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Syed Amar Khan and Hridoy, our Friends or enemies?

Is Syed Amar khan a nationalist or a awami league supporter?

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So basically , he a famous defence blogger.

No. He is only famous among BD millennials who were born in the 80's and later. He has neither background nor experience in defense/diplomatic Corp. He collects third party materials and publish them in semantically modified forms without giving due credits. I have his personal dossier with full profile. I believe that he is also present in this forum even though I have no admin tool.
I am sure i am not the only one have problems with Syed Amar Khan or Hridoy.

My problems with him
1) Banned people who does not like awami league.
2) Claims that you are a BNP supporter if you disagree with him.
3) Thinks he is smart cause he have some connection to the armed forces.
4) those that are not a fan of BAL, syed amar khan call us pakistanis
There are more but want to hear yours.
Of course there Hridoy, No need to explain about him. So my point is whats your opinion on them. You do hate them or like them?

@DalalErMaNodi @Michael Corleone @bluesky
@Avicenna @Bilal9 @Homo Sapiens

I like how you took my name out.

you learn quick.

Good boy
I am sure i am not the only one have problems with Syed Amar Khan or Hridoy.

My problems with him
1) Banned people who does not like awami league.
2) Claims that you are a BNP supporter if you disagree with him.
3) Thinks he is smart cause he have some connection to the armed forces.
4) those that are not a fan of BAL, syed amar khan call us pakistanis
There are more but want to hear yours.
Of course there Hridoy, No need to explain about him. So my point is whats your opinion on them. You do hate them or like them?

@DalalErMaNodi @Michael Corleone @bluesky
@Avicenna @Bilal9 @Homo Sapiens
Who is this guy? I never heard him.
I personally don't trust that guy, so far he has stated BAF will buy nearly every jet ranging from F-16, Rafale, Euro fighter, J-10C to name a few.

His procurement news can sometimes be accurate but other than that he's no defence analyst. His understanding and grasp of international diplomacy and geopolitics is laughable especially from the way he presents himself to be some hot shot.

He makes it seem as if China and America are at each others throats just to bag the measly 2 - 3 billion dollar MRCA deal for BAF. Read his material for a bit and you'll come to the conclusion that he thinks Bangladesh is some superpower, that the rest of major power orbit around.

Coming to the little forums he and his rag tag cabal run, here's some of what happens on there :

x - fake newj

x - People get slapped down and banned for making even the slightest allegations against the government.

x - Mention any sort of corruption and he'll ask for proof or else shut you down.

x - newbies to defence world get mocked and prodded at when they make mistakes by the mods.

x - Call BAF leadership incompetent and he will do a jihad on you.

x - but that's not all, at least SAK himself is respectful to others even when he's shutting them down. However his little gang are different. He has a little pretenda' girlie on there called Aparajita Banerjee who insults people and then bans people before they can reply and before I forget there's Hridoy, the troll with broken English, I don't even want to speak of this moron.

SAK and his army are on this forum and once they found out I was on their forums and groups, my accounts were banned with no reason being given.

My anti BAL comments seem to have hurt his delicate feelings.
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His procurement news can sometimes be accurate but other than that he's no defence analyst. His understanding and grasp of international diplomacy and geopolitics is laughable especially from the way he presents himself to be some hot shot.

He makes it seem as if China and America are at each others throats just to bag the measly 2 - 3 billion dollar MRCA deal for BAF. Read his material for a bit and you'll come to the conclusion that he thinks Bangladesh is some superpower, that the rest of major power orbit around.

LOL...this is what I find to be the most entertaining aspect of SAK's "analysis", that as if the whole world is beholden to BD while in reality we rely on supplier's credit for major purchases.

Some typical phrasing he adopts to the above effect:

"China and Russia punished by BAF over Rohingya crisis..."

"European suppliers fail to satisfy BAF's requirements..."

"China expedites J-10 production to make BAF launch export client..." :rofl:

"Russians are desperate to secure MRCA deal..."

"The Americans must adapt to compete against Chinese and Russia in order to secure BAF's orders..."
LOL...this is what I find to be the most entertaining aspect of SAK's "analysis", that as if the whole world is beholden to BD while in reality we rely on supplier's credit for major purchases.

Some typical phrasing he adopts to the above effect:

"China and Russia punished by BAF over Rohingya crisis..."

"European suppliers fail to satisfy BAF's requirements..."

