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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

US targets Syria infrastructure rather than militants: Sabrosky

The United States’ airstrikes in Syria often target militants with “no military value” and actually aim at the country’s infrastructure, says a US Marine Corps veteran.

Alan Sabrosky (Ph.D, University of Michigan) made the remarks in a phone interview with Press TV on Tuesday while commenting on Washington-led coalition airstrikes in Syria that began last week.

“What I can see happening is that the targets they’re selecting are those that have, in many cases, no military value at all to ISIS or any other rebel group but really are intended to break whatever infrastructure the Syrian government will have when the fighting is over,” Sabrosky said.

Washington intends to inflict “such damage to the economic and industrial infrastructure within Syria that any Syrian government after the fighting will be so weakened that it will be vulnerable to further attacks.”

Sabrosky, a US Army War College graduate, also noted that it is important for the international community to understand that war has become “a normal part of the political, public, and social environment” in the US as the country is “now entering its 14th year of continuous warfare.”

“That is extremely dangerous for a lot of other countries,” he stated.

The US started conducting airstrikes on the ISIL terrorists only after US interests were threatened by the militants. The ISIL terrorists, who were initially trained by the CIA in Jordan in 2012 to destabilize the Syrian government, control large parts of Syria's northern territory. ISIL sent its fighters into Iraq in June, quickly seizing vast expanse of land straddling the border between the two countries.

Syria has been gripped by deadly violence since 2011 with ISIL Takfiri terrorists currently controlling parts of it mostly in the east. The Western powers and their regional allies -- especially Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Turkey -- are reportedly supporting the militants operating inside Syria. More than 191,000 people have been killed in over three years of fighting in the war-ravaged country, says the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), calling the figure a probable “underestimate of the real total number of people killed.

PressTV - US targets Syria infrastructure rather than militants: Sabrosky
Turkey Can Provide Weapons Training to Peshmerga - Aydınlık Daily
The PKK, which is internationally recognized as a terrorist organization and has strong links to the Syrian PYD, has been active in fighting against ISIL militants who have surrounded Kobani.
Akdogan said, “On one hand as Rojava falls, they say 'Turkey help us' and on the other hand they say 'if there is a buffer zone then there is a war.'”
Rojava refers to the Syrian region of what Kurdish separatists call the Kurdistan region, which also covers south-eastern Turkey, northern Iraq and a part of western Iran.
“What war?” Akdogan continued. “If you have the power go to war then show it there. Who are you challenging? If you've got any power go and use it against ISIL, why are you challenging Turkey?” he said.

Syrian Kurds ask Turkey for arms to fight ISIL | Turkey | Worldbulletin News

Turkish militaries rules of engagement currently dont involve intervening in syria. The military can only respond to attacks against turkey. Right now parliament is debating a change. But even if turkey did anything to help those people there would still be complaints. Damned if you do damned if you dont.[/q uote]

ha ha ha nice answer:lol:
can you someone teach this pkk and pyd the the war is not throwing stone against our police and bombing our cities which alot of country is supporting to them against turkey .lets see if pkk are super ultra mighty arian wariors ,then they shows it in real war situation:smokin:

ha ha ha nice answer:lol:
can you someone teach this pkk and pyd the the war is not throwing stone against our police and bombing our cities which alot of country is supporting to them against turkey .lets see if pkk are super ultra mighty arian wariors ,then they shows it in real war situation
US seeks disintegration of Iraq, Syria

The United States says victory against the ISIL terrorist group requires “strategic patience” amid signs that Washington is seeking to disintegrate Iraq and Syria.

Pentagon spokesman John Kirby on Tuesday admitted that the air attacks alone are not enough to destroy the Takfiri terrorists in Iraq and Syria.

He added that training and arming the Iraqi army and non-ISIL militants in Syria need long-term efforts.

The US official also confirmed that US airstrikes target Syria’s infrastructure such as oil refineries.
However, he claimed that the strategy has been adopted because these targets are controlled by the terrorists.

The comments have intensified speculations that the US has been planning to break up Iraq and Syria through supporting Sunni and Kurdish armed groups, which are after the disintegration of the two countries.

