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Suspicion on US special forces for hand in kamra base attack

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Ok, I agree with the creative editing :D

However, this has the potential to end up as a great story!

A new thread on PDF:

"Hyperion was a terrorist from the Delta Gama Tau wing of the Green Berets (US of-course), who was cornered by our Elite member @BatMan, and interrogated on a thread, till @Hyperion lost it, he was duly overpowered by our elite and senior members, however, before we could recover any further intelligence from his splattered grey matter, by the great tools devised at the secretive labs of the ISI, which hook up directly at the neural tendons, RAW stole the dead body"

Trust me, the above story would be read by 99% of the population here, and 500,000 thanks will be inter-exchanged :D

Yup but theres one major flaw in your story ! Only 2 things created by Providence can ever kill a Pukhtoon never mind actually result in brain splatter :

The original strand of tobacco that fell from the laps of the God's and the first man created the first batch of Naswar. Lo and Behold - the First Pukhtoon was born ! A mere touch of that holy of hollies can undo the deep magic that binds the very sinews of a Pukhtoon and take all of the magical powers that your race posses ! Namely - How I can't tell whether you're cursing me in Pashto or uttering a Love Song because it sounds the same thing with the 'za..za..za and the da..da...da' ! :P

And the other thing - a tear from the other holy of hollies - the first Buttt from the lineage of the Great Buttts of the Ancient Buttt Kingdom that spanned modern day Kashmir, North Punjab, KP and North India ! He was also the first wise guy who opened up the first 'English Dictionary' and in his dying moments left the name 'Buttt' for his posterity as a last act of vengeance against his son who forgot to bring Roghni Naan with the Nihari he had ordered in the morning and condemned 'the Buttts' to an everlasting existence of being the 'buttt' of all jokes related to the human rear ! Damn him...damn him ! But anyhow its only his tear that can end a Pukhtoon's life ! Legend has it that to revive him one needs to prepare the best Nihari ever conceived by man and then do a chicken dance in front of it all the while being watched by an army of eunuchs while your buttt naked ! :D

Good luck with that, Khan Sahib ! :D
Yup but theres one major flaw in your story ! Only 2 things created by Providence can ever kill a Pukhtoon never mind actually result in brain splatter :

The original strand of tobacco that fell from the laps of the God's and the first man created the first batch of Naswar. Lo and Behold - the First Pukhtoon was born ! A mere touch of that holy of hollies can undo the deep magic that binds the very sinews of a Pukhtoon and take all of the magical powers that your race posses ! Namely - How I can't tell whether you're cursing me in Pashto or uttering a Love Song because it sounds the same thing with the 'za..za..za and the da..da...da' ! :P

And the other thing - a tear from the other holy of hollies - the first Buttt from the lineage of the Great Buttts of the Ancient Buttt Kingdom that spanned modern day Kashmir, North Punjab, KP and North India ! He was also the first wise guy who opened up the first 'English Dictionary' and in his dying moments left the name 'Buttt' for his posterity as a last act of vengeance against his son who forgot to bring Roghni Naan with the Nihari he had ordered in the morning and condemned 'the Buttts' to an everlasting existence of being the 'buttt' of all jokes related to the human rear ! Damn him...damn him ! But anyhow its only his tear that can end a Pukhtoon's life ! Legend has it that to revive him one needs to prepare the best Nihari ever conceived by man and then do a chicken dance in front of it all the while being watched by an army of eunuchs while your buttt naked ! :D

Good luck with that, Khan Sahib ! :D

I mean that was authentically epic! :girl_wacko:

Yara, Butttsy we can become best of friends! :cheers:
First of all your so called, 'NATO bound convoys' is technically a multi billion dollar, thankless aid from Pakistanis.

Secondly, non of your convoys carry night vision and sophisticated electronics, those can be shipped via air. what is going through Pakistan is food, ammunition and vehicles.

Thirdly, all attacks were bombing missions on oil tankers.

Fourthly, those attacks are always fake, enabling intermidiaries to get rich, at the loss of both Pakistani and US taxpayers money.

