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Swat: Malala Yousafzai injured in attack

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Apr 28, 2011
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National Peace Award winner who came under the global spotlight for her efforts to bring back peace to her hometown Swat came under attack earlier today. Malala Yousafzai was injured along with two other girls when unknown assailants opened fire on her vehicle in Swat, Geo News reported.

According to police, Malala a children’s rights activist received two bullets, and was rushed to the District Headquarter Hospital in Saidu Sharif, and later shifted to a hospital in Peshawar.

It is important to mention that Malala had been receiving threats to her life, after which she was provided with a special car and unarmed security by her school.

The international children's advocacy group Kids Rights Foundation nominated Malala for the International Children's Peace Prize, making her the first Pakistani girl nominated for the award.

For her courageous and outstanding services for the promotion of peace under extremely hostile conditions in Swat, she was awarded the first National Peace Award by the Pakistani government on 19 December 2011.

http://www.geo.tv/GeoDetail.aspx?ID=70793 :hitwall:
One has to be a human before you can be a Muslim. In my view anyone who attempts to kill an innocent young girl in cold blood does not deserve to be called a human being.

Despite this dastardly act, one may have noticed that people who have sympathy for Taliban are not openly condemning Taliban by name. At best they are saying; we strongly condemn those who performed this deed! Whereas bigots such as Hamid Gul & Munawwar Hassan of JI, who have admitted their passion for Taliban, are strangely quiet. When a large section of Pakistan polity suffers from such hypocrisy, things can only get worse.

I am a father also and my daughter is the apple of my eye. I therefore feel deep pain for the parents of Malala and pray for her speedy recovery.

Dear Malala, you deserve better than this bigoted nation but the nation cannot do without such courageous children such as you. Please please ‘GET WELL’ soon.
nobody answered my question that if they(talibans) wanted to target malala because her 'secular' beliefs, then there are so many journalists/ NGO workers, politicans(ANP) who are present in KPK, but they targetted a little girl
[:::~Spartacus~:::];3488797 said:
nobody answered my question that if they(talibans) wanted to target malala because her 'secular' beliefs, then there are so many journalists/ NGO workers, politicans(ANP) who are present in KPK, but they targetted a little girl

Honourable Sir,

Can’t see the objective of your question? Are you trying to imply that it is not Taliban who carried out the attack? Certainly no one flew in, shot Malala and then disappeared as happened in case of OBL. Taliban have phoned the media and confirmed that they carried out the attack this is good enough for me.

I have no desire to try to rationalize actions of a barbaric group. However in my humble opinion, Taliban are against female education, they keep blowing away girls schools. Malala represents the breed of brave Swati girls who are not afraid to defy Taliban. Taliban wanted to convey a clear message as to what happens to those who defy them. Besides, with no security guards and a van full of school girls, Malala was an easy target.

However, if you think that it is all a hoax to defame Taliban; you are welcome to your opinion. No one can stop you from thinking whatever you feel like.
Honourable Sir,

Can’t see the objective of your question? Are you trying to imply that it is not Taliban who carried out the attack? Certainly no one flew in, shot Malala and then disappeared as happened in case of OBL. Taliban have phoned the media and confirmed that they carried out the attack this is good enough for me.

I have no desire to try to rationalize actions of a barbaric group. However in my humble opinion, Taliban are against female education, they keep blowing away girls schools. Malala represents the breed of brave Swati girls who are not afraid to defy Taliban. Taliban wanted to convey a clear message as to what happens to those who defy them. Besides, with no security guards and a van full of school girls, Malala was an easy target.

However, if you think that it is all a hoax to defame Taliban; you are welcome to your opinion. No one can stop you from thinking whatever you feel like.

guy listen to me, i dont control your mind, you are free to believe what you think, but my mind always try to rationalise whats happening, i asked some simple questions which nobody is even trying to bother, the secularists esp wont bother at all because they wanna believe it was the evil talibans again, i dont support the evil talibans but over the course of years i have learnt that blame is being put on talibans over many occasions proved to be false, there was little or no investigation after rehman malik put blame on the talibans, i dont believe in such nonsense which our government wants to believe, heck our govt tried to stop imran khan's drone protest, which was simpley because govt doesnt want people to see the truth, govt is hiding it and so is our media, our media was nowhere to be seen in imran's rally

my questions still remain there that if she was shot for her alleged secular beliefs than why they didnt attack ANP headquarters in the first place??

as for the school girls, no school girl was targetted or killed, it was only girls school which was targetted.. even american drones destroyed the girl school
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