The US invaded Iraq in March 2003 and could defeat the Iraqi army, one of the most powerful militaries in the Middle East, only in three weeks.

However, despite criticisms to Washington’s strategy of the so-called “surgical” air attacks against the ISIL terrorists, the Obama administration has refused to announce any plans for ground operations or any clear strategy for defeating the group.

The current policy signals that the presence of ISIL Takfiri terrorists in Iraq and Syria serves Washington’s interests and it can continue with its long-term plans for the two countries under the pretext of fighting the terrorists.

PressTV - US seeks disintegration of Iraq, Syria
Turkish militaries rules of engagement currently dont involve intervening in syria. The military can only respond to attacks against turkey. Right now parliament is debating a change. But even if turkey did anything to help those people there would still be complaints. Damned if you do damned if you dont.

there are accusations that Turkey is aiding Daesh fight YPG for obvious reasons , don't think Kurds/Syrians would appreciate Turkey's military intervention in Syria
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there are accusations that Turkey is aiding Daesh fight YPG for obvious reasons , don't think Kurds/Syrians would appreciate Turkey's military intervention in Syria

Accusations that come from people the same people who claim Turkey is giving tanks to ISIS are not very credible imo. They show videos of turkish vehicles under isis flags saying that turkey is delivering tanks to isis. The funny thing is that the video they use is from when Turkey resupplied the suleyman shah tomb in syria. I also saw them showing showing that turkey allegedly sent "Tanks" which were actually armoured recovery vehicles and self propelled artillery to isis. What is the evidence? Footage of those vehicles on a train. Also we haven't seen ISIS using any turkish military vehicles whatsoever.Whats funny is whole story itself. If turkey gave turkish military vehicles to isis it would be extremely obvious and everyone would already know about it. This is common sense. So it is clear that stories are being fabricated.

Turkey opened the border to fleeing kurds but some groups are still complaining. What if Turkey didn't open the border? They would have complained also. Turkey gets criticism from certain provocative groups and never any thanks. Thats okay though the dua of the grateful refugees that were saved by turkey are enough.

Turkey plans safe haven in areas controlled by Free Syrian Army and Islamic Front


Turkey is drawing up plans for a safe haven on the border in Syria that will secure regions controlled by the Free Syrian Army and the Islamic Front, possibly manned only by Turkish troops, according to security sources.

Ankara would prefer any safe haven to be established by U.S.–led coalition forces, but the Turkish Armed Forces is preparing to establish a safe haven even unaccompanied by foreign troops, sources said.

The safe haven will not include any region in northern Syria that is under the control of the Democratic Union Party (PYD) or the Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (ISIL), so the Turkish forces will not come into contact with those groups, they added.

Turkey is willing to declare a safe haven in Syria in order to contain the mass influx of Syrians into Turkish territory before they cross into the border. Ankara also plans to transfer Syrian refugees that are currently taking shelter in Turkish territory to new camps in the intended safe haven in northern Syria.

Meanwhile, the Turkish government is set to ask Parliament for authorization to allow foreign soldiers to use its bases for cross-border incursions against Islamic State militants, and to send Turkish troops into Syria and Iraq.

Turkey plans safe haven in areas controlled by Free Syrian Army and Islamic Front - POLITICS
bro can you translate it ?
worrying news about Kobane ... lot of missiles/rockets sent , tanks very near along .. indeed IS is very near to take the city if we read some news. hopefully not .
Accusations that come from people the same people who claim Turkey is giving tanks to ISIS are not very credible imo. They show videos of turkish vehicles under isis flags saying that turkey is delivering tanks to isis.

US bombed Raqqa , by then Daesh had emptied it forces and gone underground, Daesh moved over 15,000 of its fighters and 100s of artillery/tanks from Raqqa to attack Kobani. US had not undertaken (to date) any airstrikes against Daesh, out in the open in Kobani .

what or who is stopping US ??

Battle around Rabia Yarubiya border crossing from YPG perspective.
US bombed Raqqa , by then Daesh had emptied it forces and gone underground, Daesh moved over 15,000 of its fighters and 100s of artillery/tanks from Raqqa to attack Kobani. US had not undertaken (to date) any airstrikes against Daesh, out in the open in Kobani .

what or who is stopping US ??

