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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)



They give up willingly the areas to sdf but throw everything they have against Saa. It is also interesting that atgm positions can not be detected by uavs from above and spotters are used instead. Either they dig in well inside the city or some sort of jamming is involved.

Previously I thought the bridges needed to be taken out at last resort but it seems to be better to carry on as if the areas fall under sdf control they would be within artillery distance to stike albukamal pass even after it is liberated from the western side of the river.

Since isis now focuses on albukamal eastern bank of euprates should be left empty and this can be used against them. Iraqi forces in a coordinated manner can start marching and clearing the eastern bank towns up to baqhus fawqani from the other side of river with low resistance in my opinion. This way it would be ensured that the eastern towns wont fall into sdf-isis control.
That is exact show of the Islamists and Al-Qaede rule on Afghanistan.
spreading Islam with producing more and more child.

There is not any genocide or ethnic cleansing in Syria by Syria or Syria Allies but other side made a lot of war crimes and genocide against Syria.
That's Khamenai guy:

*Justifies ethnic ceansing and slaughter of millions of Muslims by Russia in Afghanistan.
* Complains that Muslims make lots of children.

Another T-90 destroyed:




BEIRUT: The US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), a leading combatant against Daesh, on Thursday accused Turkey of pressuring one of its senior commanders into defecting.

Opposition officials said on Wednesday Brig. Gen. Talal Silo had defected, without giving a reason. It would be the first such departure from the SDF’s top ranks.

There was no comment from Turkey, which backs Syrian opposition factions and views the SDF, spearheaded by the Kurdish YPG militia, as a security threat.

Silo served as a spokesman for the SDF, an alliance of mostly Kurdish and Arab militias battling Daesh in Syria with the help of the US-led coalition.

The SDF said in a statement they had “lost contact” with Silo, who had resigned from his post.

“Gen. Talal Silo was respected and appreciated among our ranks,” it said. “He was subjected to a lot of pressure and extortion from the side of the Turkish state, that amounted at some points to threatening his sons who are in Turkey.”

“We believe his disappearance is the result of a special operation by Turkish intelligence in collusion with some of his family members.”

Kurdish fighters, alongside Arab allies, US advisers and coalition airstrikes, have driven Daesh from swathes of territory including its former headquarters in Raqqa city.

The YPG and its allies have carved out autonomous cantons in the north, and now control nearly a quarter of Syria. Their influence angers neighboring Turkey, which considers the YPG an extension of the banned Kurdistan Workers’ Party, which has fought a decades-long insurgency on Turkish soil.

The US-led coalition had said it was “aware of reports of Talal Silo’s apparent departure from the SDF, but have no further details on his current status at this time.”

“Our forces will not be affected by this incident, and we will inform the public of the results of our investigation,” the SDF said on Thursday.
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