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Syrian jihadis preach global holy war


Jan 10, 2013
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Syrian jihadis preach global holy war:
Islamists say global jihad underway
from Mali to Syria

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i used to have hourly cigarette breaks with diplomats from the "new" Libyan mission in Washington DC (their office is in the Watergate building). They were hard to miss because of the new Libyan flags on their suits. Pretty friendly people.

just a few days after the fall of Qaddafi (when the Syrian revolt was picking up steam) i remember we were talking about military stuff and operations in Syria...i dont remember exactly what we were talking about but he was beaming at me and openly told me that "yes, now that we have achieve freedom we are now sending many freedom fighter to help our brothers of Syrian resistance"

i didnt ask which resistance groups specifically just because the conversation was getting too political

but basically, many of these fringe groups are definitely al-qaeda sympathetic and i think arms falling in their hands is a terrifying prospect for every country between Morocco and Indonesia
Syrian jihadis preach global holy war:
Islamists say global jihad underway
from Mali to Syria

Not only Mali to Syria - it's on going in most of the Muslim world. Remember Egypt, Libya, Maldives etc. Presently even Pakistan. Surprisingly Bangladesh seems to be the only Islamic country that's trying to prosecute them and trying to end their influence. Bangladesh and it's people are a ray of hope for Moderate Islam.
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Not only Mali to Syria - it's on going in most of the Muslim world. Remember Egypt, Libya, Maldives etc. Presently even Pakistan. Surprisingly Bangladesh seems to be the only Islamic country that's trying to prosecute them and trying to end their influence. Bangladesh and it's people are a ray of hope for Moderate Islam.

:omghaha: :omghaha:
i used to have hourly cigarette breaks with diplomats from the "new" Libyan mission in Washington DC (their office is in the Watergate building)

just a few days after the fall of Qaddafi (when the Syrian revolt was picking up steam) i remember we were talking about military stuff and operations in Syria...i dont remember exactly what we were talking about but he was beaming at me and openly told me that "yes, now that we have achieve freedom we are now sending many freedom fighter to help our brothers of Syrian resistance"

i didnt ask which resistance groups specifically just because the conversation was getting too political

but basically, many of these fringe groups are definitely al-qaeda sympathetic and i think arms falling in their hands is a terrifying prospect for every country between Morocco and Indonesia

I think you are right - Al Qaeda seems to be the leader and of course funded by the usual suspects.
Not only Mali to Syria - it's on going in most of the Muslim world. Remember Egypt, Libya, Maldives etc. Presently even Pakistan. Surprisingly Bangladesh seems to be the only Islamic country that's trying to prosecute them and trying to end their influence. Bangladesh and it's people are a ray of hope for Moderate Islam.

If that is the case then @isro2222 was right... He told somewhere on some other thread that this will happen....
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If that is the case then @isro2222 was right... He told somewhere on some other thread that this will happen....

isro2222 says a lot of stuff......

Present struggle means killing jamatis by conspiracy theory...:undecided:

You will note that it's not the state of Bangladesh but the people of Bangladesh who are behind the struggle, it's actually a surprise seeing them shunning extremism and demanding justice for war crimes. It's easy to guess who spreads these so called conspiracy theories.
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If that is the case then @isro2222 was right... He told somewhere on some other thread that this will happen....

Mali was predictable years ago....real tragedy to see what's been going on there. As far as the fighting is concerned --it's a political vacuum, not an "Islamic movement"

only misguided people support the spreading of al qaeda type takfiri militant ideology......these movements exist only where government/political center have little or not enough writ.

Present struggle means killing jamatis by conspiracy theory...:undecided:

killing and witch-hunt against Jamaatis is a political stunt by their current government; a very dangerous and un-ethical way to stifle the political Opposition
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Not only Mali to Syria - it's on going in most of the Muslim world. Remember Egypt, Libya, Maldives etc. Presently even Pakistan. Surprisingly Bangladesh seems to be the only Islamic country that's trying to prosecute them and trying to end their influence. Bangladesh and it's people are a ray of hope for Moderate Islam.

There is nothing called Moderate Islam.

It is an Oxymoron BS.

Islam is Accepting yourself as Slave of Allah, Accepting PBUH as the Last Prophet and other 3 Pillars of Islam.

If you deviate from any of the above you become an Apostate which is the Single Biggest Crime in Islam, then there is Punishment ascribed for Munafiqs in Islam for that.

Also for a Non-Muslim (Kuffar) Idolators like you, Punishments are ascribed in Islam.
What did one expect anyways? These are another Talibans in the making.
I think you are right - Al Qaeda seems to be the leader and of course funded by the usual suspects.

Al-Qaeda seeks to remove all Kuffar Ideology/Practices from Islam and they are doing a Jihad (Holy war) against Kuffars (America) since dying as a Martyr doing Jihad gets the highest Applause from Allah on the Judgement Day and a direct entry into Jannah.
this is jihad????

dont watch this video if you get angry very quickly

this is jihad????

dont watch this video if you get angry very quickly


Even the animal is frozen with fear and WTF with the smoking?
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