The US wants to prolong the conflict, not destroy the IS. The IS is a tool of the US to fuel conflict in the region.
Tainted Measles Vaccine From Turkey Kills More Than 50 Syrian Children

More than 50 children have reportedly died ‘in rebel-held areas’ in Syria after being injected with a tainted measles vaccine.
The vaccination campaign included eight towns in the Idlib province (Northwest Syria) and started under a UN-sponsored program in collaboration with what is being called “Syrian opposition health authorities.”
The Syrian opposition coalition, which controls the area expected to have more victims, is saying that the vaccines came from UNICEF and the WHO with the support of the Turkish authorities. Even though there’s no presence of the Syrian government being there, the opposition insisted to accuse the Syrian government of standing behind the crime.

The so called “opposition health authorities” stopped the immunization directly after many doctors in the cities of Jirjanaz and Maaret al-Nouman revealed that children began becoming sick soon after the doses were administered. Members from relief organisations pledged that more children are still in serious condition.

Parents of the children have been blaming the opposition health authorities saying that they used out-of-date medicines and gave no care to the health of their children. Syrian opposition officials refused the accusations, ensuring that the same batch had successfully vaccinated 60,000 school children in 30 different areas the previous week.

Tainted Measles Vaccine Kills More Than 50 Children In Syria | Collective-Evolution
Turkey unfortunately is part of the axis of Western evil.

That puppet did not get anything from US till now...(They know themselves) Nowdays Turkey is 90% Pan Turk rather than Pro Islamic. Pan turks have hided behind Muslim faces !

No insult to your country but it's System.
That puppet did not get anything from US till now...(They know themselves) Nowdays Turkey is 90% Pan Turk rather than Pro Islamic. Pan turks have hided behind Muslim faces !

Turks (like the rest of the so-called Islamic world) have never cared for true "Islamic principles". The Ottoman Empire was an aggressive imperialist power which had nothing to do with Islam in any shape or form. Whenever the Ottomans ran out of money they started the next "Jihad" to plunder another country's resources (like gold). The so-called "sheik ul Islam" conviently issued a "Jihad fatwa" for the Sultans whenever they needed to plunder another unfortunate country.

As for nationalism, unfortunately Turks are not the only ones who suffer from this horrible cancerous disease, as you can clearly see here on this forum almost everybody is suffering from it. Nobody cares about truth and justice.. they only care about their own country and their so-called "national interests". Who cares if millions are maimed and slaughtered in the process?
Turkey and Israel Are Directly Supporting ISIS and Al Qaeda Terrorists In Syria :angry:

U.S. Allies Support the Terrorists We’re Supposedly “Fighting”

By WashingtonsBlog

October 01, 2014 "ICH" - "WashingtonsBlog" - The Jerusalem Post reports that an ISIS fighter says that Turkey funds the terrorist group. Turkey is a member of NATO and a close U.S. ally.

A German news program – with English subtitles captions – shows that Turkey is sending terrorists into Syria:

Opposition Turkish lawmakers say that the government is protecting and cooperating with ISIS and Al Qaeda terrorists, and providing free medical care to their leaders.

According to a leading Turkish newspaper (Today’s Zaman), Turkish nurses are sick of providing free medical treatment to ISIS terrorists in Turkish hospitals.

According to Pulitzer-prize winning reporter Seymour Hersh and leaked phone calls between top Turkish officials, Turkey also carried out the chemical weapons attack which has been blamed on Assad, and has planned other “false flag attacks” within Turkey.

Foreign Policy documents that Israel is also treating ISIS terrorists for free in its hospitals:


Israel is … providing medical care and other unidentified supplies to the insurgents ….

In the past three months, battle-hardened Syrian rebels have transported scores of wounded Syrians across a cease-fire line that has separated Israel from Syria since 1974, according to a 15-page report by U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on the work of the U.N. Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF). Once in Israel, they receive medical treatment in a field clinic before being sent back to Syria, where, presumably, some will return to carry on the fight.

U.N. blue helmets responsible for monitoring the decades-old cease-fire report observing armed opposition groups “transferring 89 wounded persons” from Syrian territory into Israel, where they were received by members of the Israel Defense Forces, according to the report. The IDF returned 21 Syrians to armed opposition members back in Syria, including the bodies of two who died.

