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Swedish court allowed to burn Quran: Insulted and Burned down !

Muslims take pride destroying other people's religious symbols.

They take great pride destroying idols of other's religion, as their Prophet did before them.

They take pride that the most symbolic churches of Christian faith were converted into mosques.

Temples were laid to waste and mosques bulit over them.

Statues of Buddha were stuffed with dynamites and blown to smithereens.

So why cry, when someone, some where, in a remote corner of earth, burnt a few pieces of paper?

"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you,"
What good would come from that action?
If the Kaafirs burn Qu'rans,

We have every right to burn books about Christianity. That is fair, that is justice.

If they wrong us, we have every right to punish them through this way as well.
Time to burn books about Christianity then.

We should also play their game as well.

Better yet, burn a lgbtqxyz book. That is their new religion now. You will see how they will get triggered and pass a law immediately to ban burning books.
If the Kaafirs burn Qu'rans,

We have every right to burn books about Christianity. That is fair, that is justice.

If they wrong us, we have every right to punish them through this way as well.

No. Islam specifically forbids things like that. We actually believe in the Bible as a revealed book as part of our creed. No true Muslim would burn a Bible.

The Prophet (PHUH) wrote letters to churches granting them protection. Those letters still exist in some churches.

The Quran forbids cursing the deities of other religions to stop them from cursing God.

Christians, Jews and Hindus continued to exist in Muslim countries even after centuries of Muslim rule. But when the crusaders defeated Muslims they exterminated them from Europe.

Islam teaches us better principles than fighting evil with evil. We will win in the end, inshallah, not with weapons but with superior morality.

Ashtiname of Muhammad (PBUH)​

The Ashtiname of Muhammad, also known as the Covenant or Testament (Testamentum) of Muhammad, is a charter or writ granting protection and other privileges to the followers of Jesus, given to the Christian monks of Saint Catherine's Monastery. It is sealed with an imprint representing Muhammad's hand.

No. Islam specifically forbids things like that. We actually believe in the Bible as a revealed book as part of our creed. No true Muslim would burn a Bible.

The Prophet (PHUH) wrote letters to churches granting them protection. Those letters still exist in some churches.

The Quran forbids cursing the deities of other religions to stop them from cursing God.

Christians, Jews and Hindus continued to exist in Muslim countries even after centuries of Muslim rule. But when the crusaders defeated Muslims they exterminated them from Europe.

Islam teaches us better principles than fighting evil with evil. We will win in the end, inshallah, not with weapons but with superior morality.
I agree with you. But if Kaafirs use wrong methods to achieve good ends, then we should do the same against them when in a conflict.

That is only fair. But I have to ask an Islamic scholar about that.

Ashtiname of Muhammad (PBUH)​

The Ashtiname of Muhammad, also known as the Covenant or Testament (Testamentum) of Muhammad, is a charter or writ granting protection and other privileges to the followers of Jesus, given to the Christian monks of Saint Catherine's Monastery. It is sealed with an imprint representing Muhammad's hand.

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I'm not saying burn the "Bible." I saying burn any other books about Christianity.
I agree with you. But if Kaafirs use wrong methods to achieve good ends, then we should do the same against them when in a conflict.

That is only fair. But I have to ask an Islamic scholar about that.

I'm not saying burn the "Bible." I saying burn any other books about Christianity.

I’m not against peaceful protests, but anything emotional or violent is counterproductive.

For every hater there are ten people who’re sympathetic to Islam. We don’t want to alienate them.

A lot of people are fed up with the all the LGBT crap and are turning to Islam. We need to spend our energies on appealing to them rather than behave aggressively and turn them off.
I’m not against peaceful protests, but anything emotional or violent is counterproductive.

For every hater there are ten people who’re sympathetic to Islam. We don’t want to alienate them.

A lot of people are fed up with the all the LGBT crap and are turning to Islam. We need to spend our energies on appealing to them rather than behave aggressively and turn them off.
Correct, Sir. I too agree that LGBT is an abomination.
Protesting has never accomplished anything, neither in France nor will it do any good here.
Strength is through the barrel of a gun; all else is bullsh*t.
I sort of agree with you. Cracker cowboy rednecks like these imperialists only understand "amputations of the limbs", then they will behave when dealing with other peoples.
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in the name of freedom of speech, would it be okay to burn Bible and Geeta as well?? just wondering.

JI, PTI, PPP were not created by establishment.


Don’t understand what you’re trying to prove here? All parties created by establishment hence PTI deserves to be defanged and noone should point the finger at the elephant in the room?
So you want to discard the roles of General Pasha, Faiz Hameed and Bajwa in PTI victory in 2018 elections??
JI PMLN and NPP formed Islami Jamhoori Itehad during 1988 backed by establishment to defeat PPP.
And who made Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto foreign minister who was a nobody??
Who brough Mian Muhammad Shareef in politics??
My point is all parties have been in bed with establishment
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