Last but not least, take your convoys out of Pakistan, they only are reason for sorrow for Pakistan.

You are missing the most important..... intelligence support!
The only state which has most established intelligence infrastructure in Pakistan is Indians.
Apparently, Its a joint operation, technology explosives from one state and execution by the other.

Convoys delivered ammo, vehicles and food, as well as carry night vision equipment. Might as well say those Humvees provided to the Taliban by the U.S. Army Special Forces. Food, ammo, and vehicles can also be shipped via air as well.

U.S.M.C. M1A1 Abrams Tank Flown to Afghanistan on a C-17 Globemaster III - YouTube
I mean that was authentically epic! :girl_wacko:

Yara, Butttsy we can become best of friends! :cheers:

and 500,000 thanks will be inter-exchanged
Happy Best Friend's Day. :tup:

Convoys delivered ammo, vehicles and food, as well as carry night vision equipment. Might as well say those Humvees provided to the Taliban by the U.S. Army Special Forces. Food, ammo, and vehicles can also be shipped via air as well.

U.S.M.C. M1A1 Abrams Tank Flown to Afghanistan on a C-17 Globemaster III - YouTube

Seems to be the pretty smart way!
Whats the problem than, doing it (shipping tanks by air).... every time! :coffee:
suicide attacks of these type does not need the sophisticated training and equipment.They just need to research the easiest way to get in.Since they dont plan to get out alive,just take the enemy by surprise and kill as much as possible before getting killed.Btw ISI or any pak agency have not even indicated the involvement of NATO in these attacks.ISI's name is added in the opening post to add some credibility to this stupid conspiracy theory.
I personally think that the American Task Force 373 (TF373) could be behind this attack keeping in light its bloody past and bases in Khost and Kunar from where major terrorism comes into Pakistan. However, it might not be so since the TF373 act as more of standalone contractors rather than trainers and the level of training imparted to the terrorist Afghan Commandos was very high which can lead one to safely suggest that such specified exercise could only be the handiwork of the elite US Special Operations forces scattered across Afghanistan.....................

Opinions are like a55-holes - everybody has one.

Pity your opinion in this case is similar to what comes out of said orifice, unless you wish to present some tangible proof for that wild bout of mental diarrhea.
First of all your so called, 'NATO bound convoys' is technically a multi billion dollar, thankless aid from Pakistanis.

Secondly, non of your convoys carry night vision and sophisticated electronics, those can be shipped via air. what is going through Pakistan is food, ammunition and vehicles.

Thirdly, all attacks were bombing missions on oil tankers.

Fourthly, those attacks are always fake, enabling intermidiaries to get rich, at the loss of both Pakistani and US taxpayers money.

Last but not least, take your convoys out of Pakistan, they only are reason for sorrow for Pakistan.

You are missing the most important..... intelligence support!
The only state which has most established intelligence infrastructure in Pakistan is Indians.
Apparently, Its a joint operation, technology explosives from one state and execution by the other.

not sure what you mean by sophisticated electronics but all ammunition is shipped in by air.
Yup but theres one major flaw in your story ! Only 2 things created by Providence can ever kill a Pukhtoon never mind actually result in brain splatter :

The original strand of tobacco that fell from the laps of the God's and the first man created the first batch of Naswar. Lo and Behold - the First Pukhtoon was born ! A mere touch of that holy of hollies can undo the deep magic that binds the very sinews of a Pukhtoon and take all of the magical powers that your race posses ! Namely - How I can't tell whether you're cursing me in Pashto or uttering a Love Song because it sounds the same thing with the 'za..za..za and the da..da...da' ! :P

