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Sweden's 6 Hour Day is a Benefit of Imperialism

Don't see any sign of a 6-hour working day, here.
Only the Communists and the Feminists drive this issue, and they have less than 10% of the votes.
Everone else realizes that with the number of old people growing, we will have to work more and longer.

Ridiculous comments.
people start working after they finish schools, which is 18 unless you are attending
higher level education, in which case you are around 24-25 for a masters degree,
and only if you go for a doctorate, you "start working" at 30.
During that period you borrow a lot of money, which has to be paid back.
While higher level education is free, you have to pay for living.

Also, studying to become an engineer as I did, is no piece of cake.
A lot of research is done by the people doing post-graduate studies, and neithet is leasure time.
I know for sure that the companies I have worked for benefited. My ideas have generated
several 100 M$ in business...

As for stealing, we live in a market economy.
If the third world has something of value to sell, then people will be paying for it.
If they only have a me too approach, supplying menial labour, wages will never be high.
Rules are the same for first world and third world companies.

The first world is spending a lot of money to fine tune processes, allowing things to
be done in an efficient manner. Most third world inhabitants, have to waste a lot of time due to
inefficiencies and lack of infrastructure, so they have a problem competing.

Could someone have created Apple in Rwanda? Where would they buy the electronics components?
Don't think so...

That is the problem they need to solve.
Do you know I have heard that in Spain...if you borrow below $5000....it is not reported to the centralized system so the young people can get it from multiple banks.

Can't remember where I read it. I will try to confirm. But if that is true...I see slave trade era well and live.
In Sweden, students borrow from a government agency (CSN).
In the old system, you would pay back DEBT / (50 - "Your age") each year.
so the first year of payback, you would pay back DEBT / (50 - 25) = 4 %.
The year you reach 50, you would pay back everything.
There is no interest on the loan. Instead, each year they would raise the debt
according to a formula, depending on inflation.
One year, with particularily low inflation, this resulted in them REDUCING the debt.
It is like they are paying ME interest :dance3::dance3::dance3::dance3:.

That is when they decided to change the system.
Now, they won't be paying students interest, but they also limit the payment per year
to a maximum of 4% of the income, and write off any remainder at 65 years of age.

There is a small subsidy as well but it is but a small percentage of what you borrow.
Do you know I have heard that in Spain...if you borrow below $5000....it is not reported to the centralized system so the young people can get it from multiple banks.

Can't remember where I read it. I will try to confirm. But if that is true...I see slave trade era well and live.

This seems hardly believable. The banks themselves would be inclined to set up a centralized communication system, if not for other reasons than to know who is credit worthy or not. It's in the bank's interest to know if you have an account at any other bank and most importantly, is that account blocked due to you not paying your obligations. If it's blocked, your chances of getting a loan approval from them are more or less 0.
Doubt it would ever come to pass but im sure it would work in several sectors, I know in my job I would be more productive if I worked 10 to 4 as opposed 9 to 5/6 where I spend a few hours feel tired and looking for excuses to not work. Cant watch more than a minute of the guy in this video though, he clearly knows **** all, talking about people in the first world dont even have to work to 30, hahaha, some of my friends/family work 60 hour weeks and do very physical jobs. I do physical work alot and last week I did 50 hours, its not like in the first world everyone sits on their *** for 3 hours a day and goes home to their slaves, the third world is a dump...oh well, sort out your obscenely corrupt populace then.
Jason Unruhe is the (self proclaimed--and probably correctly) the world's 'Most Famous Marxist'. I have been his YouTube 'Subscriber' for a long time. Am I a Marxist? No. But it is good to know all POVs. This guy has, on occasions, sounded a bit too jaded/negative but I still 'follow' him.

PS. "Apple Inc' is only thriving because of the mindless zombies :) My HP tower computer at home has 8GB RAM, 23" full HD monitor. In September I will be owning and using that computer for five year. I paid approx. $800 for everything! Now, how much would it cost me to get an IMAC with similar or even inferior specs then?!
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