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Swiss govt prepares list of Indians with suspected black money

These people are economic terrorists! In fact, I would argue that these are more dangerous than traditional terrorists because they affect far more poor and unsuspecting people!

I am surprised that the normally vocal western governments and western media choose to remain silent on such exploitations by Swiss.

Why would they raise their voices against someone who contributes to their economy? Swiss are not in the EU but they are partner countries. What's more; a haven like Switzerland provides fresh capital of billions of dollars that no one has to invest into European ventures. Behind closed doors it is like you start a business using money from those who you will never give back any returns. It is like a bonanza for you.

However, I have a big feeling that Switzerland is just the tip of the iceberg and we might want to rattle a few other countries to see where our money is going. Mauritius knows how serious this situation is while other suspect havens like Italy, Lichtenstein, Cayman Islands should also be checked.

Knowing Sonia, it is imperative that the money will mostly be in some European haven like Monaco, Luxembourg or some other tiny state.
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