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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)


Last Updated: Friday, October 28, 2016 - 18:31

Beirut: Syrian rebels including jihadists began a counter-attack against the army and its allies on Friday aiming to break a weeks-long siege on eastern Aleppo, insurgents said."

The assault, employing heavy shelling and suicide car bombs, was mainly focused on the city`s western edge by rebels based outside Aleppo. It included Jabhat Fateh al-Sham, a former affiliate of al Qaeda previously known as the Nusra Front, and groups fighting under the Free Syrian Army (FSA) banner.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a British-based war monitor, said more than 15 civilians had been killed and 100 wounded by rebel shelling of government-held western Aleppo. State media reported that five civilians were killed.

There were conflicting accounts of advances in areas on the city`s outskirts.

Aleppo, Syria`s biggest pre-war city, has become the main theatre of conflict between President Bashar al-Assad, backed by Iran, Russia and Shi`ite militias, and Sunni rebels including groups supported by Turkey, Gulf monarchies and the United States.

The city has been divided for years between the government-held western sector and rebel-held east, which the army and its allies put under siege this summer and where they launched a new offensive in September that medics say has killed hundreds.

Photographs showed insurgents approaching Aleppo in tanks, armoured vehicles, bulldozers, make-shift mine sweepers, pick-up trucks and on motorcycles, and showed a large column of smoke rising in the distance after an explosion.

Rebels said they had taken several positions from government forces and the Observatory said they had gained control over a checkpoint at a factory in southwest Aleppo and some other points nearby.

But a Syrian military source said the army and its allies had thwarted what he called "an extensive attack" on south and west Aleppo. A state television station reported that the army had destroyed four car bombs.

Abu Anas al-Shami, a member of the Fateh al-Sham media office, told Reuters from Syria the group had carried out two "martyrdom operations", after which its fighters had gone in and had been able to "liberate a number of important areas". A third such attack had been carried out by another Islamist group.

A senior official in the Levant Front, an FSA group, said: "There is a general call-up for anyone who can bear arms."
"The preparatory shelling started this morning," he added.

Heavy rebel bombardment, with more than 150 rockets and shells, struck southwestern districts, the Observatory said.

Fateh al-Sham played a big part in a rebel attack in July that managed to break the government siege on eastern Aleppo for several weeks before it was reimposed.

Abu Youssef al-Mouhajir, an official from the powerful Ahrar al-Sham Islamist group, said the extent of cooperation between the different rebel factions was unusual, and that the largest axis of attack was on the western edge of the city.

"This long axis disperses the enemy and it provides us with good cover in the sense that the enemy`s attacks are not focused," he said.

The powerful role played by Jabhat Fateh al-Sham, listed by many countries as a terrorist group, has complicated Western policy towards supporting the anti-Assad opposition.

The United States has prevented more powerful weapons such as anti-aircraft missiles from being supplied to rebels partly out of fear they could end up in jihadist hands.

The Syrian military source said Friday`s attack had been launched in coordination with Islamic State, a group against which all the other rebels, including Fateh al-Sham, have fought.

Islamic State fighters did clash with the Syrian army on Friday at a government-held airbase 37km (23 miles) east of Aleppo, next to territory the jihadist group already controls, the Observatory reported.

Syria`s civil war, now in its sixth year, has killed hundreds of thousands of people, displaced half the country`s pre-war population, dragged in regional and global powers and caused a refugee crisis in the Middle East and Europe.

Mouhajir, the Ahrar al-Sham official, said cloudy weather was helping to reduce the aerial advantage enjoyed by the Syrian military and its Russian allies. Inside Aleppo, tyres were also burnt to create a smokescreen against air strikes.

Grad rockets were launched at Aleppo`s Nairab air base before the assault began said Zakaria Malahifji, head of the political office of the Aleppo-based Fastaqim rebel group, adding that it was going to be "a big battle".

The Observatory also said that Grad surface-to-surface rockets had struck locations around the Hmeimim air base, near Latakia.


First Published: Friday, October 28, 2016 - 18:31
Reuters / Thursday, October 27, 2016
Boys inspect a hole in the ground after an airstrike near a playground on the besieged rebel held town of Douma, eastern Ghouta in Damascus, Syria. REUTERS/Bassam Khabieh

Reuters / Friday, October 28, 2016
A makeshift military front loader drives in Dahiyat al-Assad, west Aleppo city, Syria. REUTERS/Ammar Abdullah
Stupid comparison at its best. Yesterday, SAA captured Sawran city, a relatively large town in just 3 hours. It all depends whether the defending forces retreat or not. The same thing happened in Bani Zeid district of Aleppo. SAA captured it in just 2 hours after terrorists retreated.
Beni Zeid was totally encircled with Kurds attacking from back.

