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Swiss ban arms sale to the UAE

Syrian Lion

Feb 6, 2012
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Syrian Arab Republic
Syrian Arab Republic
ZURICH: Switzerland said it was freezing arms exports to the UAE after a report said a Swiss-made hand grenade originally shipped to the Gulf state had been found in Syria. A Swiss newspaper published a picture of a hand grenade produced by Swiss weapons manufacturer RUAG which it said had been taken in the Syrian town of Marea last month, despite the fact that Switzerland stopped arms exports to Syria in 1998.

The photograph raised concerns about the final destination of Switzerland's arms exports.

Initial findings suggested the grenade had been part of a RUAG shipment of 225,162 grenades sent to the UAE in 2003, the Swiss government said. The Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs is therefore tentatively freezing all pending applications for arms exports to the UAE and demanding the return of licences which have already been issued but not yet used, the Swiss government said in a statement.

The Swiss government said it will make further inquiries because the circumstances in the case remain unclear. "At present, there is no evidence that Swiss hand grenades have found their way to Syria. Inquiries are ongoing however," it said.

The UAE government did not comment on the matter.

Gulf Daily News » World News » Swiss ban arms sale to the UAE
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