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Swatis believe Army will smoke out Taliban


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Swatis believe Army will smoke out Taliban

Monday, May 24, 2010

By Delawar Jan

MINGORA: People in the troubled Swat Valley have a new-found confidence in the military and are convinced that it would smoke out the remnants of Taliban involved in target killings at a time when security forces neutralised a couple of militant groups and were hunting down others.

The trust serves as a shot in the arm for the military for which the job has still not finished in the valley. The security challenges are growing since the onset of the current year, as Taliban militants have managed to carry out suicide attacks and target killings.

Security forces are searching through the Valley to track down masterminds and perpetrators of such attacks, with the unflinching support of the population. The Operation Rah-e-Rast military offensive, launched in May 2009, and subsequent actions by security forces changed the perception of the people in their favour, though they say the pockets of Taliban still exist.

Veteran Awami National Party leader Afzal Khan Lala is also satisfied. “Weeding out is still to be done but the last operation was different from others in results.” Ziauddin Yousafzai, spokesman for the Swat Qaumi Jirga, said: “The process of Talibanisation has stopped now.”

The level of confidence is such that the people say the return of Taliban is now out of question. “There is no chance of Taliban’s regrouping and getting hold of Swat,” said Swat Hotel Association President Zahid Khan. Most of Swatis share Zahid Khan’s viewpoint.

Top leaders of the militants, including Maulana Fazlullah, the Taliban chief in Swat, are at large, but the people are convinced the military will not spare them. “Security forces are going after the militants following the recent target killings, which shows their resolve to eliminate them,” Ziauddin said.

Security forces late last month killed Pir Ihsanullah and Qari Abdullah, believed to be the masterminds of target killings and suicide attacks, respectively. They hunted down and killed several militants, including Commander Sher Gujjar, in parts of Kabal and Matta. The actions boosted people’s trust in the military and led them to believe the latter was unbending with regard to defeating the militants.

These actions are being carried out with full support of the population. “People tip off security forces about the presence of militants. They also take part in cordon-and-search operations, which shows their support for the Army,” said an administration officer, requesting anonymity.

People backed security forces in parts of Kabal on deadline to families of the militants to produce their absconding members or face expulsion from Swat. After the deadline expired on May 20, 25 families were banished from the valley. “These families were passing on information to the hiding militants,” the officer alleged.

The militants now find it difficult to infiltrate the population because they have no support in the people. In fact, the once terrified Swatis have now gathered courage. They and security forces have banded together to track down the hiding militants.

Planned or spontaneous, some other steps taken by security forces also narrowed the gap with the people. Till early this year, the residents said they felt insulted when brought out of homes and herded like animals in streets and bazaars. But it is not done now, residents said.

The aggressive attitude of security personnel was another issue. The people used to complain that respected persons were slapped and insulted publicly for minor faults, or no fault. Still the people complain of mistreatment during search operations and at checkpoints.

But they see some good developments. They have observed the behaviour of officers had been good but the soldiers were still not refined in dealing with civilians. Residents said they feel a sense of security to see soldiers deployed in streets and manning the checkpoints, as they have restored peace but then they fear of being insulted. “I know that several dozen soldiers have been taken to task for misbehaviour,” claimed a citizen, who did not want to be named.

People now find security forces relatively friendly as compared to the previous months. It made them believe that the Army has respect for the people, a feeling that befriended the population with the military. “A ‘be soft on the people and tough on the militants’ policy will earn more support for the Army,” they say. Analysts say the Swat operation raised the image of military both in Swat and abroad, but it needs to sustain the good reputation.

Swatis believe Army will smoke out Taliban
This highlights very positive developments, so I am copying AJ's post to a new thread for a while
Swatis??? You mean the people living In SWAT vally??? Very cute name, My friends daughter's name Is Swati
but militery presence is short term what have provincial govt and fedral done in post operation swat
ironically NOTHING
but militery presence is short term what have provincial govt and fedral done in post operation swat
ironically NOTHING

well...the fauj now has a base in Swat so Swatis will never have to worry about being terrorized ever again - rest assured.

regardless of the incompetence of zardari to baldie sharif type arrangements
Till early this year, the residents said they felt insulted when brought out of homes and herded like animals in streets and bazaars. But it is not done now, residents said.

The aggressive attitude of security personnel was another issue. The people used to complain that respected persons were slapped and insulted publicly for minor faults, or no fault. Still the people complain of mistreatment during search operations and at checkpoint
Thats what my swati friends told me about behavior of faujis........@nuclearpak didnt believe me when i told him about such claims. Swatis should be grateful that they are treated comparatively better than tribals.

The fact is people of swat were not entirely terrified innocent damsels in distress.......from same swat and dir, sufi mohammad gathered more than 13 thousands volunteers for jihad when afghanistan was invaded in 2001. Women of swat gave their zewar to fazlullah, he was popular..........Swatis are not warriors, when they saw the power of military in 2009, they were shocked and terrified.......they have made the tauba from ever repeating the same history, army has "disciplined" them and terrified them into cooperating with state.
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