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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

What terror....only terrorist organization is your country ....Hezbollah has only responded on your agrasions and killing..and always fight against your army...
Here a little glimpse, of what Hezbollah is doing in Syria:


From UN report:

They are not better than Nazis, just more pathetic and coward.
Here a little glimpse, of what Hezbollah is doing in Syria:


From UN report:

They are not better than Nazis, just more pathetic and coward.
Let's take a look at weapons handed over to SAA by soo called poor operessed innocennt Civilians as a result of siege I don't think they come under the categeory ofbcivilans
Let's take a look at weapons handed over to SAA by soo called poor operessed innocennt Civilians as a result of siege I don't think they come under the categeory ofbcivilans
All these weapons are ether self made or captured from Assad. U just proved my point.
All these weapons are ether self made or captured from Assad. U just proved my point.
U have proved my.point they make weapons and also capture weapons during raids. which means they are not civilians they are terrorist ,Civilians don't engage in such activities
Scandinavians fights in Syria on Russian side, they called «Norðmaður» unit.

SLOSS MED RUSSERNE: En tropp av nordiske soldater kalt «Þorbrandr», under kommando av en nordmann, kjempet i 2017 sammen med russiske militæravdelinger mot terrorgruppen IS i Syria. Både nordmenn, svensker og islendinger inngikk i troppen, hevder et høyreekstremt nettsted. Foto: PRIVAT/SKANDINAVISK FRIHET

NORSK BEFAL: Dette er nordmannen som oppgis å ha hatt befal over «Þorbrandr»-troppen som ifølge et høyreekstremt nettsted har kjempet på russisk side i krigen mot terrorgruppen IS i Syria. Nordmannen gikk under kallenavnet «Norðmaður». Foto: PRIVAT/SKANDINAVISK FRIHET
The Turkish army recently set up its 12th observation point in Syria's northwestern Idlib province since Oct. 13, 2017.

At least 4,464 terrorists have been "neutralized" since the launch of Operation Olive Branch in Syria.

Turkish authorities often use the word "neutralized" in their statements to imply that the terrorists in question either surrendered or were killed or captured.

On Jan. 20, Turkey launched Operation Olive Branch to clear YPG/PKK-Daesh terrorists from Afrin, northwestern Syria.

According to the Turkish General Staff, the operation aims to establish security and stability along Turkey’s borders and the region as well as to protect Syrians from the oppression and cruelty of terrorists.

The operation is being carried out under the framework of Turkey's rights based on international law, UN Security Council resolutions, its self-defense rights under the UN charter, and respect for Syria's territorial integrity, it said.

US troops sit atop an armoured vehicle on a road near the northern Syrian village of Ain Issa. (AFP)


WASHINGTON: The Trump administration will withdraw assistance from northwest Syria dominated by Islamist factions and focus recovery efforts on areas where US-led forces have retaken territory from Daesh in the northeast, US officials with knowledge of the decision said on Friday.

“US assistance for programs in northwest Syria are being freed up to provide potential increased support for priorities in northeast Syria,” a State Department official told Reuters.

Trump said in March that it was time for the United States to leave Syria, following allied victories against Daesh militants. About 2,000 US troops are deployed in Syria.

In April, however, Trump deepened US involvement by ordering missile strikes against Syria in response to a poison gas attack that killed dozens of people.

A third US official said the cuts in the northwest would take place over a period of months.

“The danger is a repeat of what the president criticized about Iraq — leaving a vacuum where the violence can get worse and extremists can exploit that,” the official added.

The Pentagon has estimated that Daesh has lost about 98 percent of the territory it held in Iraq and Syria, US military officials have warned that the militants could regain the freed areas quickly unless they are stabilized.

Israel shells positions in southern Syria

There was no comment from Syria or Israel on the report




Israeli tanks in Syria’s Golan Heights on Saturday shelled positions in southern Syria, according to local sources.

The shelling targeted the village of Tulul al-Humur, south of Quneitra, the sources said.

Meanwhile, explosions were heard in Deir Ez-zour military airport in eastern Syria.

No further reports were available about casualties.

Local sources in the area said the explosions were believed to have been caused by Israeli attacks in the area.

There was no comment from Syria or Israel on the report.

Tension has been running high along Syrian-Israeli border amid Israeli accusations for group of building up a military presence in war-torn Syria.

Iran are strong allies of Syria’s Bashar al-Assad regime, the forces of which have been fighting opposition groups in a deadly civil war since 2011.

Since then, hundreds of thousands of people are believed to have been killed and millions more displaced by the conflict.

March 12, 2018 / 5:46 PM / 2 months ago
FSA factions were already mobilising fighters for a possible wider showdown.

“I can say all the factions in the south are in a state of full readiness and alertness with all their equipment and fighting force,” said Khaled al-Faraj, the commander of a rebel group operating in Quneitra province.

Moscow counts on Amman to put pressure on mainstream FSA groups that operate in southern Syria to maintain the truce while Jordan lobbies Russia to put pressure on the Syrian army not to wreck the de-escalation zone.

Jordan and Washington have also pressed Moscow to remove Iranian-backed forces from areas along the southwest border as part of the ceasefire in southern Syria and stop Israel from attacking American backed rebels of FSA.
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