“Throughout the reporting period, UNDOF frequently observed armed members of the opposition interacting with the IDF across the cease-fire line,” according to the report. “On one occasion UNDOF observed the IDF on the Alpha side [inside Israel] handing over two boxes to armed opposition on the Bravo side [inside Syria].”

The Israeli government has been providing medical assistance to Syria’s wounded for more than a year. In February, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu paid a visit to a military field hospital in the Golan Heights



The Times of Israel reported last month:

A Free Syrian Army commander, arrested last month by the Islamist militia Al-Nusra Front, told his captors he collaborated with Israel in return for medical and military support, in a video released this week.
In a video uploaded to YouTube Monday … Sharif As-Safouri, the commander of the Free Syrian Army’s Al-Haramein Battalion, admitted to having entered Israel five times to meet with Israeli officers who later provided him with Soviet anti-tank weapons and light arms. Safouri was abducted by the al-Qaeda-affiliated Al-Nusra Front in the Quneitra area, near the Israeli border, on July 22.

“The [opposition] factions would receive support and send the injured in [to Israel] on condition that the Israeli fence area is secured. No person was allowed to come near the fence without prior coordination with Israel authorities,” Safouri said in the video.

In the edited confession video, in which Safouri seems physically unharmed, he says that at first he met with an Israeli officer named Ashraf at the border and was given an Israeli cellular phone. He later met with another officer named Younis and with the two men’s commander, Abu Daoud. In total, Safouri said he entered Israel five times for meetings that took place in Tiberias.

Following the meetings, Israel began providing Safouri and his men with “basic medical support and clothes” as well as weapons, which included 30 Russian [rifles], 10 RPG launchers with 47 rockets, and 48,000 5.56 millimeter bullets.
In March, Haaretz reported:

The Syrian opposition is willing to give up claims to the Golan Heights in return for cash and Israeli military aid against President Bashar Assad, a top opposition official told Al Arab newspaper, according to a report in Al Alam.

The Western-backed militant groups want Israel to enforce a no-fly zone over parts of southern Syria to protect rebel bases from air strikes by Assad’s forces, according to the report.

Other close U.S. allies – including Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Qatar back ISIS – back the ISIS terrorists as well.
What’s really happening? It’s all about pushing for regime change in Syria … AGAIN.

Turkey and Israel Are Directly Supporting ISIS and Al Qaeda Terrorists
In Syria:Â Information Clearing House - ICH
Rif Dimashq Province: The warplanes carried out some raids on the areas of Hamrit, al Hbareyyi and Sabsaba in the west of Rif Dimashq. They also carried out 2 raids on areas in the city of Erbin.

Clashes have taken place between the regime forces and the islamic battalions on the outskirts of city of Erbin from the Southern bypass side.

The regime forces bombarded by mortar shells areas in the town of Bet Jen and its farmlands and the outskirts of al Tebah town.

The Islamic battalions opened fire on a regime’s military convoy on the road of Homs in the eastern area of al Qalamun, information reported casualties on the regime forces.

Hama Province: The warplanes carried out more than 20 raids on areas in the towns and villages of Alltamneh, Kafar Zayta, Morek, Latmin, al Bwaydah, Ma’er Kebbeh and Lahaya.

The helicopters dropped barrel bombs onto the villages of Ma’er Kebbeh and al Bwaydah with no information about casualties.

Violent clashes have erupted between the rebel and Islamic battalions against the regime forces in al Zallaqeyyat checkpoint in the northern countryside leading to the death of 2 fighters and information reported an advancement for the Islamic battalions as well as casualties on the regime forces.

Lattakia Province: The warplanes carried out raids on al Turkman Mountain with no information about victims.

The regime forces bombarded areas in the village of al Akrad mountain amid violent clashes between the rebel and islamic battalions against the regime forces in the vicinity of Salam.

4combatants from the islamic battalions were killed by shootin them by a sniper in the countryside.

Islamic State have seized 325 villages and towns in the countryside of Ayn al- Arab, while they released 70 students.

Syrian Observatory for Human Rights | Facebook
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