"China expedites J-10 production to make BAF launch export client..." :rofl:

"Russians are desperate to secure MRCA deal..."

"The Americans must adapt to compete against Chinese and Russia in order to secure BAF's orders..."

and then he has the gall to lock his 2 bit baseless articles behind a paywall.

Seriously, 8 dollars every 2 days for reading his rants and shit posts? No Thanks

If I wanted to read childish fanboy rants, I could easily just watch Defence Update Bangladesh youtube channel, that one's another delusional nationalist and chest beater.

SAK's little bitch Hridoy is the worst, little anime kid with a fetish for anime girls thinks he's some big defence corespondent.
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and then he has the gall to lock his 2 bit baseless articles behind a paywall.

Seriously, 8 dollars every 2 days for reading his rants and shit posts? No Thanks
He needs to eat man. Thankfully for him, his dumb fanboys are feeding him.

SAK's little bitch Hridoy is the worst, little anime kid with a fetish for anime girls thinks he's some big defence corespondent.
That little kid is an Indian lover, he thinks and act like an indian.

He needs to eat man. Thankfully for him, his dumb fanboys are feeding him.

That little kid is an Indian lover, he thinks and act like an indian.

View attachment 641093 Lmao
Yeah I take anything related to BAF with saline
I don’t participate in the Facebook discussions anymore as it’s mostly useless posts with no validity.
6 months ago j10 was inferior now it’s a gamechanger pfft
Yeah I take anything related to BAF with saline
I don’t participate in the Facebook discussions anymore as it’s mostly useless posts with no validity.
6 months ago j10 was inferior now it’s a gamechanger pfft

There can be no fruitful discussion with SAK and his circlejerk.

Big boy hridoy made a post about Bangladesh mulling over the HK G36. An entirely baseless post with information pulled out of his posterior, that's his source.

When I opinioned that the G36 has an overheating issue, due to which the Bundeswehr (intended and primary user) has begun phasing the G36 out, he countered with some childish excuse that I couldn't make sense of, due to the poor sentence structure.

A few days later, he went on to brag that he's some big hot shot because he jerks off to anime and because he was the first to break the news about BD army considering the G36, nevermind that the news is false and the aforementioned issues with the gun itself.
There can be no fruitful discussion with SAK and his circlejerk.

Big boy hridoy made a post about Bangladesh mulling over the HK G36. An entirely baseless post with information pulled out of his posterior, that's his source.

When I opinioned that the G36 has an overheating issue, due to which the Bundeswehr (intended and primary user) has begun phasing the G36 out, he countered with some childish excuse that I couldn't make sense of, due to the poor sentence structure.

A few days later, he went on to brag that he's some big hot shot because he jerks off to anime and because he was the first to break the news about BD army considering the G36, nevermind that the news is false and the aforementioned issues with the gun itself.
Idk why he kept kamlachodas in that group as mod, I told him his source was wrong and told him to remove post like that when he’s speaking on behalf of that group. SAK himself is not pleased
Anyways, it’s because of people like him now in the new group that I don’t care to participate although I’ve been made a mod too
Big boy hridoy made a post about Bangladesh mulling over the HK G36. An entirely baseless post with information pulled out of his posterior, that's his source.

When I opinioned that the G36 has an overheating issue, due to which the Bundeswehr (intended and primary user) has begun phasing the G36 out, he countered with some childish excuse that I couldn't make sense of, due to the poor sentence structure.

A few days later, he went on to brag that he's some big hot shot because he jerks off to anime and because he was the first to break the news about BD army considering the G36, nevermind that the news is false and the aforementioned issues with the gun itself.

He made 5 sentences in the post. Lets 'Analyst' it.

1) Misleading- Alright, he claims that your misleading people.

2)Read the dw articale- Which dw article your talking about moron. Give us a link or shut up.

3)It was issued when suspended firefight wasnt imanigable- What the hell is a suspended firefight? we all know whats a firefight is but a suspended one? Also what is imanigable? This kids english is worst than i thought.

4)So,according to expert, it shouldnt be used and issued for standard issue rifle-WTF is he talking about really? i give up.Oh i get it, it was not the overheating problem rather than it is a shit weapon.
This dumb kid making me speechless.

5)Rather,it should b modified to use current day scenario- Why modified when you can buy guns with no major problems like AK-12,ARX-160 and CZ 807 Bren etc? and he claims that he has 12 years of experience of being a defence analyst

So in this post he prove two things,
1) He cant speak english
2) shit defence analyst
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