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Syrian endgame triggers realignments


Jun 24, 2012
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Syrian endgame triggers realignments

When senior Pakistani editor Najam Sethi can’t figure out why Saudi Arabia deposited a princely amount of $1.5 billion in the State Bank of Pakistan recently, we are at a dead end. Sethi said in a TV interview, “money is money and if something is taken, something has to be given in return and that is being kept secret. Saudi Arabia had made a request [to Pakistan].”

There have been reports about a Saudi-Pakistani understanding about Syria — Pakistani advisers to train a Syrian rebel army and for supplying weapons for equipping the rebel fighters.
But the advisor to Pakistani prime minister Nawaz Sharif in foreign and security policies Sartaj Aziz has flatly denied that. But then, Aziz merely says it is “gifted money.” So, Sethi’s tantalizing question remains: why such a generous gift?
A clue is available with the arrival of the King of Bahrain Sheikh Hamad bin Isa bin Salman Al-Khalifa in Islamabad on Wednesday on a 3-day visit.
This is the first visit by a Bahrain ruler to Pakistan in four decades and it is taking place after the recent visits by the Saudi foreign minister and Crown Prince to Islamabad.
One of the agreements signed during Al-Khalifa’s visit relates to the interior ministries. Nawaz Sharif said he expects Bahraini (read Saudi) investments in “mega projects” in Pakistan.
Slowly, but surely, the picture that is emerging is of Saudi Arabia (and Bahrain) subcontracting to Pakistan certain internal security duties in the Gulf region. Breaking protocol, Al-Khalifa visited the Joint Services Headquarters in Rawalpindi to meet the military leadership’.
With the intra-GCC rifts becoming acute, Saudi deployments in Bahrain to quell the upheaval for democratic reforms are becoming unsustainable, especially with the steadily worsening situation in the eastern provinces of Saudi Arabia, which are Shi’ite-dominated.
Besides, the Saudis are bracing for a confrontation with Qatar. The latter, on the other hand, has close ties with Turkey and Iran and, even more shockingly for Riyadh, it has reached out to the Syrian regime for a patch-up. In sum, Saudi Arabia faces isolation and has only the UAE, Bahrain and Jordan as its reliable allies. Iran’s Fars News Agency featured an insightful report on this complex realignment taking place in the Middle Eastern politics.
Quite obviously, the endgame in Syria and the brightening prospects for an Iran nuclear deal have triggered realignments in regional politics. The Syrian regime has all but gained the upper hand on the ground and is fast reaching a position to dictate the national reconciliation, while Iran’s diplomatic options have multiplied.
Against this backdrop, and with Egypt in disarray, Saudi Arabia feels an unprecedented regional isolation. No doubt, it is assiduously courting Pakistan.
But it is unclear whether Pakistan will want to take sides in the intra-GCC rift involving Saudi Arabia and Qatar or in the popular Shi’ite uprising in Bahrain.
From all accounts, a furious debate is going on within the Pakistani establishment. Pakistan always walked a fine line when it concerned ties with Iran, given the Tehran-Delhi equation. Having said that, Pakistan is also badly in need of the “gifted money”. Unsurprisingly, Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif is scheduling a visit to Iran.

By M K Bhadrakumar – March 20, 2014

Syrian endgame triggers realignments - Indian Punchline
Pakistan has tried hard to maintain neutrality and sometimes it has been an uphill battle because we have learned the hard way that when you try to please everybody , you end up pleasing nobody. Now everybody is pissed at us.

If Iranians would at least try to get along with their neighbours we would really appreciate it because we hate to be between our two Brotherly Nations.
there is no such thing as brotherly love between the Pakistani government and Saudi Arabian government.

Saudi Arabia gives Pakistan money to do its dirty work.
there is no such thing as brotherly love between the Pakistani government and Saudi Arabian government.

Saudi Arabia gives Pakistan money to do its dirty work.

That is your opinion Mate but that is not how it works between KSA and Pakistan.

Pakistan has had extremely close relations with KSA since its creation and the People of Pakistan have always been very close to KSA and the Saudi People. The only negative comments you come across on PDF are unfortunately from Shia Pakistanis who feel compelled to spew their poison here.
I just wish we grow a backbone and be equally diplomatic with iran and ksa perhaps even bridge them. But no. We are a state for hire
The going price for services is 1.5 bill?

Isn't that the almost exact amount the US sends as well?
That is your opinion Mate but that is not how it works between KSA and Pakistan.

Pakistan has had extremely close relations with KSA since its creation and the People of Pakistan have always been very close to KSA and the Saudi People. The only negative comments you come across on PDF are unfortunately from Shia Pakistanis who feel compelled to spew their poison here.
Seems not every Pakistani agrees with you on that mate.
The going price for services is 1.5 bill?

Isn't that the almost exact amount the US sends as well?

What price are we talking about? :lol: ..

$1.5 billion loan is practically nothing.

there is no such thing as brotherly love between the Pakistani government and Saudi Arabian government.

Saudi Arabia gives Pakistan money to do its dirty work.

I never heard of having brotherly relations between governments, but rather between nations.

In any given day, the Pakistani people in general have no intention to side with your kin and kind. After all, deception courses through your DNA, just as much as lies courses through your blood.

Seems not every Pakistani agrees with you on that mate.

The vast majority are, and that what matters the most.

Outsiders would have less to say. They just dream of diminishing the unbreakable alliance between us.
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