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Syed Zaid Zaman Hamid Identity


Apr 28, 2011
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Syed Zaid Hamid on himself and so called conspiracy theories and other thing
@Aeronaut @Oscar @nuclearpak @RazPaK @jaibi @Areesh @A.Rafay @Rafi @Slav Defence @AUz @tarrar @mafiya @HRK @PWFI @Arabian Legend @Yzd Khalifa @al-Hasani @JUBA and others
Zaid Hamid is the 1st khalifah of Yusuf Kazab who was a blasphemer killed in Lahore jail. Zaid Hamid fought his case and stood by him throughout his trial. Zaid Hamid's plan is to introduce the religion of Yusuf Kazab by some how coming into power and declare himself as Khalifah of Yusuf Kazzab. Many big ulema and madrassas has also declared Zaid Hamid as a Kafir and an enemy of Islam and outside the fold of Islam.

Moreover it's also well known that Zaid Hamid is also mentally disturbed rather many people who know him closely has said that he is a mental patient and his roaming out freely is dangerous to the safety of the public.
Don't start another discussion and don't make me start on this topic.
When Osama Bin Ladin was alive, he was ranked on 8th number on the most wanted people. All seven above OBL were Mexicans, Americans and Africans. Still America came for OBL.

Brother If you want I can present documentary as well as video evidence.

Moreover Admin is requested to ban all and any threads relating to Zaid Hamid as he is clearly an extremely controversial person and threads on his material is a cause of hurting Muslims' religious feelings as in his every other talk he is insulting and cursing the Islamic scholars especially Deobandis and passing other comments to hurt Muslims' religious feelings.
If you wish to post you evidence then ok. I have read about Yusuf Kazzab too. Also everyone has right to express what they think.
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The zombie clown thinks he is oversmart.

He is just a buffoon and a proven one at that.

But good as a stand up comic, gives one the needed laughs.
Zaid Hamid is the 1st khalifah of Yusuf Kazab who was a blasphemer killed in Lahore jail. Zaid Hamid fought his case and stood by him throughout his trial. Zaid Hamid's plan is to introduce the religion of Yusuf Kazab by some how coming into power and declare himself as Khalifah of Yusuf Kazzab. Many big ulema and madrassas has also declared Zaid Hamid as a Kafir and an enemy of Islam and outside the fold of Islam.

Moreover it's also well known that Zaid Hamid is also mentally disturbed rather many people who know him closely has said that he is a mental patient and his roaming out freely is dangerous to the safety of the public.
First bother to have some evidence before writing lies he has nothing to do with that and Yusuf never claimed to be prophet he had money issue with zia shahid and zia shahid bribed some molvis and falsely accused Yusuf mr first check facts big ulemas always run away when he comes up and only some deobabndis talk crap because they lied on Yusuf issue and he is completely normal person stop quoting that geo funded liar who did conference and these fraud ulemas even talked to Saudi ambassador and he too blasted these molvis and almost every year he performs
My dear I think you need to get your facts straight and get out of this Kazzabi cult. I think you need to visit Tahafuzz Khatm e Nabuwwat website to know the reality of this Zaid Zaman who re-emerged in 2008 as Zaid Hamid. Do you know that Maulana Jalapuri has written a full book exposing this Zaid Hamid with evidences and proofs which is available on Khatm e Nabuwwat website.

Moreover please don't insult ulema karam like your kazzabi hero Zaid Hamid does. The largest madrassah of Pakistan Jamia Binori Town has given fatwa that Yusuf Kazzab and Zaid Hamid are Kafirs. Moreover Jamia Binoria Karachi has also declared both of them as Kafirs and Shaitans.

All proofs and evidences are available against Yusuf Kazzab and Zaid Hamid on Khatm Nabuwwat website. Please visit it. Moreover before accusing Deobandis of lying you should know that it were and are the Deobandis who started and waged the most severe movement against Qadianis. Whenever any fitna arises Deobandis lead from the front. Whether its the fitna e Qadiani, fitna e Yusuf Kazzab or fitna e Zaid Zaman urf Zaid Hamid Deobandis will In Sha Allah lead from front.

Some fat @rsed Mullahs declaring other fat @rsed Mullahs as Kafir.

So what is new in the Islamist land of fools.
Zaid Hamid Was Right Hand Man Of Two Enemies Of Islam Yusuf Kazzab And Parvez Busharraf
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