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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

I believe the thanks should be given to the west and arrogant arabs for making this fire huge. I blame them much more compared to assad or others.
So you believe that if people daro stand against corrupt dictator, the dictator has right:

1) Slaughter them.
2) Torture them and their kids.
3) Slaughter their kids in beds and break skulls with rifle butts.
4) Stave them.
5) Drop barrel bombs.
6) Gas them.
7) Drop vacuum bombs, to annihilate even those who hide in shelters.
8) Burn them with thermite bombs.
9) Displace millions.

But those who dare to talk against these actions should be blamed.
So you believe that if people daro stand against corrupt dictator, the dictator has right:

1) Slaughter them.
2) Torture them and their kids.
3) Slaughter their kids in beds and break skulls with rifle butts.
4) Stave them.
5) Drop barrel bombs.
6) Gas them.
7) Drop vacuum bombs, to annihilate even those who hide in shelters.
8) Burn them with thermite bombs.
9) Displace millions.

But those who dare to talk against these actions should be blamed.
If that is ur criteria then u guys, usa and all others get to go also. Many of the things posted by u have been done by so called civilized democratic countries also.

And by removing such dictators have u given them a better future ? Are they better then before ? What is libya now ? What shape is iraq in now ? And see how syria ended in. Yemen ? Is the world safer place now or was it before ?

I know u Israelis / Jews are loving what is happening to Muslims and would never want a good thing for us. So plz stop ur drama of trying to show that u r humans and care for us.

And had it been u guys. U would have performed much worse then what assad or others r doing.
If that is ur criteria then u guys, usa and all others get to go also. Many of the things posted by u have been done by so called civilized democratic countries also.
Really? When it happened? Especially against own people.

And by removing such dictators have u given them a better future ? Are they better then before ?
1) If people were not revolting we would still live in stone age.
2) There are also things called freedom and dignity.

What is libya now ?
Million times better than Syria now and would be even better if crazy dictator Ghaddafi was removed before.

What shape is iraq in now ? And see how syria ended in. Yemen ? Is the world safer place now or was it before ?
All better than Syria and result of dictators who don't want to share power.

I know u Israelis / Jews are loving what is happening to Muslims and would never want a good thing for us.
You are supporting Syria slaughter not me.

And had it been u guys. U would have performed much worse then what assad or others r doing.
There is no need in any woulda shoulda speculations. We HAD intifada, we HAD wave of terror attacks, we HAD tens of thousands of rockets on our cities (nothing even close to this happened in Alawi towns in Syria). Yet we did not respond in Assad way. We did not drob unguided bombs on cities, we did not depopulate or starve them. Total number of killed in 30 years of intifada is about 10 K - similar to 1 month in Syria.

Before Baath hunta took power there were many government changes in Syria and all were peaceful. But Assad decided to stay in power at all cost. Assad or Syria will burn. That was their slogan and thats what they did.
@TaimiKhan : did you ever think that what's necessary is to stop educating people to hate other people - and to start with yourself?
@TaimiKhan : did you ever think that what's necessary is to stop educating people to hate other people - and to start with yourself?
First start it from ur self. Just see how ur fellow friend 500 supports terrorist groups in syria and how u israelis have treated muslims on the lands u have occupied and literally expelled the muslims to man made prisons u call gaza and west bank. See how u have carved them into a wall barricaded prisons . I have never educated ppl to hate anyone. And i dont support assad or such dictators but when i see what the world was before 9/11 and now, it was better to have the dictators as the death and destruction that has followed is nothing compared to what they were doing. Millions killed, millions displaced, terrorists have spread and more and attacks happening with no ending insight.

We are moving to a world war in coming years. Just see how many countries are involved in syria alone.
First start it from ur self. Just see how ur fellow friend 500 supports terrorist groups in syria and how u israelis have treated muslims -
There are no Israelis in Pakistan treating Muslims. All you recite is the mandatory dreck and habits drilled in your brain through education, not experience.