The same happened for 1070 areas where forces retreated quickly.
1070 have heavy concrete builings u can make defense lines there, but Assadists fled leaving their boots.

Another example is Aleppo Justice Building and Air Force Academy northwest of city. Jaish al-Fath rodents literally launched tens of fiercest attacks with all they had to capture them, but failed miserably and lost hundreds for 2 buildings.
Nonsense. In Layramon area small Chechen group made good advances inflicting heavy casualties to Assadists.

Why? Because SAA didn't retreat from the area. Other examples are Aleppo central prison or Kweires airbase.
Central Aleppo prison is a heavy fort with open areas around. Even a total retard can defend it. Kewires also has large open areas and dig in tanks. Rebels and then ISIS had almost no ATGMs.

Same happened in Menagh. They defended until rebels got ATGMs then they fled.
October 28, 2016
Beni Zeid was totally encircled with Kurds attacking from back.

1070 have heavy concrete builings u can make defense lines there, but Assadists fled leaving their boots.

Nonsense. In Layramon area small Chechen group made good advances inflicting heavy casualties to Assadists.

Central Aleppo prison is a heavy fort with open areas around. Even a total retard can defend it. Kewires also has large open areas and dig in tanks. Rebels and then ISIS had almost no ATGMs.

Same happened in Menagh. They defended until rebels got ATGMs then they fled.

Always the same nonsense. You will even claim earth is a cube if I say earth is a sphere, so what' the point? You can tell all this nonsense to those who like your posts or believe them, doesn't work on me.
Always the same nonsense. You will even claim earth is a cube if I say earth is a sphere, so what' the point? You can tell all this nonsense to those who like your posts or believe them, doesn't work on me.
Here that small Chechen group that advanced in Layramoun.

I know that conflict much better than you, sorry to say.
Here that small Chechen group that advanced in Layramoun.

I know that conflict much better than you, sorry to say.

No you don't, that's for sure. I never mentioned Layramoun district, I specifically mentioned Air force intelligence building, for which, Jaish al-Fath rodents launched numerous different assaults, and every single one of them failed. They have failed to this very day to capture a building and areas around has became their graveyard.

There are various other examples like this. When a force stands to fight, capturing an area is extremely hard. If they retreat, capturing it is very easy, i.e 1070 project.
No you don't, that's for sure.
You posted this map, means u know nothig:


Nothing personal.

I never mentioned Layramoun district, I specifically mentioned Air force intelligence building, for which, Jaish al-Fath rodents launched numerous different assaults, and every single one of them failed. They have failed to this very day to capture a building and areas around has became their graveyard.

There are various other examples like this. When a force stands to fight, capturing an area is extremely hard. If they retreat, capturing it is very easy, i.e 1070 project.
Layramoun is attached to that building. Chechens took area up to intelligence building with small resistance and inflicting heavy casualties to Assadists.
Russia fights vs ISIS:


Your funny pictures and maps has nothing to do with reality.

The Deir-ez-Zor city being attacked by the ISIS forces on weekly basic. Not to mention, that so called "Anti-ISIS" alliance bombed SAA positions and playing on the terrorists side. Their attacks are unsuccessful thanks to Russian Air Support.

The Deir-ez-Zor city being attacked by the ISIS forces on weekly basic.
Exactly. They make 50 strikes a day on rebels and 1 strike a week on ISIS.

Not to mention, that so called "Anti-ISIS" alliance bombed SAA positions and playing on the terrorists side.
Thats total fake. Assadists lied as usual.

Here example of Russian lie:


They claim here was no air strike on Hass school at all. Thats despite the fact that the moment of the strike was filmed in ID quality from several locations:



An Iraqi adviser hinted Saturday that Iraqi forces might enter Syrian territories to fight the ISIL militant group, APA reports quoting Anadolu agency.

Speaking at a forum in Najaf in central Iraq, Faleh al-Fayyad, a national security adviser to the Iraqi government, said Iraqi forces were making progress in the ongoing operation to retake ISIL-held Mosul city. “…we might be forced to enter Syrian territories to fight ISIL after liberating Mosul,” he added. This is the first time that an Iraqi official speaks about the possibility of sending troops into war-torn Syria to fight Daesh. Fayyay denied that the PKK terrorist group was participating in the anti-Daesh offensive in Mosul. “The participation of this group will not be allowed,” he said.
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