And the other thing - a tear from the other holy of hollies - the first Buttt from the lineage of the Great Buttts of the Ancient Buttt Kingdom that spanned modern day Kashmir, North Punjab, KP and North India ! He was also the first wise guy who opened up the first 'English Dictionary' and in his dying moments left the name 'Buttt' for his posterity as a last act of vengeance against his son who forgot to bring Roghni Naan with the Nihari he had ordered in the morning and condemned 'the Buttts' to an everlasting existence of being the 'buttt' of all jokes related to the human rear ! Damn him...damn him ! But anyhow its only his tear that can end a Pukhtoon's life ! Legend has it that to revive him one needs to prepare the best Nihari ever conceived by man and then do a chicken dance in front of it all the while being watched by an army of eunuchs while your buttt naked ! :D

Good luck with that, Khan Sahib ! :D

HaHa, you sir are crazy. I don't know what you're going on about but that was really funny- and confusing.:cheesy:
What a nonsensical analysis by the author in his vid! How can such dumbos be called 'security analysts'? Jeeez! He doesn't know WTF he's talking about. His is a conspiracy theory of galactic proportions! Shades of Zaid Hamid! How come such nuts are encouraged by Pak media?

And why he calls the Afghan Taliban, 'freedom fighters' is bizarre! :blink:
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IF this is true then US should be ready for a tactical response in Afghanistan.
Game Afghanistan begins now!
The premise of the article is, since Taliban are too dumb illeducated, thus the devices MUST have come from USA.

The devices may have come from US troops, there are plenty left aroudn due to kilings in Afghanistan and the US troops selling thier gear for drugs.

the device, the planning, the intelligence, the training, the brain washing - its all about time to call a spade a spade.

a massive nazi-esque lie is being pushed through that makes you believe there is a never ending supply of well trained, well equipped, well informed ******'s who have no external support.

this is nonsense.

bring the us to a country and you bring their black ops.

the zionist us is undermining pakistan from within to capture its nukes, simple plan.
Militants who attacked the Minhas Air Base in the aviation city of Kamra had highly-sophisticated equipment and possessed a very tactical standard of guerrilla warfare training which no ordinary Taliban brigade has.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/pakist...tack-pakistan-s-kamra-base.html#ixzz25Cst0R4x

well i am happy- even after so much sophistication they failed we succeeded-
Salute to our brave men-
ISI never claimed that while zaki claimed it so. dont trust the source its coming from individuals

He doesn't know WTF he's talking about. His is a conspiracy theory of galactic proportions! Shades of Zaid Hamid! How come such nuts are encouraged by Pak media?


He is not encouraged by Pakistani media he is running his own blog. :) and i agree with one of your line your post
Insinuations maybe true or not, one thing is for certain, TerminalX is a bunch of self appointed morons! :sick:

TerminalX: Same agenda as Zahid Hamid & Co, albeit, with better articulation skills!

You said it, Matey.
Somehow Pakistan has a plethora of such analists hanging from every tree branch. Who come out some-times, spout some gaff and then disappear till their next appearance. goD bless them all!!!! :lol:

But funnier still is the fact that these blokes even have a constituency of clowns that swallow all their pronouncements: hook, line and sinker!
goD bless them also!!!! :rofl:
Operation Tight Screw is not going to happen, US is also not going to stop drone attacks, Blame game will continue.

We will not do anything for the US because this is not out war this is US's imaginary war on terror & now US is completely stuck in it. US, NATO & India are training the "REAL TERRORISTS" who are daily trying to cross the border from Afghanistan into Pakistan but thanks to ALLAH al mighty our Pak Army is doing a great job by killing these terrorists.

Now you tell me why US & NATO are taking action against all this BULL SH*T??? Tons of proves have been thrown on the face of US & NATO yet the terrorism continues from US, NATO & India.

My job is to spread the truth & the people who want to keep their eyes shut they are crying on this thread. There were several claims by the CIA ex officers & employes that 9/11 was an inside job, people who wanted to stay deaf & blind they laughed at it & blamed Muslims for every thing. The whole of Pakistan knows including Pak Army & the Intelligence agencies that US, NATO & Indians are behind all these attacks on Pak Army bases & Headquarter.

Hindis well you people can't handle the truth the only thing you can do is to lie & spread massive propaganda & shine your blur India.

I am 100% sure that these attacks were carried out by US, NATO & India.
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