pathans, Balochis and only Allah knows all Truth

Lot of Iranians Persians Majoosi Shias Rafidah are already in USA in millions, Lot of Irani Shia Women are also very much Westernized and they donot care that whom they Sleep with (Black, White, Latino etc.) Same like Lot of Afghan, Lebo, Pakistanis and other muslim countries Women who are either born there or living at least few Decades there.......White, Latinos, Blacks are Pure Evil and Devil but Our People so Motha Fukers Ignorance or they just donot care....By the way, I live in West too long to know them inside Out, Western Countries are in Top 10 Rape countries in fact USA is No. 1 Champion for at least last 40 years with Congo there as Well, USA & Congo are Rape Capitals of the World followed by India.......but most of People donot know this and Ignorance is just pure Not Bliss at all!

'I didn't think of Iraqis as humans,' says U.S. soldier who raped 14-year-old girl before killing her and her family | Daily Mail Online

There are hands of Devil Great SATAN everywhere!

LMAO. Are you okay??

Since when have blacks/africans ever invaded anybody/Arabs? in fact its the opposite, you Arabs/muslim invaded several black countries and used them as slave. talk of hypocrisy/racism, you are at the top of the chain, especially when it concerns people with a darker skin, i can attest to this myself having been to several middle eastern/gulf countries. By the way, you are not even Arab you pakistani.:rofl:
Thank you america for fucking up middle east big time
Well its getting interesting, reaon i said upport to the so caled 'moderate rebels' might one day come back to bite its backers in the region. the longer this conflicts goes on the more likely neighbouring countries will be destablised.:)

LMAO. Are you okay??

Since when have blacks/africans ever invaded anybody/Arabs? in fact its the opposite, you Arabs/muslim invaded several black countries and used them as slave. talk of hypocrisy/racism, you are at the top of the chain, especially when it concerns people with a darker skin, i can attest to this myself having been to several middle eastern/gulf countries. By the way, you are not even Arab you pakistani.:rofl:

LMAO. haven't you read History? for your kind Info.

Blacks Ethiopians invaded Yemen, Sudanese invaded Egypt and in Most of time Blacks just Walk in all Arabic Countries and never leave like they Walk in Saudi Arabia, Libya, Yemen & Egypt like What they are doing now to Europe esp. to Italy and Greece in millions, they already have done to SA, Yemen, Egypt, Libya and also my beloved country Pakistan too

Kurds are the most victimized nation in the world. For all the flowery slogans of Ummah this race has been raped beyond recognition all by Muslims.

To think that Salahudin Ayubi was a Kurd.

Kurds aka another type of Persians are most Manipulative People on the Planet! Pure Devils Incarnate:flame:

What is the difference between turkish kurds terrorist group and syrin kurds terrorist army I do not follow why the Kurds are disliked

I lived in Turkey in 90's anf Kurds killed over 100,000 Turks Civilians (Women, Children,farmers,unarmed Turks)
and I know this b/c I read News and saw on TV all the time at that time Kurds were supported covertly by UK, USA, Israel, Australia and EU countries; despite there denial they give them logistics, moral support, train them and Armed them

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