I have never educated ppl to hate anyone.
But you have never educated anybody NOT to hate anyone. You have never publicly questioned whether or not your parents, teachers, political leaders, or nation are taking the right course or not by blindly and thoroughly hating a distant people who never live or visit Pakistan and who have never warred against it or its citizens. You have never publicly voiced the idea that Pakistanis look at the facts without distortion and then reflect upon their hearts to see if they should side with the Jews of Israel rather than the Jews' enemies. And maybe then if you did, the "world war" you foresee might not have to happen.
..Just see how ur fellow friend 500 supports terrorist groups in syria and how u israelis have treated muslims on the lands u have occupied and literally expelled the muslims to man made prisons u call gaza and west bank. See how u have carved them into a wall barricaded prisons...

O.K. But then you also have to watch:

Settler drummer gatecrashes Palestinian wedding
Revelers sing and dance to the music of Yoni Sharon, who decided to pop in to the event on his way home
BY TIMES OF ISRAEL STAFF April 23, 2017, 1:27 pm

An Israeli musician surprised participants at a Palestinian wedding last week at which he showed up uninvited and began playing a drum, drawing partygoers to sing and dance around him.

In a post to his Facebook page, Yoni Sharon wrote that he was on his way home to the West Bank settlement of Kfar Eldad, just southeast of Jerusalem, after giving a performance, when he noticed a wedding in a nearby Palestinian village “that I had to go to,” even though he wasn’t invited.

The accompanying video shows Sharon playing his darbuka drum as Arabic music plays in the background, with a crowd of Palestinian men standing around him and watching.

As Sharon continues to play, the excitement of the crowd gradually grows, and by the end of the video Sharon is surrounded by revelers singing and dancing.

At the end of the post, Sharon wrote, “For those that know me, my views on the Middle East conflict are already known, don’t worry,” which he further explained in response to a comment, writing, “I sit with Arabs and we laugh together about the pluralistic Israeli left that that thinks it can bring peace from the cafes in Tel Aviv.

“The entirety of my values (the family unit, etc.) as a religious and conservative person are much more similar to my Palestinian neighbors than those of the secular and promiscuous left,” he added.

Fighters from the predominantly-Kurdish Syrian Democratic Forces.(AP File Photo)

A US-backed alliance of Arab-Kurdish forces entered the key jihadist-held town of Tabqa on Monday as they pursued their campaign against the Islamic State group in northern Syria.

The Syrian Democratic Forces have set their sights on Tabqa and the adjacent dam as part of their broader offensive for the city of Raqa, the Syrian heart of the jihadists’ self-styled “caliphate” since 2014.

Supported by US-led coalition air strikes and special forces advisers, the SDF surrounded Tabqa in early April.

On Monday, they entered it for the first time, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights monitoring group said.

“They seized control of several points in the town’s south and were advancing on its western edges,” said Observatory head Rami Abdel Rahman.

The US-led coalition warplanes carried out “intense” strikes in support of the offensive, he said, adding that one raid had killed seven children and four women trying to flee Tabqa.

In an online statement, the SDF said it had captured IS-held positions in west Tabqa, including a roundabout, and part of a southern district.

“There are now clearing operations in the liberated positions,” the SDF said.

‘Real battle begins now’

Tabqa sits on a key supply route about 55 kilometres (34 miles) west of Raqa, and served as an important IS command base, housing the group’s main prison.

According to the Syrian Economic Task Force, a Dubai-based think tank, Tabqa is home to 85,000 people including IS fighters from other areas.

The assault on Tabqa began in late March when SDF forces and their US-led coalition allies were airlifted behind IS lines.

The ensuing fight has been intense, with IS dispatching suicide bombers daily to try to slow the offensive and coalition warplanes intensifying their raids.

“The real battle begins now,” Abdel Rahman said on Monday, adding that IS fighters had “no way” out of the town.

For months, the SDF has been advancing on Raqa, hoping to encircle it before a final attack.

The city was home to around 240,000 residents before 2011, and more than 80,000 people have fled to it from other parts of the country.

Syria’s war has left more than 320,000 people dead since it began with protests in 2011 that were brutally repressed by the government of President Bashar al-Assad.

Regional and international powers have since been drawn into the complex conflict, in which internationally prohibited weapons such as cluster bombs and toxic gas have been used.

On April 4, a suspected chemical attack killed 88 civilians, including many children, in the northwestern rebel-held town of Khan Sheikhun.
Ok so a random video of a Flanker flying (Without any bombs of heavy armaments attached)
And then distruction of rubbled building video attached.
And it is russian Su35 bombing civilians.
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